Puskesmas Sriamur - Kabupaten Bekasi

2.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Puskesmas Sriamur

Address :

Jl. Sriamur No.43, Sriamur, Kec. Tambun Utara, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia

Postal code : 17510
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Jl. Sriamur No.43, Sriamur, Kec. Tambun Utara, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia
MHT 1 on Google

Harus ada peningkatan dalam penerimaan pasien poli dan rujukan sehingga harus datang "sangat" pagi daripada kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan lainnya. Harap dapat ditingkatkan lagi Edit : #PoliGigi & #Rujukan harus Dateng pagi ya!! Mau kalian darimanapun jangan samakan daerah kalian, kalian aja yang kurang info tentang kebijakan disini paham!
There should be an increase in the admission of polyclinic patients and referrals so that they have to come "very" early in the morning than other health care policies. Hope it can be improved again Edit : #PoliDentistry & #Referral must come early in the morning!! Wherever you want to come from, don't equate your area, just those of you who lack information about policies here understand!
agus rahma on Google

Knp puskesmas tidak bisa menerima pasien umum atau BPJS , trs puskesmas itu buat apa klu mau berobat tidak bisa ,, ,, ini pengalaman saya mau bertobat i anak saya karena saya tau klinik BPJS gk bakalan bisa tangani tp saya coba di puskesmas tertya juga tidk bisa menerima BPJS ,, umum pun tidak bisa dengan alasan sesuai nik anak , tidak masuk akal sekli harus bgthu dmn2 tu klu yg nama nya berobat tu tetep di tangan ni tp ini Songgon banget petugas pendaftaran ngomg SaMbil ngotot2 bgthu ya Allah rasa nya gwe kesel banget
Why can't the puskesmas accept general patients or BPJS, then what is the puskesmas for when you want treatment, you can't,,,, this is my experience, I want to repent for my child because I know the BPJS clinic won't be able to handle it, but I tried it at the puskesmas and it didn't work accept BPJS,, the general public can't even for reasons according to the child's name, it doesn't make sense at all, where do you have to go if the name for treatment is still in your hands but this is very Songgon, the registration officer says SaMbil insists, oh my God, I feel really annoyed
Boss Oppo on Google

Pelayanan buruk sangat buruk,bapak sakit minta rujukan di persulit ,kecewa sakit hati,ingat ya walaupun saya orang miskin anda perlakukan kaya gini Allah gak tidur
Bad service is very bad, sick father asks for a referral to be difficult, disappointed, hurt, remember, even though I am a poor person, you treat it like this, God doesn't sleep
Kidung Kinendra on Google

Yang namanya Suster Fenti jahat banget, kasar ke pasien.. menjijikkan Untuk anak2nya kalo besar semoga melihat komen ini, dan berpikir malu punya ibu seperti dia
The one whose name is Sister Fenti is very evil, rude to patients.. disgusting For the children, when they grow up, hopefully they will see this comment, and think it's a shame to have a mother like her
Abie Ryuken on Google

Untuk pelayanan sentra vaksinasi, cukup baiklah, kalau untuk faskes lain saya belum tahu, tapi semoga untuk semua faskes meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kepada masyarakat dengan sangat baik dan ramah, terimakasih
Purwoko Susilo on Google

Alhamdulillah... Senin, Tanggal 4 April 2022, Vaksinasi ke-3 (Booster) di Puskesmas Sriamur ini, bersama Istri Tercinta. Datang ke lokasi jam 7 pagi, menunggu hingga pelayanan Vaksinasi Booster dibuka jam 8 pagi. Masyarakat antre sesuai urutan kedatangan dan pendaftaran, para petugas medis melayani sesuai standar pelayanan umumnya. Proses vaksinasi berjalan lancar dan tertib, petugas bekerja dan melayani secara profesional. Cukup baik secara keseluruhan, tidak separah seperti kebanyakan anggapan dan ulasan ataupun komentar-komentar negatif tentang pelayanan di Puskesmas Sriamur ini. Vaksinasi Booster yang gratis, dilayani dengan senyum manis. ????? Pertahankan dan lanjutkan kinerja yang sudah baik, perbaiki andai masih ada yang belum cukup baik. Bekerja adalah juga bentuk beribadah, melayani masyarakat dengan sabar, ikhlas dan hati merendah... Yakinlah, Allah akan balas dengan berkah anugerah yang melimpah... ✨??✨
WL... Monday, April 4, 2022, This 3rd vaccination (Booster) at the Sriamur Health Center, with his Beloved Wife. Come to the location at 7 am, wait until the Booster Vaccination service opens at 8 am. People queue according to the order of arrival and registration, medical officers serve according to general service standards. The vaccination process ran smoothly and in an orderly manner, the officers worked and served professionally. Quite good overall, not as bad as most assumptions and reviews or negative comments about services at this Sriamur Health Center. Free Booster Vaccinations, served with a sweet smile. ??? Maintain and continue the already good performance, fix if there are still not good enough. Work is also a form of worship. serve the community with patience, sincerity and humility... Rest assured, Allah will reward you with abundant blessings... ️
Power Kingdom on Google

Pelayanan menurut saya sdh baik namun, systmny yg kurang baik, sengaja kasih bintang 5 agar dibaca manajemen, agar bisa di evaluasi kinerja tim Puskesmas SriAmur, pertama untuk Jadwal USG jika emang Siang mulainya yah dibikin siang Jadwalnya, Jangan orng di suruh datang pagi namun Dokternya datang seenak jidat nya jam 11.00, sehingga waktu Usg tidak efektif terkesan buru2. Jadwal USG 28 Maret 2022. Terimakasih.
The service in my opinion is good, however, the system is not good, I purposely gave 5 stars so that management can read it, so that the SriAmur Health Center team can evaluate the performance of the SriAmur Health Center team, first for the ultrasound schedule, if it starts in the afternoon, the schedule is made in the afternoon, don't tell people to come in the morning but the doctor came as nice as his forehead at 11.00, so the ultrasound time was not effective, it seemed rushed. Ultrasound schedule March 28, 2022. Thank you.
Fitria Bunda Ayu on Google

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