Puskesmas Magelang Utara - Magelang City

4.1/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Puskesmas Magelang Utara

Address :

Jl. Ahmad Yani No.244, Kedungsari, Magelang Utara, Magelang City, Central Java 56115, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +97
Postal code : 56115
Website : http://www.puskesmasmagelangutara.blogspot.com/
Opening hours :
Monday 7AM–2PM
Tuesday 7AM–2PM
Wednesday 7AM–2PM
Thursday 7AM–2PM
Friday 7–11AM
Saturday 7AM–12:30AM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Ahmad Yani No.244, Kedungsari, Magelang Utara, Magelang City, Central Java 56115, Indonesia
Adia Edtz on Google

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Utk puskesmas dan pelayanan OK. Tp sy periksa dgn dr.Sekti Handayani mlh di anggap seakan2 berbohong klo skit,berbicarapun dgn nada sinis. Sy hny rakyat biasa dok,mngantri lama pun sy lakukan demi mndapatkn pertolongan,pelayanan dan obt dr dokter. Skali lg,sy sdh OK trhadap sgla pelayanan Puskesmas Mgl utara,sy mengeluh lebih ke personal atas nama Dokter Sekti Handayani. Demikian,,smg bs mnjadiakn smua lebih baik
For puskesmas and OK services. But I checked with Dr..Stiti Handayani mlh considered as if lying when skit, speak cynically. Sy hny ordinary people dock, I did a long time in order to get help, service and get from a doctor. Again, I was OK with the service of the North Mgl Puskesmas, I complained more personally on behalf of Doctor Sekti Handayani. Thus, everything can be better
Muhamad Atik on Google

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Pelayanan memuaskan dan responsif. Hanya saja saya berfikir akan lebih baik jika dilengkapi dengan satpam yang siap membantu menyebrang. Saya sangat berharap nomor antri bisa di Share via YouTube streaming biar kekinian dan di pantau hehehehhe
Satisfying and responsive service. It's just that I thought it would be better if it was equipped with a security guard who was ready to help crossing. I really hope the queued numbers can be shared via YouTube streaming so that they are current and monitored hehehehhe
Ardian Saputro on Google

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Sengaja mau ngurus gigi yang dah lama gak dibersihin. Memang puskesmas ini mengalami perubahan dari beberapa tahun terakhir. Mulai dari antrian nomor pendaftaran, jumlah kursi tunggu dan fasilitas bermain anak serta toilet pasien yang dulu berada di belakang sekarang ada di samping ruang resep. Untuk klinik gigi sendiri memang butuh waktu ya tiap pasien nya karena memang keperluan akan masalah gigi berbeda beda. Jadi harap maklum jika memang menunggu agak lama dari klinik dr umum. Buat yang pakai kartu KIS/BPJS bisa sekali berobat disini. Kebetulan saya tidak punya makanya apa adanya saja membayar tarif nya. Saya pikir itu masih terjangkau untuk pengobatan gigi yang kata mereka mahal. Mau tau tarifnya monggo diliat foto yang saya sertakan. Get smart and keep healthy.
Intentionally want to take care of teeth that have not been cleaned for a long time. Indeed, this clinic has changed from the last few years. Starting from the queue registration number, the number of waiting seats and children's play facilities and patient toilets that used to be in the back are now beside the prescription room. For dental clinic itself takes time so each of his patients because it needs to be a dental problem is different. So please be advised if you really wait a while from the general clinic. Those who use KIS / BPJS cards can get medical treatment here. It so happened that I didn't have anything to just pay the tariff. I think it is still affordable for dental treatment which they said is expensive. Want to know the tariff, please look at the photo that I included. Get smart and keep healthy.
rina dwi on Google

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Layanan yang diberikan puskesmas sungguh mengecewakan, ya sebenernya saya beberapa kali mendapat layanan yang tidak mengenakan, tapi baru kali ini saya utarakan karna menurut saya sudah keterlaluan. Ibu saya kemarin baru datang ke puskesmas untuk minta surat rujukan ke RS Tidar untuk chek up mata, dan itu sudah biasa. Dan kemarin saat datang dokter tidak memberikan surat rujukan dan mengatakan kalau mata ibu saya masi baik-baik saja, saya katakan disini bahwa mata ibu saya sudah harus dilakukan operasi berdasarkan dokter spesialis mata atas dasar apa dokter puskesmas mengatakan belum butuh operasi dan lagi dokter memberikan obat tetes mata yg jelasΒ² tidak boleh digunakan untuk mata yg terindikasi katarak, mata ibu saya sebelah kanan sudah di operasi dan mata kiri menyusul untuk di operasi dan tidak boleh menggunakan obat mata sembarangan, aplg hanya obat mata untuk iritasi mata ringan. Akibat setelah menggunakan obat itu, ibu saya merasa pusing, dan berhenti menggunakan. Saya berharap pelayanan dari dokter harus benar-benar baik, terlebih lagi yg memberikan obat bukanlah dokter spesialis mata.
The services provided by the puskesmas are really disappointing, yes, actually I have had several times the service that is not used, but this is the first time I have said it because I think it is too much. Yesterday, my mother just came to the puskesmas to ask for a referral letter to Tidar Hospital for eye check-ups, and that's normal. And yesterday when the doctor arrived, the doctor did not give a referral letter and said that my mother's eyes were still fine, I said here that my mother's eyes had to be operated on based on an ophthalmologist on the basis of what the puskesmas doctor said she didn't need surgery and again the doctor gave medicine eye drops that are clear should not be used for eyes that indicate cataracts, my mother's right eye was operated on and her left eye was followed for surgery and should not use eye medication carelessly, aplg only eye medication for minor eye irritation. As a result of using the drug, my mother felt dizzy, and stopped using it. I hope that the doctor's service must be really good, moreover, those who provide medicine are not ophthalmologists.
wahyu sahri on Google

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Lumayan Bersih, lengkap, ada ruang bermain anak.. lbh baik pelayanan pegawai nya (ramah), obatnya bagus. pasien di uwongke. dibanding dengan pelayanan pegawai puskesmas pembantu kelurahan kel Wates yg judes2 ngga jelas dan ngga penting.. bad public servis.
Fairly clean, complete, there is a children's playroom ... better service of its employees (friendly), the medicine is good. patient at uwongke. Compared to the services of the staff of the Puskesmas helper of Kelurahan Wates who are bitchy, it is unclear and not important ... bad public service.
Dewie Novita on Google

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Menurut ku udah terstruktur banget kok.. Antrian buanyak itu ya wajar, tinggal cara kita ngantisipasi aja.. misal: ambil no antrian sejak pagi jam 6an, habis itu dapet nomer berapa tinggal dikira2 jam priksa nya.. jadi nggak buang2 waktu.. Satu hari satu pelayanan aja ya.. Maksudnya gini: kalo hari ini aku mau priksa golongan darah, habis itu mau priksa gigi, itu Nggak Bisa.. sehari ini cuma bisa milih salah satu doang.. Sabtu tetep bukak, tapi cuma sampe jam 1.. Biaya per periksa sudah aku foto'in.. Jadi bisa siap-siap duit nya.. ??? owhiya.. di sini free wifi nya kuenceng banget.. ??? jadi, sambil nunggu bisa streaming'an nonton drama korea.. ???
I think it's really structured ... The lot queue is reasonable, just the way we can anticipate it ... for example: take the queue no. since 6:00 a.m. so it doesn't waste time ... Just one day of service ... Meaning this: if today I want to check blood type, after that I want to check my teeth, it can't ... This day you can only choose one day ... Saturday still not, but only until 1 o'clock .. I have photographed the cost per check ... So you can get ready for the money ... ??? owhiya ... here I have really free wifi ... ??? So, while waiting for streaming, watch Korean drama ... ???
Hanifah Nadiani on Google

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Saya dinyatakan positif covid & disuruh isoman,, tapi tidak diberi kepastian harus berapa hari.
I was tested positive for covid & told to isoman, but was not given certainty for how many days.
Java Chic on Google

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Puskesmas yg sdh direnovasi. Bersih, pelayanan utk vaksinasi covid lancar cukup efisien pelaksanaannya. Ga pake antri lama. Daftar ke counter yg disediakan, bawa fotocopy ktp dan isi formulir. Tunggu panggilan utk verifikasi data, kemudian masuk ke ruangan vaksinasi. Istirahat bbrp saat utk observasi. Akan diberikan obat jika ada efek demam dll.
Renovated health center. Clean, the service for the covid vaccination is smooth, and the implementation is quite efficient. No long queues. Register at the counter provided, bring a photocopy of your ID card and fill out the form. Wait for the call to verify the data, then enter the vaccination room. Take a break for some time for observation. Medication will be given if there is an effect of fever etc.

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