SMP N 1 Garung - Wonosobo Regency

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact SMP N 1 Garung

Address :

Jl. Dieng, mayasari No.KM.1, Kalijeruk, Siwuran, Garung, Wonosobo Regency, Central Java 56353, Indonesia

Postal code : 56353
Categories :

Jl. Dieng, mayasari No.KM.1, Kalijeruk, Siwuran, Garung, Wonosobo Regency, Central Java 56353, Indonesia
Roni Setyawan on Google

Suasananya tenang dan sejuk cocok untuk proses belajar
The atmosphere is calm and cool suitable for the learning process
Faisal Kamal on Google

Lokasi sekolah representatif, pinggir jalan raya, untungnya agak jauh dari pasar, jadi nyaman buat belajar
The location of the representative school, on the side of the highway, luckily it is a bit far from the market, so it is convenient for studying
Jilbab cantik Igo on Google

Terletak di jalan dieng km 10 kampung mayasari kalijeruk ,siwuran , garung sekolah terbesar di kecamatam garung dan lokasi yang luas fasilitas komplit bahkan terdapat gor indoor juga
Located on the road dieng km 10 kampong mayasari kalijeruk, siwuran, garung, the biggest school in Garung Subdistrict and a wide location of complete facilities and even indoor gorging.
Faisal Mulfi on Google

SMP N 1 Garung adalah sebuah sekolah yang terletak disisi kanan jalan bila dari arah kota Wonosobo menju tempat wisata Dieng. Udara disekitar sekolah lumayan sejuk dan asri. Lingkungan sekolah yang jauh dari pusat keramaian kota sangat mendukung terciptanya proses belajar dan mengajar yang baik. Semoga sekolah ini dapat melahirkan generasi penerus bangsa yang membanggakan
SMP N 1 Garung is a school which is located on the right side of the road when from the direction of the city of Wonosobo to Dieng tourist attractions. The air around the school is quite cool and beautiful. The school environment which is far from the city center is very supportive of the creation of a good teaching and learning process. Hopefully this school can give birth to a proud future generation
Galeri Gombloh dot Com on Google

Guru pendidik berkualitas baik. Upaya pengembangan siswa tidak hanya dengan pembelajaran materi, melainkan ada ekskul seperti Gending Jawa, Olahraga, Komputer dasar, kegiatan Pramuka, OSIS, dsb. Siswa dididik dengan kedisiplinan dan budi pekerti yang baik. Dengan harapan agar kelak setelah lulus dari SMPN 1 Garung, siswa dapatmematuhi aturan yang berlaku serta mempunyai akhlak yang terpuji. Lingkungan nya aman, nyaman untuk belajar. Akses jalan bagus dan strategis. Dan juga dalam tahap pembangunan ada gedung serbaguna.
Good quality teacher educators. Efforts to develop students are not only by learning material, but there are extracurriculars such as Javanese Gending, Sports, Basic Computers, Scouting activities, Student Council, etc. Students are educated with good discipline and character. With the hope that one day after graduating from SMPN 1 Garung, students can comply with applicable rules and have good character. The environment is safe, comfortable for learning. Good and strategic road access. And also in the construction phase there is a multipurpose building.
Handoko Iqbal on Google

Saya alumni smp tahun 2012
I am a 2012 junior high school alumni
Tri tunisih on Google

Tempat menuntut ilmu, terletak di pinggir jalan raya.. akses mudah
A place to study, located on the edge of the highway.. easy access
santri bahagia on Google

Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Garung Located di kecamatan Garung Kabupate Wonosobo Asri sejuk dan indah
State Junior High School 1 Garung Located in Garung sub-district, Wonosobo Regency Beautiful, cool and beautiful

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