Cc Executive Karaoke - Kota Tangerang Selatan

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cc Executive Karaoke

Address :

Lengkong Karya, Kec. Serpong Utara, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15310, Indonesia

Postal code : 15310
Categories :

Lengkong Karya, Kec. Serpong Utara, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15310, Indonesia
putra timor on Google

Orangnya sangat merangkul sekali ??
The person is very embracing ??
Bambang Hendrarto on Google

Sound nya bagus, lagunya kurang lengkap sbg fan progresive rock (^_^)/
Sounds good, the song is incomplete as a progressive rock fan (^ _ ^) /

Ga semua wanita mau di ajak berbuat asusila mereka punya kehormatan mereka hanya memenuhi kebutuhan kluarga saja.bri tip lebih kepada mereka mereka membutuhkan??
Not all women want to be invited to commit immorality, they have the honor, they only meet the needs of the family. Let them give them more tips??
Fomoun Toni on Google

Baru coba karaoke di CC BSD Krn ajakan teman..masuk jam 22.30..ambil PL 2, bir 3 picer kacang 1 piring kecil..kelar jam 1.00 Krn mmg jam 1.00 sudah close.kaget juga di sodorin bill 2,520.000..ROOM bagus luas dan soundny juga lumayan..
Just try karaoke at CC BSD Because of your friend's invitation ... come in at 22:30 ... take PL 2, beer 3 picer beans 1 small plate..the hour at 1.00 Krn mmg at 1.00 is already closed. and the soundny is pretty good ...
Deris Iskandar on Google

Nyaman, ramah, dan menyenangkan.
Comfortable, friendly and fun.
Rendra Galaxy on Google

Slamet Wiyono on Google

Jamal RN on Google

OK sipp

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