Pop Chop - Tangerang City

2.5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Pop Chop

Address :

Tangcity Mall, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, RT.001/RW.005, Babakan, Tangerang, Tangerang City, Banten 15118, Indonesia

Postal code : 15118
Categories :

Tangcity Mall, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, RT.001/RW.005, Babakan, Tangerang, Tangerang City, Banten 15118, Indonesia
Sumenti Tri saktidewi on Google

Semoga menjadi masukan yang bermanfaat. Yang pertama, didepan toko ada info cashback 50%, wow !! Tapi sperti biasa, sbagai pmbeli jgan ragu untuk bertanya lebih detil lagi, karena cashback tsb hanya untuk pembelian kedua kali, jelas tidak ada penjelasan di papan info nya. Jadi hati2 "terjebak" cashback. Akhirnya Saya mmbeli popchop dngan shoppepay karena ada 30%, lagi2 kita harus jeli dan detil, maksimal cashback ternyata hanya 8000, dan harga popchop yang terpasang hanya yang ukuran larga. Yaitu paling murah di 40rbu paling mahal di 56rbu. Yang artinya mau beli diharga yang mana pun, tetap saja dapat maksimal cashback 8rbu, hha.. Saya pikir kenpa gak skalian tulis cashback 70% saja, tapi max tetap 8rbu XD tapi yasudah mungkin strategi marketing. Tapi yang paling saya sesali, stelah saya terima pesanan saya, lalu saya pergi dari toko dan menyicipinya, dibagian bawah memang panas, tapi bberapa potongan daging diatas nya dingin, dan tidak sperti baru dimasak. Apakah memang dicampur dengan sisa atau bagaimana pikir saya, karena memang saya tidak perhatikan sewaktu pelayannya menyiapkan pesanan saya. Ntah dmna yang salah, pelayan atau memang bgitu instruksi dari owner. Semoga bisa dikoreksi dengan cepat, agar tidak ada pelanggan kecewa spertu saya kembali. Terimakasih.
Hopefully it will be useful input. The first, in front of the store there is 50% cashback info, wow !! But as usual, as a buyer do not hesitate to ask in more detail, because the cashback is only for a second time purchase, obviously there is no explanation on the info board. So be careful "stuck" cashback. Finally I bought a popchop with shoppepay because there was 30%, again we have to be observant and detailed, the maximum cashback was only 8000, and the price of the popchop installed was only the size of the family. That is the cheapest at 40 thousand, the most expensive at 56 thousand. Which means that I want to buy at any price, still can get a maximum of 8 thousand cashback, huh ... I think, why not write down only 70% cashback, but the max is still 8 thousand XD but it's possible marketing strategy. But what I regret the most, after I received my order, then I left the store and tasted it, at the bottom it was hot, but some pieces of meat on the cold, and not as freshly cooked. Is it mixed with the rest or how do I think, because indeed I did not pay attention when the waiter prepared my order. I don't know what's wrong, the waiter or the instructions from the owner. Hopefully it can be corrected quickly, so that no customers are disappointed when I return. Thanks.
desy wnd on Google

murah meriah, semacam jajanan ala taiwan street food. ada colokan buat charging. rasanya lebih bervariasi, bahkan ada rasa salted egg. letaknya ada di Ground Floor, di pojokan dekat barbershop
cheap, a kind of street food taiwan style snacks. there is a plug for charging. the taste is more varied, there is even a taste of salted egg. it is on the Ground Floor, in the corner near the barbershop

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