Puskesmas Kelurahan Bintaro - Kota Jakarta Selatan

3.3/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Puskesmas Kelurahan Bintaro

Address :

Jl. Mufakat Blok Mupakat No.3, RT.3/RW.3, Bintaro, Kec. Pesanggrahan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12330, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +787
Postal code : 12330
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–4PM
Tuesday 8AM–4PM
Wednesday 8AM–4PM
Thursday 8AM–4PM
Friday 8AM–4PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Mufakat Blok Mupakat No.3, RT.3/RW.3, Bintaro, Kec. Pesanggrahan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12330, Indonesia
Dian Kristianti on Google

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Bidannya baik2.. Terutama bidan Indah..
The midwives are good.. Especially the beautiful midwife..
yusuf wira on Google

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Saya amat sangat teramat kecewa sekali dengan pelayanan puskesmas ini. Saya datang dari jam Β½ tujuh dan baru buka jam 8 lewat. Tapi masalahnya adalah pelayanan yang sangat buruk. Saya mendapat antrian no urut 2. Ketika dipanggil dan masuk di bagian resepsionis, disambut dengan ketus, marah dan nada tinggi. Permasalahannya adalah, saya dan istri datang di hari jumat untuk cek kehamilan. Ternyata jadwal cek kehamilan katanya hari senin, selasa, kamis. Kalau hanya mau memberi info untuk datang di hari yang sesuai jadwal, ga perlu ketus, marah dan bernada tinggi. Apa lagi saya orang kedua yang datang, harusnya masih fresh dan ramah. Dan memang seharusnya ramah dalam memberi pelayanan. Atau kalau memang ga bisa ramah, santai saja dengan nada datar. Lihat saja semua rivewnya sama, pelayannanya kurang baik. Tolong pemerintah atau lembaga terkait menangani hal ini. Sistem dan pelayananya diperbaiki. Dan bagi rekan2 yang mengalami hal serupa, jangan lupa beri rivew / ulasan. Supaya pemerintah tau dan ada perbaikan.
I am very, very disappointed with this puskesmas service. I came from Β½ seven and only opened at 8 past. But the problem is very poor service. I got queue number 2.When called and entered at the reception, greeted with a harsh, angry and high tone. The problem is, my wife and I came on Friday for a pregnancy checkup. It turns out that the pregnancy check schedule is said to be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. If you only want to give information to come on a day that is on schedule, you don't need to be grumpy, angry and high-pitched. What's more, I am the second person to come, should still be fresh and friendly. And it should be friendly in providing service. Or if you can't be friendly, just relax in a flat tone. Just look at all the rivewes the same, the service is not good. Please the government or related agencies handle this. Improved systems and services. And for colleagues who have experienced the same thing, don't forget to give a review / review. So that the government knows and there are improvements.
Syamsul Acul on Google

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Anak sy berobat hari selasa dgn diagnosa smntra batuk pilek demam...krna sdh hmpir 3hr demam nya gk trun...lalu d mnta cek darah ke palem..nnti hasilnya.lngsung balik ke puskmas kelurahan...tapi stelah sdh ad kertas hasil nya malah d sruh dtg lg besok...sdgkn bsoknya tgl merah ...mengecewakan...
My son was treated on Tuesday with the diagnosis of cough and cold fever...because it's been almost 3 days the fever hasn't gone down...then asked for a blood test to Palm.. the results will come.. I immediately went back to the village health center...but after the paper was submitted the result is dtg tomorrow ... until the tomorrow is red ... disappointing ...
Yulia Kharisma on Google

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Pelayanan Para Bidan nya kurang Ramah, jutek, trus no telpon di hubungi ga pernah diangkat, mungkin rusak kali ya, atau pada sibuk, jadi ga sempat angkat telpon
The services of the midwives are not friendly, jutek, then the phone number is never picked up, maybe it's broken, or when you're busy, so you don't have time to pick up the phone

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Buka pelayanan berobat nya cuma sampe jam 11 bukan jam 4 sore. Kualitas pelayanannya juga mengecewakan
The treatment service is only open until 11, not 4 in the afternoon. The quality of service is also disappointing
syarif prabowo on Google

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puskesmas GA JELAS. Kaya ga terdidik, ga di briefing. saya bawa bayi kesana katanya harus ke puskesmas kecamatan, langsung suruh kesana aja katanya. Nyampe puskesmas kecamatan dimintain surat pengantar. saya udah males mau bayar aja, tetep ga dibolehin, harus ada Surat Pengantar. ini layanan ga terintegrasi gini sih, JAKARTA LOH INI. Ga bener petugasnya.
health center is NOT CLEAR. Like uneducated, not in briefing. I took the baby there, he said, he had to go to the sub-district health center, just told him to go there, he said. When the sub-district health center was asked for a cover letter. I'm too lazy to pay, it's still not allowed, there must be a cover letter. this is not an integrated service, this is JAKARTA. The officer isn't right.
Danang I on Google

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Pusat Kesehatan masyarakat, berada di belakang kantor kelurahan Bintaro. Fasilitas yang cukup memadai dan pelayanan publik yang sedikit kurang. Hanya menerima salah satu pelayanan, yaitu perpanjangan rujukan atau berobat.
The community health center is behind the Bintaro sub-district office. Adequate facilities and slightly lacking public services. Only receive one service, namely extension of referral or treatment.
Yosua on Google

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Hari Rabu, tanggal 16 Februari 2022, saya dan bapak saya berkunjung ke sini meminta surat rujukan BPJS untuk kontrol ke RS Suyoto. Jujur baru pertama kali kami menggunakan BPJS untuk meminta surat rujukan karena memang baru daftar BPJS sekitar akhir tahun 2021 lalu, sehingga masih banyak yang kami belum mengerti. Setelah mengambil antrian, akhirnya kami mendapat giliran dengan Dr. Rita, yang ternyata luar bisa judes sekali. Baru pertama kali saja, bapak saya memajukan kursi sedikit karena memang cukup jauh (sekitar 1 meter lebih jarak antara kursi dengan sekat transparan, itupun masih ada meja lagi dan dokter nya sendiri duduk cukup jauh sehingga jaraknya lebih dari 2 meter. Sekedar tambahan, saya dan bapak saya menggunakan masker 3-ply yang ditambah dengan masker kain, dan dokter nya juga menggunakan masker.) langsung diomeli oleh dokter nya. Penjelasan yang dokter lakukan pun sangat terburu-buru, jadi meskipun suara dokter kencang tapi tetap tidak jelas sehingga saya pun harus sedikit lebih maju (tentu saja diomeli oleh dokter nya). Karena saya baru tau kalau untuk ke RS Suyoto ternyata tidak bisa langsung dirujuk dari Puskesmas karena 2 tingkat di atas nya, jadi kami diberikan pilihan RS yang satu tingkat di atas Puskesmas untuk meminta rujukannya di sana, yang lagi-lagi dokter menjelaskannya dengan terburu-buru sehingga tidak jelas, terpaksa saya mengatakan "yang paling dekat dari sini yang mana ya dok?", dan akhirnya dirujuk ke RSUD Pesanggrahan. Ketika saya tanya RSUD Pesanggrahan di mana, dokter nya menjawab dengan ketus "Cari saja sendiri di google, pasien saya masih banyak.", karena malas panjang lebar akhirnya saya ucapkan saja terima kasih sambil ngedumel "judes amat jadi dokter." Saya baru pertama kali menghadapi dokter sejudes, sejutek ini.. Pengalaman yang amat sangat tidak menyenangkan bagi kami, tidak heran ada beberapa orang lain yang memberikan review di sini yang berpengalaman serupa dan memberikan rating buruk. Menurut suster yang hari itu bertugas di sana, memang dihari itu dokter yang bertugas hanya Dr. Rita, sehingga mungkin saja beliau kelelahan. Tapi tetap menurut saya tidak etis seorang dokter bersikap seperti itu kepada pasien. Saya sempat berpikir untuk mengajukan keluhan tertulis, tapi sayangnya tidak ada kontak untuk melakukan hal tersebut setelah saya cari-cari. Untuk pengalaman saya dengan staf lain tidak ada masalah / cenderung baik dan wajar, hanya Dr. Rita saja yang menurut saya perlu diperbaiki sikap nya ketika menghadapi pasien dan melakukan penjelasan, saya yang masih muda saja merasa tidak jelas dengan penjelasan nya beliau, apalagi bapak saya yang sudah berumur di atas 65 tahun... Semoga Puskesmas ini dapat memperbaiki hal tersebut.
On Wednesday, February 16, 2022, my father and I visited here to ask for a BPJS referral letter for control at Suyoto Hospital. Honestly, this is the first time we have used BPJS to request a referral letter because we only registered BPJS at the end of 2021, so there are still many things we don't understand. After taking the queue, we finally got our turn with Dr. Rita, who turned out to be very bitchy. For the first time, my father moved the chair forward a little because it was quite far (about 1 meter more than the distance between the chair and the transparent bulkhead, and even then there was another table and the doctor himself was sitting far enough away that the distance was more than 2 meters. Just to add, me and my father uses a 3-ply mask plus a cloth mask, and the doctor also uses a mask.) The doctor immediately scolded him. The doctor's explanation was also very rushed, so even though the doctor's voice was loud it was still not clear so I had to go a little further (of course the doctor was scolded). Because I just found out that to go to Suyoto Hospital, it turns out that it cannot be referred directly from the Puskesmas because it is 2 levels above it, so we were given the choice of a hospital one level above the Puskesmas to ask for a referral there, which again the doctor explained in a hurry so that it was not clear, I was forced to say "which is the closest from here, doc?", and was finally referred to the Pesanggrahan Hospital. When I asked where the Pesanggrahan Hospital was, the doctor replied curtly, "Search for yourself on Google, I still have a lot of patients.", because I was lazy at length, I finally just said thank you while mumbling "it's a bitch to be a doctor." It's the first time I've encountered a doctor as jude as this, as dumb as this.. It was a very, very unpleasant experience for us, no wonder there are several other people who gave reviews here who had similar experiences and gave bad ratings. According to the nurse who was on duty there that day, the only doctor on duty that day was Dr. Rita, so maybe she's exhausted. But I still think it's unethical for a doctor to behave like that to a patient. I thought about filing a written complaint, but unfortunately there was no contact to do so after I searched. For my experience with other staff there are no problems / tend to be good and reasonable, just Dr. It's just Rita who in my opinion needs to improve her attitude when dealing with patients and doing explanations, I, who was still young, felt unclear about her explanations, especially my father who was over 65 years old... Hopefully this health center can fix this.

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