Ciracas District Health Clinics - Kota Jakarta Timur

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ciracas District Health Clinics

Address :

Jl. H. Baping No.1, RW.6, Susukan, Kec. Ciracas, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13750, Indonesia

Postal code : 13750
Website :
Categories :

Jl. H. Baping No.1, RW.6, Susukan, Kec. Ciracas, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13750, Indonesia
Andromeda Prasetya on Google

Wabil Khusus utk Klinik Ibu Hamil Pasien datang sesuai jadwal, yg nulis tanggal dia, tapi pas dateng diomelin dg alasan kunjungan ke Puskesmas dibatasi 6 kali. Buku catatan dicoret-coret, nanya ini siapa yg nulis Padahal di kunjungan sebelumnya yg periksa juga dia. Pelayanan publik sekarang kembali ke zaman jahiliyah. Sementara Pak DKI 1 sibuk mau nyapres. Miris
Special Wabil for Pregnant Women Clinic The patient came according to schedule, who wrote down his date, but when he arrived he was scolded for the reason that visits to the Puskesmas were limited to 6 times. The notebook is scribbled, asking who wrote this Even though on the previous visit he was the one who checked. Public services are now back to the days of ignorance. Meanwhile, Pak DKI 1 is busy trying to press. Pity
Rizki Handayani on Google

Asli gak rekomended sekali di sini, tenaga medis nya teramat santai , antrian padahal sedikit tapi bisa selesai tengah malam , kalau sodara anda yg sakit di perlakukan seperti itu gimana , Persiapan santai , banyak bicara , saya ini pasien sakit ,kesini mau berobat bukan jalan2 , tolong lah tenaga medisnya cekatan dalam berkerja ,kalau istirahat ya satu satu ,jangan semua nya istirahat ,jadi gak ada yg back up , TOLONG DI SIMAKKKKKKKK
It's not really recommended here, the medical personnel are very relaxed, the queues are small, but can be finished in the middle of the night, what if your sick brother is treated like that, Relax preparation, talk a lot, I am a sick patient, I want to go here for treatment, not traveling, please help the medical staff to be agile at work, if you take a break one at a time, don't all take a break, so no one backs up, PLEASE SIMAKKKKKKK
Hudi Khoiriyah on Google

admin wa tidak ramah dan tidak solutif. mau konfirmasi hal terkait sertifikat vaksin, tapi cuma disuruh nunggu atau datang saja ke lokasi vaksin. hadeh buat apa tertulis jika ada keluhan hubungi kontak tersebut kl masih disuruh nunggu atau datang langsung?
admin wa is not friendly and not solution. I want to confirm things related to vaccine certificates, but I was only told to wait or just come to the vaccine location. Hadeh what's written if there is a complaint contact the contact if you are still told to wait or come directly
Ben Cotto on Google

Rame Banget pasiennya, untuk ngambil nomor antrian sebaiknya datang pagi2
Rame Really the patient, to take the queue number should come early in the morning
Imam Aldi on Google

Jelek banget pelayanannya,waktu istri saya mau vaksin katanya suruh bawa orang sebanyak-banyaknya supaya mau vaksin,giliran istri saya mau vaksin,dokternya buru2 mau pulang,kaya orang kebelet boker.pas giliran istri saya,nyuruh ke nakes yang nyuntik,bilang sisain buat dokter yuni.wahai dokter Yuni,kalo ad famili anda mau vaksin,ya ikutan antri donk! Mulai dari satpamnya gak melayani,cuma duduk2 ngopi,main hape,pasien semua kebingungan gak dikasih petunjuk yang jelas.tolong dinas terkait,di tindak lanjuti nih puskesmas.
Hideous ministry, my wife when she told the vaccine would bring as many people that want the vaccine, the vaccine would turn to my wife, doctor buru2 want to go home, turn boker.pas rich people dying for my wife, who nyuntik nyuruh to health workers, said Sisain create Yuni yuni.wahai doctor doctor, family ad if you want the vaccine, yes follow queued donk! Starting from satpamnya not serve, only duduk2 coffee, play phone, all of the confusion patients not given instructions jelas.tolong related department, the follow nih clinic.
Intan Esp on Google

Puskesmas terbaik, yg pernah di temui, ada tempat bermain anak, jadi anak anak nyaman bermain di tengah kesibukan puskesmas, pelayanan cepat, pegawai rapih , profesional.
The best puskesmas, which has ever been met, there is a children's playground, so children are comfortable playing in the midst of the busy Puskesmas, fast service, neat, professional employees.
Darman on Google

Good service
moza on Google


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