Sejahtera Bakti Hospital - Salatiga City

4/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Sejahtera Bakti Hospital

Address :

Jl. Damar Jl. Magersari No.136, Tegalrejo, Argomulyo, Salatiga City, Central Java 50733, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +98
Postal code : 50733
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Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Jl. Damar Jl. Magersari No.136, Tegalrejo, Argomulyo, Salatiga City, Central Java 50733, Indonesia
Yuni Sulaiman on Google

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Gak usah coba periksa dan berobat kesini khususnya pasien tumor (kanker). Suami sy dari RS Telogorejo didiagnosa tumor lambung. Periksa pertama di RS Sejahtera Bakti di raba perut+1jarum akupuntur (tanpa melihat hsl.lab, ct scan dan endoskopi) dan dikatakan tumor lambung dak usah operasi nanti lgs mondok sj 1 malam katanya utk bloking sel tumor. 1 minggu kemudian kami datang lg krn suami muntah darah. Diberi resep yg dibeli di toko obat RS holistik (obat2an cina utk pendarahan krn di cankang kapsul ada label yunan...., sy check di olshop hrg di RS 3x lbh mahal). Satu bln kemudian periksa lg, katanya tumor di bag atas lambung sdh hilang msh sisa yg di bag bawah lambung. Waktu kami menyerahkan hsl ct scan kedua yg kami bawa hanya dilihat sekilas dan katanya sdh banyak perubahan baik, ketika suami tanya "apakah saya perlu operasi prof" di jawab "memang kalo bapak dak operasi bapak dak gelo no". Suami sy akhirnya tetap di operasi dan dokter bedah hny bisa eksplorasi tanpa pengangkatan tumor+lambung krn hasilnya berbanding terbalik dg yg dikatakan Prof Haryoko sebelumnya yaitu 'tumornya sudah menyeluruh di lambung dan menempel di hati, diagfraghma dan vena-aorta jantung'. 3 minggu kemudian suami saya kembali ke Yang Maha Kuasa dg diagnosa akhir kanker lambung stadium IV. Intinya...terapi di RS holistik sejahtera bakti tdk profesional. Bisa jadi ada yg sembuh dan terekspos luas, tapi ada lebih banyak yg justru sebaliknya dan tidak terekspose karena ybs sdh meninggal dunia dan keluarga enggan mengungkapkan.
No need to try to check and seek treatment here, especially patients with tumors (cancer). My husband from Telogorejo Hospital was diagnosed with a stomach tumor. First check at the Sejahtera Bakti Hospital in touch with the stomach + 1 acupuncture needle (without seeing hsl.lab, ct scan and endoscopy) and it is said that a stomach tumor does not need surgery later in the morning for 1 night he said for tumor cell blocking. 1 week later we came again because the husband vomited blood. Given a prescription that was bought at a holistic hospital drugstore (Chinese medicines for bleeding because in capsule capsules have a yunan label ..., I checked at the olshop hrg at the hospital 3x more expensive). One month later check again, he said the tumor in the bag over the stomach has disappeared, but the rest in the bag under the stomach. When we handed in the second ct scan that we brought only a glance and he said there were many good changes, when the husband asked "do I need prof surgery" in the answer "indeed if you did not operate the father did not gelo no". My husband finally remained in surgery and the surgeon could only explore without removal of the tumor + stomach because the results were inversely proportional to what Prof. Haryoko had said before that 'the tumor was completely in the stomach and attached to the liver, diaphragmma and heart veins'. 3 weeks later my husband returned to the Almighty with the final diagnosis of stage IV gastric cancer. The point is ... therapy in holistic prosperous hospital is unprofessional. It could be that there are people who are healed and exposed to a wide range, but there are more who are just the opposite and are not exposed because they have died and families are reluctant to disclose.
Dea Hoko on Google

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Alhamdulillah, dengan ijin Allah . Di RSU bakti sejahtera sy menjemput kesembuhan ayah saya, Kesembuhan hanya kehendak allah, sesungguh manusia hanya bisa berusaha dan berdo'a meminta kesembuhan kepada Allah. Jangan lupa ihtiar,slu berdo'a, sholat malam meninta kesembuhan. Dari stadium 5 , bpk sy sudah terkena gagal Ginjal , yg seharusny dari RSU budi rahayu blitar harus d cuci darah. Kratine yg sudah mencapai 11 kurng lebih . Disini bpk sy d rawat inap 4 hari , oleh prof Di dampingi Perawat dan dokter yg sangat ramah ,luwes, bahasany jawa halus. Bpk sy d suntik dengan d masuk kan obt herbal dari prof selama 2 kali . 1 kali suntikan d lewat kan inpus 25 suntik Dan kedua 1 kali suntik 25 suntik juga. Alhamdulillah D obat herbal kedua sy d ringankan beban biaya o , juga kamar vip nya sy juga d kurangi beban biaya. Karena obat herbalny dri prof sangat mahal buat saya, untuk kesembuhan bpk sy uang bukan segalanya. Alhamdulillah, setelah selesai pengobatan, kratine bpk sy bisa turun . Meski tidak bnyk tpi bpk sy sudah terlihat bugar kembali , tpi msh perlu rawat jalan dan setiap bulan kontrol d RSU ini. Semoga segera sembuh Aminnn aminnnn RSU ini sperti kluarga sendiri,
Alhamdulillah, with the permission of Allah. At the Bakti Sejahtera Hospital, I picked up my father's recovery, Healing is only God's will, indeed humans can only try and pray for healing from Allah. Don't forget to do ihtiar, always pray, pray at night asking for healing. From stage 5, I have had kidney failure, which should have been dialysis from Budi Rahayu Hospital. Kratine which has reached more than 11 kurng. Here, sir, I was hospitalized for 4 days, by prof Accompanied by nurses and doctors who are very friendly, flexible, with smooth Javanese discussion. Sir, I injected with the herbal medicine from the prof for 2 times. 1 injection in 25 injections And both 1 injection 25 injections too. Alhamdulillah D the second herbal medicine I have reduced the cost burden o, also the VIP room I also reduce the cost burden. Because the herbal medicine from Prof is very expensive for me, for my recovery, money is not everything. Alhamdulillah, after finishing treatment, my kratine can go down. Although not much, but I look fit again, but still need outpatient care and control at this hospital every month. Get well soon Aminnn aminnnn This hospital is like the family itself,
Gunter Prien on Google

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Yg punya saudara terdeteksi kena tumor/cancer lebih baik tidak perlu dibawa kesini..percayalah pada pengobatan konvensional saja..saudara saya terkena cancer payudara tidak ada perbaikan selama 1 thn terapi disini..sekarang melanjutkan kemo di sby dan semarang semoga cepat diberi kesembuhan..aminn YRA
If you have a brother detected with a tumor / cancer, it is better if you don't need to bring it here ... just believe in conventional treatment ... my brother has breast cancer there has been no improvement for 1 year of therapy here ... now continue chemo in sby and hopefully he will get a quick cure. .aminn YRA
Abdurrahman Bustomi on Google

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Prof. DR, Haryoko, sangatlah saya malu sama beliau, betapa tidak, saya membawa pasien dari Bogor, setelah bbrp hari sembuh dirawat, malah gratis tdk boleh membayar. tdk berhenti disitu, beliau jg menghadiahkan mengirimkan sebuah mimbar masjid jati Jepara ukuran besar untuk di masjid besar kami di Cawi Bogor. smg beliau bertambah berkah dalam segala hal. salam hurmat dari segenap DKM masjid besar .?Baeturahmahmengucapkan salam hurmat
Prof. DR, Haryoko, I am very ashamed of him, how could I not, I brought a patient from Bogor, after several days of recovery, he was treated for free, even if he was not allowed to pay. It didn't stop there, he also gave a gift to send a large Jepara teak mosque pulpit for our big mosque in Cawi Bogor. may he be blessed in every way. Greetings from all DKM big mosques ?Baeturahmah say hello hurmat
D.C. Agus Setyawan on Google

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Rumah sakit ini berada di tengah komplek perumahan. Rumah sakit ini tidak terlalu besar, namun memiliki kekhasan dengan terapi akupunturnya sehingga pasiennya juga lumayan banyak dan ramai.
This hospital is in the middle of a housing complex. This hospital is not too big, but it has a unique acupuncture treatment so that the patients are also quite numerous and crowded.
Bassalamah Gallery on Google

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Rumah sakit holistik berada di area perumahan. Nggak begitu besar. Suasana tenang ngga bising. Pendaftaran di loket 110rb ( untuk yg baru pertama kali ) kalo yg Uda pernah pendaftaran 100rb dpt kertas kecil kyk yg biasa dpt di rumah sakit/ puskesmas. Untuk resep biasanya 1 jenis aja mungkin Uda racikan. Kisaran 550rb-750rb Jadi buat yg baru dtg mungkin bisa nyediain dana yg cukup karena kasir tidak menyediakan EDC Untuk pembayaran non tunai biar kalian nggak Mutar2 nyari Mesin ATM. Sepertinya tidak melayani BPJS dan asuransi kesehatan lainnya. Mungkin karena holistik jadi di sini saat di periksa kyk di tusuk dengan jarum kecil di leher. Semoga reviewnya bermanfaat.
Holistic hospital in a residential area. Not so big. The atmosphere is calm and not noisy. Registration at the 110kb counter (for the first time), if you have ever registered 100rb, you can get a small piece of paper that can be used at a hospital / puskesmas. For recipes usually just 1 type may Uda concoction. 550rb-750rb range So for those who are new to may be able to provide sufficient funds because the cashier does not provide EDC For non-cash payments so you do not play around looking for ATM machines. It doesn't seem to serve BPJS and other health insurance. Maybe because it's holistic, it's here when it's checked by being stabbed with a small needle in the neck. Hopefully the review is useful.
Maka Nastar on Google

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Yang sakit kanker/tumor coba berobat disini, semoga bisa sembuh spt 3 org yg saya kenal. Saudara saya kanker payudara sudah besar sampai puting masuk bisa sembuh tanpa operasi, tidak kambuh 13 tahun sejak diagnosa sampai sekarang. Tetangga saya tumor nasofaring,setelah pengobatan di CT Scan mengecil, dr sampai heran berobat dmn, lalu dilanjut lg berobat di Prof dan sembuh sampai skg. Teman ibu saya juga sembuh ca nasofaring, setelah berobat tetap dioperasi krn ga pede ada benjolan di leher, tp dr yg ngoprasi bilang kalo akarnya sudah mati, sembuh tidak kambuh smpe skg. Memang berobat dimanapun tidak ada yg bisa menjamin 100% sembuh, baik di RS terkenal sampai ke luar negri. Yg meninggal krn tidak kuat kemo banyak. Yang setelah operasi kanker tumbuh lg jg banyak. Jadi apapun metode pengobatannya tinggal kemantapan hati yg menjalani saja, untuk yakin bahwa cara pengobatan yg dipilih adalah yg terbaik, apapun nanti hasilnya itu adalah kehendak Yang Maha Kuasa. Tentang biaya memang terasa mahal untuk sekali datang, tp jika dihitung dng biaya operasi, kemo radiasi puluhan kali, mungkin jatuhnya akan sama saja. Prof Haryoko org baik, beliau meringankan biaya kerabat sy ketika tidak siap dana. Terimakasih Prof.. Semoga yg sedang berjuang dengan penyakit diberi kesabaran dan lekas sembuh.
Those who are sick with cancer/tumor try to get treatment here, hopefully they can recover like 3 people I know. My brother's breast cancer is so big that his nipples can be healed without surgery, it hasn't recur 13 years since his diagnosis until now. My neighbor has a nasopharyngeal tumor, after treatment at the CT scan it shrunk, Dr. I was surprised where he was treated, then continued treatment at Prof and recovered until now. My mother's friend also recovered from nasopharyngeal disease, after treatment, he still operated on because he was not confident there was a lump in his neck, but the doctor who operated on said that if the root was dead, it had not recurred until now. Indeed, there is no treatment anywhere that can guarantee 100% recovery, both in well-known hospitals and abroad. Those who died because they weren't strong enough chemo. After surgery, the cancer grows a lot. So whatever the treatment method is, it's just a matter of heart that is undergoing it, to be sure that the method of treatment chosen is the best, whatever the result will be is the will of the Almighty. Regarding the cost, it seems expensive to come once, but if it is calculated with the cost of surgery, chemo radiation dozens of times, maybe the fall will be the same. Prof. Haryoko is a good person, he eases the costs of my relatives when they are not ready for funds. Thank you Prof.. Hopefully those who are struggling with illness are given patience and get well soon.
Ita Sriharjanti on Google

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