Puskesmas Ngaliyan - Kota Semarang

4/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Puskesmas Ngaliyan

Address :

Jl. Wismasari Raya, Ngaliyan, Kec. Ngaliyan, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50181, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +7879
Postal code : 50181
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Jl. Wismasari Raya, Ngaliyan, Kec. Ngaliyan, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50181, Indonesia
Ella Fitria on Google

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Bidan, dokter gigi, dan dokter umumnya ramah. Bagian admin whatsapp juga ramah. Sayangnya bagian pendaftaran dan kasir judes2 bangeeet. Apalagi, ibu2 yg berkacamata agak kurus dan tinggi. Ngeri, gualak bangeeeet dan sama sekali nggak ramah. Berasa dia yg punya Puskesmas kali, ya!?
Midwives, dentists and doctors are generally friendly. The whatsapp admin section is also friendly. Unfortunately the registration and cashier are really bitchy. Moreover, mothers who wear glasses are rather thin and tall. Horrible, really rude and not friendly at all. Feels like he owns the Puskesmas this time, doesn't it!?
Melania Viola on Google

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Blm dicek tensi kok udah tau tensi saya:") waktu bilang blm cek tensi baru dipersilahkan, itu aja saya yg minta ke petugasnya:" padahal waktu nunggu antrian juga dipanggil petugas tp ga dicek tensi
Haven't checked the tension yet, how come you already know my blood pressure:") when I said I hadn't checked my blood pressure, I was just invited, that's all I asked the officer for: "Even though I was waiting in line, the officer called, but I didn't check the blood pressure.
Gendhis Zandy on Google

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Pelayanan Puskesmas Bidan Ngaliyan sangat tidak ramah. Saya WA utk daftar imunisasi H-2 sebelum jadwal imunisasi tp di respon waktu hari H jadwal imunisasi. Kalau saya salah alur daftarnya harusnya di jawab pada tgl itu juga. Saya datang tepat pukul 09.30, dgn alasan jam 09.30 pergantian untuk ibu hamil. Padahal di jadwal yg dipasang pelayanan imunisasi sampai pukul 9. Harusnya masyarakat yg sadar pentingnya imunisasi itu di apresiasi, bukan seperti itu nolaknya!
The service of the Ngaliyan Midwife Health Center is very unfriendly. I WA to register for the H-2 immunization before the immunization schedule, but the response was on the D day of the immunization schedule. If I'm wrong, the list should be answered on the same date. I came exactly at 09.30, with the excuse that at 09.30 it was changing for pregnant women. Whereas in the schedule posted for immunization services until 9 am, people who are aware of the importance of immunization should be appreciated, not rejected like that!
Dini Ayu on Google

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Nemenin temen berobat, disuruh nunggu obat, kita dah nunggu 45 menit gak ada yang dateng, pas ditanya katanya sabar mbk kan banyak yang ngantri, padahal ditempat antrian gak ada orang sama sekali. Kita nunggu sampek sejam masih aja obatnya belom ada dan pas kita tanya lagi keloket langsung ada obatnya, yang sering bermasalah keknya emang bagian pendaftaran, bikin miscommunication sama semuanya. Apa susahnya minta maaf karena kelalaian/kesalahan, ini kan pelayanan umum jadi harusnya cara berkomunikasi diperbaiki lagi.
Accompanying a friend for treatment, told to wait for medicine, we have waited 45 minutes, no one came, when asked he said patiently, there were many people waiting in line, even though there was no one in the queue at all. We waited for an hour and there was still no medicine, and when we asked again at the counter, there was a medicine, which often had problems with the registration section, causing miscommunication with everyone. What's so hard about apologizing for negligence/error, this is a public service, so the communication method should be improved again.
Gagat Perwitasa on Google

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2minggu atau 3minggu lalu gitu aku ngereview jelek pelayanan Loket depan dan miskom antara lab dan dokter kandungan karna adanya penarikan biaya untuk warga ber KTP domisili ngaliyan hari ini saya periksa kandungan rutin dibulan Maret alhamdulillah poli KIA dokternya dari awal pelayanan nya ttp sama,masih ramah dan banyak menjelaskan bagi bumil baru dan saya diberi vitamin + PMT bumil sekardus gratis (Terimakasih) akusih gak pernah ada masalah untuk pelayanan dokter di Poli nya (entah di dokter umum,gigi dan KIA) karna nenurutku memang dokternya semua oke penjelasan nya pokoknya baik menurutku dokter2 poli nya tapi yg perlu diperbaiki lagi dan selalu tidak aku sukai saat berkunjung disini ya dibagian loket/administrasinya BAD Attitude sekali,bukan cuma kurang sopan tapi memang GAK sopan menurutku ya walaupun pasien itu gratisan dan lebih muda tolong dihargai juga,biar kita sebagai pasien juga bisa menghargai yg lbh tua berkali2 kartu periksa dilempar dong dimeja loket,tidak bisa santai saja naruhnya dokter2nya sudah bagus,aku gk pernah ada keluhan atau komplain apapun ke dokter poli nya,cuma dr awal hingga sekarang gk berubah dibagian loketnya,masih buruk tolong diperbaiki lg buk atittude nya walaupun anda lebih tua dr kami thanks
2 weeks or 3 weeks ago I reviewed the service at the front counter and the miskom between the lab and obstetricians was bad because of the withdrawal of fees for residents with ID cards domiciled in Ngaliyan Today I check the content regularly in March Thank God the KIA poly, the doctor, from the beginning, the service was the same, still friendly and explained a lot for new pregnant women and I was given free vitamins + PMT pregnant women (Thank you) I've never had a problem with the doctor's service at the poly (whether at a general practitioner, dentist and KIA) because in my opinion the doctors are all okay with the explanation basically good, I think the poly doctors but what needs to be improved again and I always don't like it when I visit here is the counter/administration section Very BAD Attitude, not only impolite but really NOT polite in my opinion Yes, even though the patient is free and younger, please respect it too, so that we as patients can also respect the older ones Many times, the check card has been thrown on the counter table, you can't just put it down the doctors are good, I have never had any complaints or complaints to the poly doctor, only from the beginning until now it hasn't changed at the counter, still bad please fix the atittude again, even though you are older than us thanks
Gagat Perwitasari on Google

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saya warga semarang,kelurahan kecamatan juga ngaliyan ktp juga sesuai domisili warga ngaliyan harusnya untuk check lab kandungan di poli KIA nya gratis kan?karna itu program pemerintah untuk kesehatan masyarakat? tapi disini saya dikenakan biaya,ya gak seberapa,tapi ttp gak worthit menurut saya karna ini check nya di lab pusat kesehatan masyarakat padahal itu pas aku dijogja minta check kandungan ,check lab dll disalah satu puskesmas enggak dikenakan biaya apapun,cuma untuk nebus vitamin aja disuruh bayar 25rb doang (dan ktp saya bukan warga jogja ya) sedangkan saya warga semarang,ktp semarang minta vaksin TT bumil malah disuruh tes lab dll yg dikenakan biaya kurleb 50ribuan sekali lagi bukan masalah nominalnya tp lebih ke jengkelnya karna diwilayah lain masih memberlakukan program kesehatan masyarakat dr pemerintah kenapa disini minta vaksin TT aja diputar2 harus bayar check lab dulu dll yg harus mengeluarkan biaya tanbahan? padal diawal saya diinfo hanya bayar 10rb harusnya untuk vaksin tp endingnya over dr 50rb bagian loket pembayaran lebih diperhatikan untuk administrasinya juga masak iya mau bayar ditolak grgr gk ada kembalian,harusnya disiapkan dong uang kecil kalau urusan uang untuk administrasi
I'm a resident of Semarang, the sub-district is also ngaliyan The ID card also matches the domicile of the Ngaliyan residents it should be free to check the obstetrics lab at the KIA poly, right? Because it's a government program for public health? but here I am charged, yes, it's not much, but it's not worth it in my opinion because this is checked at the community health center lab even though when I was in Jogja, I asked for an obstetrics check, lab check, etc. at one of the puskesmas, no fees were charged, only to redeem vitamins, I was told to pay only 25 thousand (and my ID card is not a resident of Jogja) while I'm a resident of Semarang, the Semarang ID card asked for the TT vaccine for pregnant women, instead I was told to do a lab test, etc., which cost around 50 thousand once again not a nominal problem But it's more of an annoyance because in other regions they still apply the government's public health program why are you asking for the TT vaccine to be rotated, you have to pay for a lab check first, etc., which has to incur additional costs? even though at the beginning I was informed that I only paid 10 thousand for the vaccine but the ending is over dr 50k Pay more attention to the payment counter for the administration too if you want to pay, it's rejected, grgr, there's no change, small money should be prepared if it's a matter of money for administration
DDX Channel on Google

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Anggia Dyah Arumdhani on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Nice place to get health service

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