3.3/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

RT.2/RW.9, Kramat Jati, Kec. Kramat jati, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13520, Indonesia

Postal code : 13520
Categories :

RT.2/RW.9, Kramat Jati, Kec. Kramat jati, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13520, Indonesia
Abing Babing on Google

1. Bagian administrasi pelayanan agak ribet, perlu fotokopi berulangkali walaupun rujukannya di rumah sakit itu sendiri tapi beda poli. Seharusnya layanannya sudah paperless, di faskes pertama saya hanya nunjukin kartu bpjs kesehatan melalui aplikasi sudah bisa dilayani. Tidak bertele-tele fotokopi dokumen yang sama berulang kali. 2. Jadwal dokter yang ada di website dengan ketika berkunjung berebeda. 3. Untuk layanan dokter dan perawatnya bagus Saya lampirkan foto jadwal terakhir saya ambil. Kesimpulannya Bagian administrasi terutama pendaftaran harus diperbaiki, untuk layanan kesehatan bagus
1. The service administration part is a bit complicated, it needs to be photocopied repeatedly even though the referral is at the hospital itself but in a different poly. The service should have been paperless, at the first health facility I only showed the health bpjs card through the application it could be served. Do not beat around copying the same document over and over again. 2. The doctor's schedule on the website is different from the time of visit. 3. The doctor and nurse services are good I attach a photo of the last schedule I took. Conclusion The administration part especially registration must be improved, for good health service
Atep Mulyana on Google

bmoesa1 on Google

Relatif bersih dan rapi ??
Relatively clean and tidy ??
Atep Mulyana on Google

Ary Safitri on Google

Pelayanan rawat jalan serba lelet.terutama pelayanan pendaftaran.lelet banget.
Outpatient services are slow, especially registration services, very slow.
Indri Marlia on Google

Pelayanan nya cekatan , dokter baik , perawatnya baik dan ramah, tidak membedakan antara pasien bpjs dan umum , ruangan oke , di bersihkan setiap hari, kamar mandinya juga di bersihkan, ATM ada di dalem jadi ga bingung kalo mau ambil uang
The service is nimble, the doctor is good, the nurse is nice and friendly, does not differentiate between BPJS patients and the public, the room is okay, cleaned every day, the bathroom is also cleaned, ATMs are in the palace so don't be confused if you want to take money
lala ichi on Google

Mau periksa harus fotokopi berkas2 udah gitu jauh banget tempat fotocopy nya, terus cek urine astagfirullah kamar mandinyaa kotor bangeeeeeet tp terpaksa T.T sampe sekarang masih ke bayang2
If you want to check, you have to photocopy the files, it's so far away where the photocopy is, then check the urine, astagfirullah, the bathroom is really dirty, but I have to T.T until now it's still in the shadows
Venny Savitri on Google

1. Untuk daftar pasien, harus dtg ke RS nya, itu pun ada yg dari subuh?? Plis deh, hari gini masih gak online untuk pendaftarannya? 2. Mba² bagian pendaftaran, super duper nyebelin. Ngomong sama pasien, tp mata ngadep ke layar komputer, sangat gak sopan. Suruh foto kopi surat rujukan, pdhal jelas di keterangan, surat rujukan HANYA UNTUK 1 KALI KUNJUNGAN. Yg arti nya, mau dkopi smp ratusan jg gak bisa dpake lg. Krn kemungkinan besar si pasien akan drujuk ke RS yang lebih besar, jd gak akan balik lg ke RS ini untuk kontrol, krn si pasien akan dtangani lgsg sm RS yg lebih besar itu. Cb yaa pahami surat rujukan (SR) dgn baik. Ada 2 macam SR. Ada1 rujukan utk 1x kunjungan, ada rujukan, yg bs dpakai slm 3 bulan, biasanya di keterangan akan dtulis masa berlaku surat rujukan. Ngaku udh berpengalaman nanganin surat rujukan tp hal sesimple ini gak paham ? udh gt kang foto kopian jg gak ada di rs nya.. nyuruh moto kopi tp gak nyediain kang foto kopi???? 3. Hal yg baik dr RS ini, cuma dokter nya. Dokternya baik² bgt. Tp sayang, 1 RS jd jelek krn bagian front office nya yg sangat² tidak baik.
1. For the list of patients, you have to come to the hospital, and even then there are those from dawn?? Pls, are you still not online for registration today? 2. Mba² the registration section, super duper annoying. Talking to a patient, but looking at the computer screen, is very impolite. Ask for a photocopy of the referral letter, even though it is clear in the description, the referral letter is ONLY FOR 1 VISIT. Which means, if you want to copy up to hundreds, you can't use it anymore. Because most likely the patient will be referred to a bigger hospital, so he will not return to this hospital for control, because the patient will be treated directly at the bigger hospital. Cb ya understand the referral letter (SR) well. There are 2 kinds of SR. There is 1 referral for 1x visit, there is a referral, which can be used for up to 3 months, usually in the description the validity period of the referral letter will be written. I admit that I have experience handling referral letters, but I don't understand something as simple as this I don't have a photocopy of a photocopy at the hospital. 3. The only good thing about this hospital is the doctor. The doctor is very good. But unfortunately, 1 hospital is bad because the front office is not very good.

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