MIC-UP (LOUNGE, BAR & KARAOKE) - Kabupaten Tangerang

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Ruko Bolsena D 10-11, Gading Serpong, Curug Sangereng, Kec. Klp. Dua, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810, Indonesia

Postal code : 15810
Website : https://mic-uploungebarkaraoke.business.site/
Categories :

Ruko Bolsena D 10-11, Gading Serpong, Curug Sangereng, Kec. Klp. Dua, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810, Indonesia
Tari Cinta94 on Google

tempat karaokenya nyaman banget. gak nyesel deh yang dteng disini
the karaoke place is very comfortable. I don't regret coming here
Suhendi Suhendi on Google

Tempat nya bagus banget.
The place is really good.
Surya Darmawan on Google

Tempatnya menarik dan bagus apalagi live musicnya keren bingitz, makannya bole apalagi steak sapi recommend skali.
The place is interesting and nice, especially the live music is cool, bingitz, it's okay to eat, especially beef steak, I highly recommend it.
Yoshua Adrian C Manalu on Google

Recommended, thanks am Shi**y yang udah kasih tau . .
Recommended, thanks am Shi**y for letting me know. .
Rendy Aprilian on Google

Pegawainya yang namanya sindi sangat sombong dan jutek sekali kepada tamu, pegawai seperti ini mah tidak cocok kerja di dunia hiburan malam, sayang banget padahal tempatnya masih baru dan nyaman. jadinya malas datang kembali
Daniel Darmawan on Google

Good place
Bahar Sinurrama on Google

Top abiess
Iqbal Alfarisi on Google


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