SIM Keliling Pasar Laris - Tangerang City

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Contact SIM Keliling Pasar Laris

Address :

Ps. Laris Cibodas, Jl. Raya Taman Cibodas, RT.007/RW.010, Sangiang Jaya, Periuk, Tangerang City, Banten 15132, Indonesia

Postal code : 15132
Categories :

Ps. Laris Cibodas, Jl. Raya Taman Cibodas, RT.007/RW.010, Sangiang Jaya, Periuk, Tangerang City, Banten 15132, Indonesia
citraservicec citraservicec on Google

Besok kamis lokasih SIM keliling dimana pak tangerang
Tomorrow Thursday, where is the SIM around, Mr. Tangerang
Adrian on Google

Sim keliling yg melayani perpanjangan Sim A dan C di hari rabu. SIM baru akan mengikuti tanggal perpanjang, kalo perpanjang di tgl 1 Nov berarti nanti expirednya jadi 1 Nov juga. Dateng jam 7 pagi, udah antrian 20an. Nanti nulis absen di pasar larisnya buat nomor urut. Syarat perpanjang SIM cuma fotokopi KTP 2 lembar dan SIM lama (asli), kalo punya surat sehat bawa aja kalo engga ada gapapa ntar tinggal bayar aja di sini. Sim C: 190k Sim A: 195k *harga Nov 20 udah termasuk harga surat sehat Dari kota/kabupaten manapun bisa perpanjang di sim keliling karena sistem sudah online, misal SIM Aceh bisa perpanjang di sini, begitupula SIM Tangerang bisa perpanjang di Manado. Kalo udah expired simnya kudu bikin baru di polres. Proses kira-kira 2 jam. Terimakasih pak petugas, sampai bejumpa 5 tahun lagi. Sehat selalu.
A traveling sim who serves an extension of Sim A and C on Wednesdays. The new SIM will follow the renewal date, if you renew it on November 1, it means that the expiration date will be November 1 too. Come at 7 in the morning, already queued in 20s. Later write absences in the bestselling market for serial numbers. The requirement to renew the SIM is only a photocopy of 2 pieces of ID card and the old SIM (original), if you have a health certificate just bring it if there is no problem, just pay here. Sim C: 190k Sim A: 195k * The price of Nov 20 includes the price of a healthy letter From any city / district you can extend the mobile sim because the system is online, for example the Aceh SIM can be extended here, likewise the Tangerang SIM can be extended in Manado. If the sim has expired, I have to make a new one at the police station. Process approx. 2 hours. Thank you, sir, until we meet in 5 years. Always healthy.
Em Macus on Google

Ngantri.... siapin duit 250rb ya... th 2022
Waiting in line.... prepare 250k money, okay... in 2022
Arimas Fefiani on Google

Hari ini Rabu tgl 19 Mei 2021 perpanjang SIM. Yg harus dibawa : SIM asli, FC KTP 2 lembar dan uang 190rb (SIM C) Dateng jam 8.30 selesai jam 12.30 kebetulan emang lg banyak orang. Masa berlaku mengikuti tanggal pas kita perpanjang. SIM yg sekarang katanya bisa dipakai buat bayar e-toll, belanja dan tranksaksi non tunai lainnya.
Today is Wednesday, 19 May 2021 to renew the SIM. What to bring: Original driver's license, FC KTP 2 pieces and 190 thousand bills (SIM C) Come at 8.30, finish at 12.30, there are so many people there. The validity period follows the date when we extend it. The current SIM is said to be used to pay for e-toll, shopping and other non-cash transactions.
Adi Setyo on Google

Infonya dong buat rabo tgl 3 nov buka gak yah? Rencana mau perpanjang sim
The info, please, for rabo on November 3rd, is it open or not? The plan is to extend the sim
سيف الله on Google

Berangkat JM 7,ambil no antrian dpt no 61,beres SIM JM 10
Departing JM 7, take the queue number, get number 61, finished SIM JM 10
Jerri H on Google

16 Juni 2021 Perpanjang SIM A Dan C. Biaya perpanjang SIM C : 190rb Bawa FC KTP + SIM Asli Buka setiap Rabu, 08.00 s/d 12.00 Antrian cukup panjang, Kalo bisa sebelum jam 8 uda antri, prosesnya agak lama, +/- 4 jam, Antrian jam 11 biasanya formulir uda habis, jadi secepatnya datang kesini.
June 16, 2021 Extend SIM A And C. SIM C renewal fee: 190rb Bring FC KTP + Original SIM Open every Wednesday, 08.00 to 12.00 The queue is quite long, if possible before 8 o'clock already queued, the process is a bit long, +/- 4 hours, The queue at 11 usually runs out of forms, so come here as soon as possible.
Arie Dhika on Google

perpanjangan sim di sim keliling pasar laris taman cibodas sangat lama,,,,datang jm 8 sampi jm 12 blum juga selesai,,,,,mohon di permudah dan di percepat lagi,, karna saya buruh yg kerja harus ijin
sim extension at the sim around the selling market at Taman Cibodas is very long,,,, comes at 8 to 12 it's not finished yet,,,,, please make it easy and speed up again,, because I am a worker who has to get permission

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