Pesanggrahan Deles Indah - Kabupaten Klaten

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pesanggrahan Deles Indah

Address :

Dusun 1, Sidorejo, Kec. Kemalang, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah 57484, Indonesia

Postal code : 57484
Categories :

Dusun 1, Sidorejo, Kec. Kemalang, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah 57484, Indonesia
Eko Priyatno on Google

Suasananya asri,unyuk Akses jln kurang terawat,bagi pengguna roda 4 hrs exstra hati2
The atmosphere is beautiful, to access it is poorly maintained, for wheel users 4 exstra heart
purnani utami on Google

Suatu hari pingin bgt mengenang tempat ini yg dulu bgt hit ...Wee begitu kesana kagum yg dulu ada sirna sudah,jalanan hancur,..rusak parah.tolong donk pemerintah kab Klaten ini di hidupkan kembali,....sayang kan punya pesona,dan udara yg cantik tp terabaikan
One day I really want to remember this place that used to be a big hit...Wee when we got there, we were amazed that what used to be there was gone, the roads were destroyed, badly damaged. , and the beautiful but neglected air
Rizzaq Nugroho on Google

Masih banyak budaya dan adat yang dijaga di sana, banyak acara-acara adat yang tidak kalah mempesona seperti tempat-tempat yang lain. Udaranya yang dingin dihangatkan oleh keramah tamahan warganya, pasti selalu disapa duluan. Banyak spot foto, seperti pemandangan Gunung Merapi yang sangat jelas dan gagah.
There are still many cultures and customs that are guarded there, there are many traditional events that are not less charming like other places. The cold air is warmed by the hospitality of its citizens, always greeted first. Many photo spots, such as the view of Mount Merapi which is very clear and manly.
Luthfi Habiburrahman on Google

Viewnya bagus,saran klo mau kesana pagi hari karna merapi kelihatan sangat jelas waktu pagi hari
Viewnya nice, suggestions thx morning there because of Merapi looks very clearly the morning
Iskandar Yulian on Google

Dukuh Deles, Klaten berada di ketinggian 1800 m dr permukaan laut. Cukup dekat dengan puncak Gunung Merapi, sekitar 4-5 Km. Udaranya dingin n cukup bagus untuk melihat sisa2 erupsi G. Merapi. Sayangnya pariwisatanya tidak dikembangkan oleh Pemkab Klaten
Hamlet Deles, Klaten is at an altitude of 1800 m from sea level. Quite close to the peak of Mount Merapi, around 4-5 Km. The air is cold and it's good enough to see the eruption of Mt. Merapi. Unfortunately tourism was not developed by the Klaten District Government
Deni Wijaya on Google

Danau buatan yang baru selesai di bangun, tepat di bawah jalan masuk menuju Deles indah Tempat enak, nyaman masih asri. Tapi jalan ke tempat ini sedikit rusak diperparah dengan tanjakan yamg cukup curam. Diatas objek tersebuat ada mini market komplit dan menjual makanan dan minuman hangat. Saran : gunakan kendaraan dengan transmisi manual, gunakan pakaian perlengkapan keguatan outdoor.
The new artificial lake was completed, just below the entrance to the beautiful Deles Nice place, comfortable still beautiful. But the road to this place is a little damaged, compounded by a fairly steep incline. On top of this object there is a complete mini market and sells hot food and drinks. Suggestion: use a vehicle with a manual transmission, use outdoor gear equipment.
Nurul Indri Astuti on Google

Pesanggrahan dulu adalah tempat singgah hamengkubuwono. Meski sekarang sudah terbengkalai, namun dulunya tempat ini termasuk salah satu taman yang diunggulkan di wilayah deles. Dahulu sering juga digunakan untuk konser dangdut keliling. Sekarang sedang dalam tahap perbaikan karena disamping pesanggrahan sedang dibangun embung, yang nantinya diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu daya tarik wisata. Jalan rusak dimana mana karena truk bermuatan pasir melewati jalan tersebut. Namun hawa dingin dan udara sejuk serta pepohonan rindang merupakan salah satu hal yang bisa kamu pertimbangkan untuk berkunjung ke lereng gunung merapi ini.
Pesanggrahan used to be a hamengkubuwono stopover. Although now abandoned, but this place was once included as one of the favored parks in the deles region. In the past, it was often used for mobile dangdut concerts. Now it is in the repair phase because besides the housing is being built a reservoir, which will be expected to become one of the tourist attractions. Roads are damaged everywhere because sand-loaded trucks pass through the road. But the cold and cool air and shady trees are one of the things you can consider visiting the slopes of Mount Merapi.
Hannan Falaah on Google

Ashiaapp santuyyy zheyeng

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