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Address :

Jln. Pasir Mulya 5 Komplek BPPB Blok L Nomor 8 RT 002/007, RT.02/RW.07, Pasirmulya, Kec. Bogor Bar., Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16118, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +877777
Postal code : 16118
Website : https://klinik-hipnoterapi-bogor.business.site/
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–6PM
Tuesday 8AM–6PM
Wednesday 8AM–6PM
Thursday 8AM–6PM
Friday 8AM–6PM
Saturday 8AM–6PM
Sunday 8AM–6PM
Categories :

Jln. Pasir Mulya 5 Komplek BPPB Blok L Nomor 8 RT 002/007, RT.02/RW.07, Pasirmulya, Kec. Bogor Bar., Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16118, Indonesia
Melisa on Google

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Akses ke lokasi mudah dijangkau. Fasilitas klinik baik lengkap dengan mushola dan bersih.. Penjelasan terapis sangat detail, berilmu, membuka pola pikir dan sangat berpedoman dengan ajaran islam. Sangat membantu dalam mengatasi masalah yg dihadapi dengan mengutamakan ajaran agama. Saya sangat merekomendasikan untuk mengatasi masalah khususnya yang ingin memperbaiki ibadah dan mengutamakan Allah di kehidupannya.
Access to locations is easy to reach. Good clinic facilities complete with prayer room and clean .. The therapist's explanation was very detailed, knowledgeable, opened a mindset and was very guided by Islamic teachings. Very helpful in overcoming the problems faced by prioritizing religious teachings. I highly recommend to solve problems especially those who want to improve worship and put God first in their lives.
Marwani Ibrahim on Google

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Alhamdulillah.. kami bersyukur pada akhirnya dipertemukan dengan Pak Saiful. Beliau adalah therapist yg punya kemampuan memadukan berbagai aspek dalam melakukan pendekatan/terapinya. Anak kami yg mengalami trauma masa lalu yg berat sampai2 sudah tidak semangat lagi melakukan apa pun., alhamdulillah pasca terapi bisa move on dari pengalaman2 buruknya hingga mengalami banyak sekali perubahan. Kualitas hidupnya semakin baik. Dan kini dia semakin semangat mengasah kemampuan diri demi mengejar masa depan. Semoga dlm waktu dekat ini, dia bisa kembali menemukan jati dirinya yg dulu sebelum peristwa buruk itu terjadi: selalu ceria dengan ide2 out of the box nya. Bagi orangtua yg mungkin mempunyai putra/putri seperti kami, bisa mempercayakan penyelesaiannya kepada beliau. Dengan akses ke klinik yg mudah dijangkau, tempat yg nyaman dan fasilitas lengkap, mudah2an ujian hidup ini bisa kita lalui dengan baik dan dengan segera pula, dengan izin-Nya tentunya.
Alhamdulillah.. we are grateful that we finally met Mr. Saiful. He is a therapist who has the ability to combine various aspects of his approach/therapy. Our child, who has experienced severe past trauma, is no longer enthusiastic about doing anything. Thank God, after therapy, he was able to move on from his bad experiences to undergo a lot of changes. His quality of life is getting better. And now he is increasingly enthusiastic about honing his abilities to pursue the future. Hopefully in the near future, he will be able to re-discover his former self before that bad incident happened: always cheerful with his out of the box ideas. For parents who may have a son/daughter like us, they can entrust the solution to him. With access to clinics that are easily accessible, comfortable places and complete facilities, hopefully we can pass this life test well and immediately, with His permission of course.
Meydi Nindia Larasati on Google

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Alhamdulillah.. Terimakasih pak ustadz atas support dan bantuannya untuk mas iwan, banyak sekali perubahan drastis yg lebih baik pd psikis. Menjadi lebih dpt mengontrol diri, yg sebelumnya takut dan selalu khawatir, saat ini sdh berkurang jauh lebih baik. Saya bersyukur dpt mendampinginya untuk proses penyembuhan. Penjelasan yg disampaikan oleh pak ustadz saiful sangat jelas dan menjawab atas permasalahan yg dihadapi. Meskipun sudah selesai sesi terapi, tetap didampingi dan dibantu via chat, terus dpt konsultasi kapan pun. Akses ke klinik hipnoterapi bogor yg mudah dijangkau, dgn fasilitas dan pelayanan yg disediakan, saya sangat puas dan bersyukur bertemu dgn pak ustadz saiful. Saya sangat merekomendasikan Klinik Hipnoterapi Bogor kepada yg membutuhkan solusi atas permasalahan psikis yg dihadapi. Bismillah hidup sehat. Terimakasih Klinik Hipnoterapi Bogor ??
Alhamdulillah .. Thank you Mr. Ustadz for your support and assistance for Mas Iwan, there have been lots of drastic changes that are better for the psyche. Being more self-controlled, previously afraid and always worried, is now much better off. I am grateful to be with him for the healing process. The explanation given by Pak Ustadz Saiful was very clear and answered the problems at hand. Even though you have finished the therapy session, you will still be accompanied and assisted via chat, and you can continue to consult at any time. Access to the Bogor hypnotherapy clinic which is easily accessible, with the facilities and services provided, I am very satisfied and grateful to meet Pak Ustadz Saiful. I highly recommend the Bogor Hypnotherapy Clinic to those who need a solution to their psychological problems. Bismillah, live healthy. Thank you, Bogor Hypnotherapy Clinic ??
lina marlina on Google

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Awal tahu klinik hipnoterapi ini dari mbah google. Ternyata praktek terapinya hampir sama dengan para psikolog. Tapi di klinik ini terapisnya lebih bagus dan dengan cara islami pula. Alhamdulillah anak saya sekarang sudah kembali punya motivasi belajar dan mulai giat menyelesaikan skripsinya. Mengenai biaya terapi sangat wajar dan worth it. Tempatnya nyaman, bersih dilengkapi dengan mushola, tempat wudhu dan toilet serta di ruang tamu disediakan kopi dan teh. Akses ke lokasi juga sangat mudah karena tinggal mengikuti google map yang diinformasikan d websitenya. Oya untuk info bagi yang memerlukan penanganan masalah psikis dan psikosomatis bisa konsultasi ke klinik ini,
Initially, I knew this hypnotherapy clinic from Google. It turns out that the practice of therapy is almost the same as that of psychologists. But in this clinic the therapists are better and in an Islamic way too. Alhamdulillah, now my child has returned to learning motivation and is starting to actively complete his thesis. Regarding the cost of therapy is very reasonable and worth it. The place is comfortable, clean, equipped with a prayer room, ablution place and toilet and coffee and tea in the living room. Access to the location is also very easy because you just need to follow the google map that is informed on the website. Anyway, for information for those who need treatment of psychological and psychosomatic problems, you can consult this clinic,
Nuning Karyadi on Google

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Alhamdulillah Alloh Swt mempertemukan saya dg KHB. Tempatnya nyaman, aksesnya dan lokasinya mudah dijangkau. Dan alhamdulillah walaupun 6 sesi pertemuan telah selesai, silaturahmi masih berlanjut hingga kini. Saya mendapatkan pengalaman yg luar biasa dimana perlahan2 tertuntun kembali kpd kemurnian jiwa. Luka batin yg berkepanjangan telah merusak jiwa, membuat saya tidak pandai mengapresiasi secara positif segala anugerah dan titipanNYA. Sesi demi sesi saya jalani, Bpk Syaiful sangat sabar dan telaten membantu mengurai persoalan yg begitu riuh dlm diri saya. Satu persatu masalah diselesaikan lewat sugesti hipnoterapi. Pengalaman pertama hipnoterapi 2jam berasa sangat cepat sekali, dan badan ini mjd ringan... Alhamdulillah pengalaman terapi di KHB membuat saya lebih mengenali diri. Mengenali kesalahan2 cara berfikir selama ini. Luka batin akut yg telah berhasil mendominasi jiwa, perlahan terobati dg sugesti positif lewat alam bawah saya. Alhasil perubahan sangat membahagiakan skarang saya rasakan dalam menjalani keseharian saya sbg istri dan ibu 4 anak remaja. Alhamdulillah. Akhirnya saya haturkan terimakasih kpd Bpk Syaiful dan tim managemen KHB segala keikhlasannya telah membantu saya, jazakumulloh khiiron jaza".
Alhamdulillah, Allah swt brought me to KHB. The place is comfortable, the access and the location is easy to reach. And thank God, even though the 6 sessions of the meeting have been completed, the friendship continues to this day. I had a wonderful experience where I was slowly led back to purity of soul. Prolonged inner wounds have damaged the soul, making me not good at positively appreciating all His gifts and gifts. Session after session I went through, Mr. Syaiful was very patient and painstaking to help unravel the problems that were so boisterous in me. One by one the problems are solved through hypnotherapy suggestions. The first experience of 2 hours of hypnotherapy felt very fast, and this body became lighter... Alhamdulillah, the experience of therapy at KHB made me know myself better. Recognize mistakes in thinking so far. The acute inner wounds that have succeeded in dominating my soul are slowly being healed by positive suggestions through my lower realms. As a result, the changes are very happy that I now feel in living my daily life as a wife and mother of 4 teenage children. Alhamdulillah. Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Syaiful and the KHB management team for all their sincerity for helping me, jazakumulloh khiiron jaza".
Marwah Farah Sabila on Google

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Assalamu'alaikum. Perkenalkan nama saya Marwah Farah Sabila, saya adalah salah satu penderita kanker (nasofaring) yang menjalani hypnoterapi oleh ustad saiful. Alasan saya mengikuti hypnoterapi yaitu selama menjalani serangkaian perawatan di RS Dharmais belum juga ditemukan penyebab utama kanker tersebut. Alhamdulillah, pembawaan bicara ustad saiful itu sangat membuat saya semangat. Memberi motivasi yang beragam kepada saya, seperti cerita-cerita di zaman Rasulullah ataupun cerita pengalaman orang lain. Untuk durasi hypnoterapi bagi saya cukup lama, tapi tidak membosankan. Karena perasaan saya terobati, fisik sayapun tambah semangat. Untuk terapi ruqyah bagi saya sangat-sangat bermanfaat, karena mampu membersihkan jiwa dan hati saya dari gangguan jin. Selama di hypnoterapi saya sudah 3x di ruqyah, dan ketiganya bereaksi.
Assalamualaikum. My name is Marwah Farah Sabila, I am a cancer patient (nasopharynx) who underwent hypnotherapy by Ustad Saiful. The reason I took hypnotherapy was that during a series of treatments at Dharmais Hospital, the main cause of the cancer was not found. Alhamdulillah, Ustad Saiful's speaking character really makes me excited. Gives me various motivations, such as stories from the time of the Prophet or stories of other people's experiences. The duration of hypnotherapy for me is quite long, but not boring. Because my feelings were relieved, my physical strength became even more enthusiastic. Ruqyah therapy for me is very, very useful, because it can cleanse my soul and heart from jinn disorders. During the hypnotherapy session I was in ruqyah 3 times, and all three reacted.
Medy Wijanarko on Google

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Anak saya didiagnosa mengidap Anxiety, dan telah berobat kurang lebih satu tahun, tapi rasa cemas dan depresi tidak juga hilang, sebagai orang tua keadaan anak seperti itu pasti mengkhawatirkan, reaksi yang ditimbulkan berbagai macam dari yang ringan sampai yang membuat saya sebagai orang tua sempat down juga. Alhamdulillah Allah memberi jalan untuk bisa terapi di Klinik Hipnoterapi Bogor, setelah 2 kali terapi, anak saya mulai menunjukan perubahan kejiwaan yg menggembirakan, terapi yang dilaksanakan oleh Ustad Saiful juga menyertakan ruqyah (syar'i) sehingga mempercepat kesembuhan jiwa anak saya. Insya Allah berkat ridha Allah, setelah 6 sesi pertemuan, secara psikis anak saya dinyatakan sudah kembali normal. Untuk mencapai lokasi terapi cukup mudah, karena tertera di Google Map, cukup Ketik Klinik Hipnoterapi Bogor, nanti pilih yang berlokasi di Pasir Mulya, Kota Bogor. Fasilitas klinik juga cukup baik, tersedia mushalla, wifi dan juga disediakan minuman panas buat pendamping/keluarga pasien. Setiap selesai sesi terapi, pak Saiful menyampikan evaluasi hasil terapi saat itu, dan penjelasan yang diberikan sangat mudah dipahami sehingga saya sebagai orang tua juga bisa mengevaluasi diri untuk memperbaiki komunikasi dalam menjalin hubungan dengan anak. Pengalaman saya, bahwa kita sebagai orang tua jangan sampai lengah atau mengabaikan kondisi kejiwaan anak kita, karena akan mempengaruhi psikis dan menimbulkan psikosomatis sehingga banyak hal yang tidak kita inginkan bisa terjadi, jangan sampai kita menyesal karena semuanya sudah terlambat.
My child was diagnosed with Anxiety, and has been on medication for about a year, but the anxiety and depression have not gone away. As a parent, such a child's condition must be worrying. The reactions that occur are various from mild to those that make me as a parent feel down. too. Alhamdulillah, Allah gave a way to get therapy at the Hypnotherapy Clinic in Bogor, after 2 treatments, my child began to show encouraging psychological changes, the therapy carried out by Ustad Saiful also included ruqyah (syar'i) so as to accelerate the healing of my child's soul. God willing, thanks to God's blessing, after 6 sessions of meeting, psychologically my child is declared to have returned to normal. To reach the therapy location is quite easy, because it is listed on the Google Map, just type Bogor Hypnotherapy Clinic, then choose the one located in Pasir Mulya, Bogor City. The clinic facilities are also quite good, there is a prayer room, wifi and hot drinks are also provided for the patient's companion/family. After each therapy session, Mr. Saiful gave an evaluation of the results of the therapy at that time, and the explanations given were very easy to understand so that I as a parent could also evaluate myself to improve communication in building relationships with children. My experience is that we as parents should not be careless or ignore the mental condition of our children, because it will affect the psyche and cause psychosomatic so that many things we don't want can happen, don't let us regret because it's too late.
Lisani Husna on Google

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Akses ke kliniknya mudah. Bisa dicari di Google maps dan ada di titik layanan seperti gojek dan grab. Fasilitasnya ada WiFi, toilet, musholla, dan minuman seperti kopi. Awalnya pada tahun 2019 saya didiagnosa oleh psikiater Surabaya memiliki kepribadian ambang. Pindah ke Bogor untuk bekerja, pada tahun 2020 saya didiagnosa memiliki bipolar oleh psikiater bogor. Sudah mengkonsumsi obat sampai tahun ke 3 tapi kondisi saya tak kunjung membaik. Lalu saya memutuskan untuk menjalankan hipnoterapi. Udah dihipnoterapi di sini sampai sesi 6 dan Alhamdulillah saya jauh membaik atau bisa dibilang sembuh. Sudah berhenti mengkonsumsi obat dari psikiater juga. Hipnoterapi yg berbasis ilmu psikis dan agama Islam. Bapaknya baik banget dan memberikan ilmu yg bermanfaat. Beruntung banget bisa dihipnoterapi di sini. Sangat rekomended untuk yg punya masalah psikis. Bisa banget diterapi di sini ??
Easy access to the clinic. It can be searched on Google maps and is available at service points such as gojek and grab. Facilities include WiFi, toilets, prayer rooms, and drinks such as coffee. Initially in 2019 I was diagnosed by a Surabaya psychiatrist as having a borderline personality. Moving to Bogor for work, in 2020 I was diagnosed with bipolar by a Bogor psychiatrist. I have been taking medicine for the 3rd year but my condition is not getting better. Then I decided to run hypnotherapy. I've been hypnotized here until session 6 and Alhamdulillah I'm much better or can be said to be cured. Have stopped taking medication from a psychiatrist as well. Hypnotherapy based on psychic science and Islam. His father is very kind and provides useful knowledge. Very lucky to be hypnotized here. Highly recommended for those who have psychological problems. It can really be treated here ??

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