4.2/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Jl. H. Sidik Jl. Blumbang No.22, RT.5/RW.6, Kuningan, Karet Kuningan, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12940, Indonesia

Postal code : 12940
Categories :

Jl. H. Sidik Jl. Blumbang No.22, RT.5/RW.6, Kuningan, Karet Kuningan, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
Dadi Mulyadi on Google

Slama pandemi puskesmas ini jdi sdikit waktunya buat mlayani masyarakat. Buka jam 08:00 - 11 senin sampai kamis. Hari jum. At sabtu minggu tutup. Pdahal itukan pelayanan ksehatan harusnya di perpanjang waktu bkannya d kurangin.
During a pandemic, this puskesmas will have little time to serve the community. Open from 08:00 - 11 Monday to Thursday. Friday. At Saturday closed Sunday. In fact, health services should be extended, not less.
DokTI Vlogs on Google

Dimasa pandemik walaupun petugas memakai masker tetap ramah. Dan membuat rujukan disangat dipermudah dan penjelasan cukup jelas.
During the pandemic, even though the officers wear masks, they are still friendly. And making references is very easy and the explanations are quite clear.
Yasaaro Halawa on Google

Sejauh ini saya berobat, pelayanan bagus, ramah tamah dan dilayanin dengan baik. Segala pertanyaan dijawab dengan jelas oleh dokter Umum maupun Gigi, disini minta surat rujukan juga gak susah, lokasinya juga bersih, nyaman dan area parkir luas serta toilet yang memadai bersih. Dipertahankan. Semua berjalan baik. Terimakasih!
So far I have been treated, good service, friendly and well-served. All questions are answered clearly by General and Dental doctors, here I also ask for a referral letter that is not difficult, the location is also clean, comfortable and there is a large parking area and adequate toilets. Maintained. Everything is going well. Thank you!
Muhammad Fadillah Rezha Ferianto on Google

Saya berobat pakai kartu KIS, Kartu Indonesia Sehat, tapi tetap kena biaya admin 10k. Di puskesmas lain, seperti di Pademangan atau Cirasas, yang juga bukan kawasan asal KTP saya, tetap free karena pakai KIS. Percuma punya KIS, jika nanti kena biaya admin juga!
I seek treatment using KIS card, Indonesia Healthy Card, but still subject to admin fee of 10k. In other puskesmas, such as in Pademangan or Cirasas, which is also not the area where my KTP originated, it remains free because it uses KIS. It's useless to have KIS, if you later get admin costs too!
Dian Irawati on Google

apakah ada nomor teleponnya karena petugas vaksin Covid menaruh no NIK yang salah dan kita coba call tp tidak ada nomor yg benar! Mohon bantuan
is there a phone number because the Covid vaccine officer put the wrong NIK number and we tried to call but there was no correct number! Please help
Aualia Fiqhi on Google

pertama kali datang untuk berobat di puskesmas, mulai dari administrasi, cek tensi oleh perawat, pemberian obat oleh farmasi semuanya jutek parah. dan ketika tdk ada pasien, perawat teriak sana sini. Saya datang dgn kondisi sakit beneran diare mual dan panasnya naik turun..ketika periksa dgn dokter, dokternya ramah dan ketika itu panas saya emg lg turun, dokter lgsg menyuruh saya ke bagian farmasi. saya inisiatif tanya apa bs minta surat sakit ? kata dokternya bisa pake nomor antrian krn udh lengkap datanya. ohh okee klo begitu saya setuju2 aja. dan ketika sampe di farmasi pengambilan obat dan perawat selesai menjelaskan obatnya, nomor antrian saya diminta trus saya membela dgn pernyataan dokter tadi, dan dgn ketusnya si perawat bilang “ya gabisa ini bukan surat keterangan sakit ya tp hanya utk berobat” dan kembali menyerahkan nomor antrian saya dgn dituliskan hanya utk berobat. iya saya paham mungkin byk org yang pura2 sakit buat surat sakit disana tp bgmn kondisi klo ada orang sakit beneran digituin ? dan semalemnya saya juga udh periksa di salah satu aplikasi dokter, dokter tsb menyatakan agar saya cek darah jika panas naik turun, tp dokter di puskesmas tdk memberikan saran tsb.
The first time I came for treatment at the puskesmas, starting from the administration, blood pressure checks by nurses, drug administration by pharmacies, all of them were bad. and when there are no patients, the nurses scream here and there. I came in with a real pain, diarrhea, nausea and the fever fluctuated ... when I checked with the doctor, the doctor was friendly and when my fever went down again, the lgsg doctor told me to go to the pharmacy. I took the initiative to ask, can I ask for a sick letter? the doctor said that you can use the queue number because the data is already complete. ohh okee if so i just agree and when I arrived at the pharmacy to take the medicine and the nurse finished explaining the medicine, my queue number was asked. Then I defended the doctor's statement, and the nurse curtly said "yes, this is not a sick certificate, yes, but only for treatment" and again handed over the queue number I am written only for treatment. yes, I understand maybe there are people who pretend to be sick for sick letters there but how is the condition if someone is really sick? and last night I also checked in one of the doctor's applications, the doctor said that I should check the blood if the fever fluctuates, but the doctor at the puskesmas did not give that advice.
Lisnawati Iis on Google

Untuk suntik vaksin tahap awal masih ada kak dok
For the initial stage of injecting the vaccine, is it still available, doc?
Christella Claudyna on Google

Dokter, petugas loket dan petugas farmasi ramah sekali. Memberikan informasi dengan jelas. Terima kasih atas pelayanannya??
Doctors, counter staff and pharmacy staff are very friendly. Provide information clearly. Thank you for the service??

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