PDAM Boyolali - Boyolali Regency

1.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact PDAM Boyolali

Address :

Lorjurang, Pulisen, Boyolali, Boyolali Regency, Central Java 57316, Indonesia

Postal code : 57316
Categories :

Lorjurang, Pulisen, Boyolali, Boyolali Regency, Central Java 57316, Indonesia
Agus Sutanto on Google

Saya dapat kabar kl PDAM Boyolali bbrp waktu lalu survey lokasi k Tempursari Sambi utk rencana pembuatan tampungan air dan pengeboran. Apakah ini benar?
I received news from PDAM Boyolali some time ago that I surveyed the location of Tempursari Sambi for plans to build a water reservoir and drilling. Is this true?
Ridma Mutaqwarahmah on Google

Q kasih bintang 3. Ternyata baru seminggu kemarin laporan. Air sudh nglair. Tapi ini mati lagi. Moga ada perbaikan lagi. Sukses dan semangat buat PDAM Boyolali.. ?
Q gave 3 stars. It turns out that it was only a week ago that the report was reported. The water has run out. But it's dead again. Hopefully there will be more improvements. Success and enthusiasm for PDAM Boyolali.. ?
Eri Lisdyanto on Google

Air mati terus, nyala cuma tengah malem doang, kdang ga nyala berhari-hari. Emang pelayanan luar biasa. Dilapangan Embung, sumber air, sumur padahal banyak. Brti Emng pegawainya yg ga becus.
The water keeps turning off, it only lights up in the middle of the night, sometimes it doesn't turn on for days. It's amazing service. In the Embung field, there are many sources of water, wells. Brti Emng an incompetent employee.
Dar Yanto on Google

Air PDAM mati terus. Bulan bayar terus. Kerjanya bagaimana. Klo g serius masang pdam lebih baik di lepas sj.,?
PDAM water keeps turning off. Months to pay. How does it work. If you're not serious about installing the tap, it's better to just take it off.,
Fitri Indriana on Google

Kenapa air di daerah dawung, butuh mati ditempat saya saja sudah 3harian semoga segera diperbaiki dr pihak pdam
Why is the water in the Dawung area, it needs to die at my place, it's been 3 days, hopefully it will be fixed soon from the PDAM
Soraya Mutiara on Google

Pihak pdam benerin belum selesai udah ditinggal ketempat yg lain. Huhu. Semoga ada pencerahan untuk melakukan evaluasi menyelesaikan satu masalah dulu baru pindah. Terimakasih
The plumbing party has not finished fixing it, it has been left elsewhere. Hu Hu. Hopefully there is enlightenment to conduct an evaluation to solve one problem before moving on. Thank you
Ipin Aja on Google

Meteran ada tapi gak ada pemakaian alias d tutup.. Tapi kenapa masih harus bayar mahal...Makai air aja gak... harus bayar mahal.....gimana sih....masak ....air gak maki harus bayar trs...enak d pdam gak enak d saya donk...
The meter is there but there is no use or it is closed.. But why do you still have to pay a lot... Do you use water... don't you have to pay a lot... how do you cook... you don't have to pay for water then... it's delicious and it's not delicious I donk...
vina ferli rokhma on Google

Mana tugas lu yang kerja di pdam. Ingat gaji lu itu uang rakyat. Enak aja di makan sendiri. Air udah seminggu gak keluar masih diam aja. Buat apa rakyat bayar kalau air sama aja gk pernah ada. Lu punya hati gak sih
What is your job at the PDAM? Remember your salary is people's money. It's good to eat alone. The water hasn't come out for a week, it's still silent. Why do people pay if the same water never exists. Don't you have a heart

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