Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar - Karanganyar Regency

3/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar

Address :

Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani, Gapura Papahan Indah, Papahan, Tasikmadu, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java 57722, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +799
Postal code : 57722
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani, Gapura Papahan Indah, Papahan, Tasikmadu, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java 57722, Indonesia
Rinai Fajar on Google

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Hari Rabu malam (09/03) adalah hari pertama menunggu pasien di ruang ICU. Saat itu dua perawat di ICU sangat baik dalam hal melayani, memberi informasi, dan berbicara kepada wali pasien. Saya tidak sempat melihat nametag, tapi saya ingat kedua perawat itu memiliki bentuk mata almond eyes. Postur tubuhnya yang satu sedikit berisi, sedangkan yang satunya sedikit kurus. Senang bertemu dengan mereka. Di malam yang sama saya bertemu dengan salah seorang satpam yang menjaga pintu selatan. Saya taksir umurnya sekitar 45-an dan memiliki postur seperti satpam pada umumnya. Beliau tidak ramah dan menggunakan nada tinggi saat menegur kami. Khusus satpam ini saya beri bintang satu. Hari Jum'at (11/03) adalah kedua kalinya saya menunggu pasien. Saya masuk lewat pintu selatan sesaat setelah adzan salat Jum'at berkumandang. Saya bertemu dengan satpam perempuan. Saya tidak melihat nametag, tapi saya ingat alisnya rapi dan bentuk matanya almod. Beliau menanyakan beberapa hal dan saya menjawabnya dengan jujur. Ibu satpam itu memberikan saya izin masuk ruangan tanpa harus bertukar kartu penunggu pasien terlebih dahulu. Untuk kali ini, Ibu satpam saya beri bintang 5. Beliau sopan, bertanya tidak menggunakan nada tinggi, dan dari gesturnya terlihat menghargai saya meski saya masih kecil. Hari Minggu (13/03) saya kembali. Saat menunggu pasien ada satpam muda yang mengingatkan penunggu pasien ICU dan op untuk menjaga barang-barangnya. Bagus, kami jadi lebih aware. Kemudian ketika saya mau pulang, saya lewat IGD karena motor diparkir disana. Sebuah kesalahan dari saya karena melewati lorong tersebut disaat pasien sangat banyak (jam 23.00). Ada salah satu perawat yang memiliki bentuk mata round eyes, alis warna coklat dengan bentuk balok tipis, dan memiliki tatapan mata yang tajam namun sangat terlihat jika beliau sedang lelah yang bertanya ke saya tentang tunjuan saya hendak kemana, saya jawab mau pulang. Beliau bilang kalau pulang lewat pintu selatan, saya jawab iya. Saya tidak berhenti atau berputar balik ke pintu selatan. Saya teruskan langkah menunu pintu IGD. Sesaat setelah itu saya menyesal. Seharusnya saya putar balik atau minimal berhenti ketika Ibu itu bertanya. Saya taksir beliau adalah perawat senior. Jika ada yang mengenal beliau, saya titip minta maaf karena tadi abai dengannya. Semoga beliau memaafkan saya.
Wednesday night (09/03) was the first day waiting for patients in the ICU. At that time the two nurses in the ICU were very good in terms of serving, providing information, and talking to the patient's guardian. I didn't get to look at the nametags, but I remember the two nurses had almond eyes. The posture of one body is slightly bulky, while the other is a little thin. Nice to meet them. That same night I met one of the security guards guarding the south door. I estimate he is in his 45s and has a posture like a normal security guard. He was unfriendly and used a high pitched tone when addressing us. Especially for this security guard I give one star. Friday (11/03) was the second time I waited for a patient. I entered through the south door shortly after the call to prayer for Friday prayers sounded. I met a female security guard. I didn't see the nametag, but I do remember his eyebrows are neat and his eyes are almod. He asked a few questions and I answered them honestly. The security guard gave me permission to enter the room without having to exchange the patient waiting card first. This time, my security guard gave 5 stars. She was polite, asked questions not using a high tone, and from her gestures she seemed to respect me even though I was still small. Sunday (13/03) I returned. While waiting for the patient, there was a young security guard who reminded the ICU patient and the op to guard their belongings. Good, we are more aware. Then when I wanted to go home, I passed the emergency room because the motorbike was parked there. A mistake from me for passing through the hallway when there were so many patients (23.00 hours). There is one nurse who has round eyes, brown eyebrows with thin beams, and has sharp eyes but it is very visible when she is tired when she asks me about where I'm going, I answer that I want to go home. He said if he came home through the south door, I said yes. I didn't stop or turn back to the south door. I continued walking towards the emergency room door. Shortly after that I regretted it. I should have turned around or at least stopped when she asked. I estimate she is a senior nurse. If anyone knows him, I leave my apologies for ignoring him. I hope he forgives me.
Sarah Hudiatsani on Google

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Perawat di ICU tolong berbicara dengan kata-kata yg sopan, Tegas itu gak harus menyakiti hati. Saya akui kalau saya memang keliru karena masuk ke ruang ICU tidak sesuai jadwal. (maaf) Tapi tolong gunakan bahasa yg santun, hampir semua perawat memberikan ccibiran yg meengecewakan dan kurang pantas diucapkan. Dan tolong kalau berbicara dengan rekan kerja gunakan nada yg rendah karena suara anda-anda sekalian sangat menganggu. Mungkin kalian memang lelah dengan beban kerja yang berat tapi mohon di ingat pekerjaan kalian memberikan jasa pelayanan katanya rumah sakit yang profesional, RAMAH, ISLAMI, dsb. tapi maaf sekali sikap sebagian perawat dalam melayani tidak mencerminkan keramahan dan keislamian. Mau kasih bukti dengan moto orangnya satu2 atau video tp sayang sudh terpampang peringatan dilarang mendokentasikan (bakal kena pasal) jadi kalau kalian minta bukti ya semoga kalian bisa mengingat sendiri bagaimana ucapan dan tingkah kalian selama bertugas. #tambahan :hari pertama masuk ICU tiba2 ada satu petugas keamanan masuk dan ngedumel dengan keras sambil main hp "penunggu pasien ICU banyak sekali" (dalam.bahasa jawa) trus dijwb sama suster2 yg jaga dengan kata2 yg yaaaa begitullahh Saya baca banyak ulasan kurang baik terkait pelayanannya. Mohon perlu di evaluasi kinerjanya kembali. Atau mungkin ini salah satu strategi RS supaya pada trauma dan gk mau sakit supaya gk balik lagi ke RS??
Nurse in ICU please speak with polite words, Firmness doesn't have to hurt the heart. I admit that I was wrong because I entered the ICU not according to schedule. (excuse me) But please use polite language, almost all nurses give a disappointing sneer and it's inappropriate to say. And please when talking to coworkers use a low tone because your voice-you guys are very disturbing. Maybe you are really tired with a heavy workload but please remember that your job is to provide services such as professional, FRIENDLY, ISLAMIC hospitals, etc. but sorry the attitude of some nurses in serving does not reflect hospitality and Islam. I want to give evidence with one person's motto or video, but unfortunately there is a warning that it is forbidden to document (will be subject to an article) so if you ask for proof, I hope you can remember for yourself how you said and acted while on duty. #addition: the first day of entering the ICU suddenly a security officer came in and shouted loudly while playing on the cellphone "there are lots of ICU patient waitors" (in Javanese) then the nurses on duty answered with the same words I read a lot of bad reviews regarding the service. Please need to re-evaluate its performance. Or maybe this is one of the hospital's strategies so that they are traumatized and don't want to get sick so they don't come back to the hospital again??
Mulia Karentia on Google

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Sekali lagi, ini kenapa yg ngasih rate bintang 1 banyak bgt tapi kenapa tidak ditindak tegas ya perihal pelayanannya ? Desember kemarin saya SC di sini, subhanallah pelayanan di ruang bersalin dan rawat inapnya ngga ramah sama sekali. Apa karena saya menggunakan asuransi BPJS jadi boleh dibentak dan diketus in ya ? Saya pasien SC, hari ke 3 baru bisa jalan mau nengok anak di ruang bayi langsung dibentak dgn susternya " kalo nengok bayi nggak boleh, bolehnya nyusuin " hadeuhh ... Selama periksa kehamilan di poli kandungan tidak ada masalah dgn dokter dan perawatnya. Tapi pas melahirkan di sana malah trauma karena pelayanan rawat inap pasca persalinan nggak ramah sama sekali. Malah adik2 yg sedang PKL di sana baik2 dan sopan, beda jauh dgn para pegawainya.
Once again, why are there so many 1-star rates, but why isn't there strict action against the service? Last December I had SC here, subhanallah, the service in the delivery room and inpatient care was not friendly at all. Is it because I use BPJS insurance so I can be yelled at and ordered in, right? I am an SC patient, on the 3rd day I was able to walk and want to see the child in the nursery, the nurse immediately shouted "If you can't see a baby, you can breastfeed" Hadeuhh... During the pregnancy checkup at the gynecology poly, there were no problems with the doctors and nurses. But when I gave birth there, I was even traumatized because the post-natal inpatient service was not friendly at all. Even the brothers who are street vendors there are kind and polite, much different from the employees.
Rahmat X Kotes on Google

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Minta rujukan dr. Elief, dr jam 8 sampai jam 11.30. Luamaaaa banget. Dokternya datang lama...... Kejadian pada 7 februari 2022. Buibu yg ke dr elief pada ngomel2 juga. Kuberi 2 bintang lah
Ask for a referral from Dr. Elief, from 8 to 11.30. It's sooooooo great. The doctor came a long time ago...... What happened to February 7, 2022. Buibu who went to Dr. Elief was also nagging. I'll give you 2 stars
Rony Harlyson on Google

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RS paling lelet dan lambat se-Indonesia saya dinyatakan bisa pulang sama dokter dari jam 14.00 karena dbd terus nunggu administrasinya gila lama nya luar biasa padahal saya bayar umum atau pribadi baru selesai dan boleh pulang jam 20.30 itu pun saya harus tanya berkali kali ke bagian perawat Udah gtu pembayarannya hanya bisa pake debit mandiri itu pun di cash dan selain itu kena potongan 10%luar biasa di jaman modern spt skrg ini harus bayar pake cash.payah banget pokok nya
The slowest and slowest hospital in Indonesia, I was declared to be able to go home with the doctor from 14.00 because dengue kept waiting for the administration to be insane, the length of time was extraordinary, even though I paid public or private payments, I just finished and was allowed to go home at 20.30. I had to ask many times to the nurse. After all, the payment can only be done using an independent debit, and even then in cash and besides that, you get an extraordinary 10% discount in modern times like now you have to pay with cash. It's really bad.
Adella Putu on Google

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Bintang 5 untuk gedung PKU yg baru Al Madinah lt.3 semua perawat dokter dan pegawai lainnya yg sangat ramah ruangan yg nyaman dan pelayanan yg sangat baik? Bintang 1 untuk bagian igd mbak2 perawatnya trnyata bukan 1/2 orang aja yg mengeluhkan "perawat ketus" tolong diperbaiki lagi penyampaian teguran kepada pasien / keluarga pasien klo sekiranya kita salah tolong diingatkan dgn cara yg baik kita ini orang awam dan kami hrgai kalian sbg perawat jgn spt orang yg gk ada attitudenya, Jgn karna beberapa oknum perawat yg ketus yg lain juga ikut kena imbasnya? Terimakasih Semoga bisa lebih baik ke depannya dalam RS PKU Muhammadiyah Kra
5 stars for the new PKU Al Madinah building, 3rd floor, all nurses, doctors and other employees who are very friendly, comfortable rooms and very good service ? 1 star for the emergency room, the nurses, it turns out that it's not only 1/2 people who complain about "irritating nurses" please improve the delivery of warnings to patients / patients' families, if we are wrong, please remind us in a good way, we are lay people and we respect you as nurses Don't be like people who don't have an attitude, don't be because some other curt nurses are also affected ? Thank you. Hopefully it will be better in the future in PKU Muhammadiyah Kra Hospital
Hasyim Gustam on Google

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?good place ?
Gunung Harjanto on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

not bad

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