Cinere District Health Clinics - Depok City

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Contact Cinere District Health Clinics

Address :

Jl. Cinere Raya No.30, Cinere, Depok City, West Java 16514, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +7877
Postal code : 16514
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Jl. Cinere Raya No.30, Cinere, Depok City, West Java 16514, Indonesia

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Perawatnya cukup sigap melayani pasien, terutama pasien covid yang sedang isolasi mandiri di rumah. Obat2an yang diberikan juga cukup lengkap.
The nurses are quite quick to serve patients, especially Covid patients who are self-isolating at home. The medicines given are also quite complete.
Siti Fatimah on Google

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Beberapa kali kesini alhamdulillah blm kecewa sih, terakhir kesini pas lg gangguan gerd aslam, makasih bgt buat dokter cewek aku gatau siapa namanya bisa jd pendengar yg baik dan saranin buat konsul lebih lanjut ke psikiater krn gerd dtg berawal dr anxiety jd hrs diobatin anxietynya dulu. Thx a lot
I've been here a few times, thank God, I haven't been disappointed, the last time I came here was when Gerd Aslam was disturbed, thank you very much for a female doctor, I don't know what her name is, but I can be a good listener and suggest further consulting with a psychiatrist because Gerd started with anxiety, so the anxiety must be treated first. Thx a lot
Maina on Google

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Alhamdulillah selama saya terpapar covid dgn sigap di tangani oleh team Dari puskesmas Cinere ( mba Aulia , sus Bella dan dokter yg menangani) , walaupun sempat tertunda karena domisili KTP saya yg berbeda. Tp saya segera diWA ditanyakan keluhan lagsung dikirim obat dan selalu di pantau perkembangan kondisi saya , terima kasih team penanganan covid puskesmas Cinere, terus semangat? dan semoga sehat selalu dan dilindungi Allah, Aamin
Thank God, as long as I was exposed to Covid, the team from the Cinere Health Center was swiftly handled (Ms. Aulia, Sus Bella and the treating doctor), even though it was delayed because of my different ID card domicile. But I was immediately asked for a complaint in WA, I was immediately sent medicine and always monitored the progress of my condition, thank you Cinere health center covid handling team, keep up the spirit and may you always be healthy and protected by Allah, Aamin
Frige Junizar on Google

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KALAU ADA PENILAIAN MINUS 5, GW BAKAL ISI NIH.. Mau cek lab kehamilan istri. Sebelum di USG. 1. Pertama suruh daftar Online via WA ke WA PUSKESMAS CINERE. Saya ikutin... 2. Dapatlah SMS. Saya tanya pas tgl 24 Maret 2022. Buat memastikan. Ini kami datang jam 07.00 WIB, Hari Selasa tgl 29 Maret 2022 atau Kamis tgl 31 Maret 2022. "KARENA SAYA DAPAT SMS NGGA JELAS. SURUH DATANG KAMIS, 29 MARET 2022????" (LAGI NGGA FOKUS KALI YA..) Di Jawablah sama salah satu Bidan / dokter : BAPAK HARUS DATANG hari Kamis, tgl 31 Maret 2022. 3. Hari ini saya datang hari Kamis, tgl 31 Maret 2022. Yg mana di pendaftaran depan tidak tertera nama Istri saya. 4. Di konfirmasi ulang sama pihak bidan & dokter. Di Jawablah : Bapak pokoknya patokannya Tanggal jangan hari.... "WHAT THE....????" Note buat para nakes puskesmas Cinere : Izin telat kerja susah Malih.....
IF THERE IS A MINUS 5 ASSESSMENT, I WILL CONTENT THIS.. I want to check my wife's pregnancy lab. Before the ultrasound. 1. First, ask to register online via WA to WA PUSKESMAS CINERE. I follow... 2. Get SMS. I asked on March 24, 2022. Just to make sure. Here we come at 07.00 WIB, Tuesday 29 March 2022 or Thursday 31 March 2022. "BECAUSE I GET AN UNCLEAR SMS. TOLD TO COME THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 2022????" (NOT FOCUS AGAIN, YES..) Answered by one of the midwives / doctors: you MUST COME Thursday, March 31, 2022. 3. Today I came on Thursday, March 31, 2022. Which one doesn't show my wife's name on the front registration. 4. Reconfirmed by the midwife & doctor. Answered: Sir, basically the benchmark is the date, not the day.... "WHAT THE...????" Note for the health workers at the Cinere Health Center: Permission to be late for work is difficult, Malih.....
indri widyarta on Google

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6 April 2022 aku bawa anakku berobat kesini, keluhan batpil ringan tp udh 10 hari kok ga sembuh2, 5 hari pertama minum obat Bebas yg ringan, blm sembuh juga. Alhamdulillah bu dokter dan asisten melayani dengan baik, pake bercanda2 juga??, dan Insya Alloh ini baru minum obat 2 kali sdh byk bee kurang batpilnya. Semoga Alloh selalu memberkahi bu dokter dan asistennya..Aamiin
April 6, 2022, I brought my son for treatment here, the complaint of mild cough but it's been 10 days how come it's not getting better, the first 5 days of taking mild over-the-counter medicine, it hasn't healed yet. Thank God, the doctor and assistant served well, they also used jokes , and God willing, this has only taken medicine 2 times and there have been a lot of bees lacking in batpil. May Allah always bless the doctor and her assistant.. Amen
Nurkartiko Trikusumo on Google

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Ngikut Vaksin sinovac v1, v2 buat bocah. Boost Pfizer dan boost AZ buat yg tua2
According to Sinovac Vaccine v1, v2 for children. Boost Pfizer and boost AZ for the old
Winda Simanungkalit on Google

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Jelek bgt sih pelayanan nya puskesmas ini.gak tau ya ke orang lain kaya gimana. Tapi gua merasa ini puskesmas JELEK BGT PELAYANANNYA ! first time, bulan september 2021 gua lagi hamil. Gua emang mau pake bpjs lahiran di puskesmas ini rencananya begitu. Jujur gua usg di klinik lain karna di puskes ini kan emang gak bisa usg. Gua emang inget hpht gua tgl berapa, dan berdasarkan itu mereka (bidan nya) menentukan hpl gua tgl 15 oktober. Tapi dari hasil usg hpl gua itu tgl 5 oktober. - pertengahan september gua minta di cek lab maksud gua karna hpl dari hasil usg adl awal oktober jadi gua pikir gua mesti cek lab. Jadi kalo ada yg perlu diperbaiki gua masih sempet perbaiki. Tapi ditolak sama bidan nya, si bidan malah nyaranin tgl 5 oktober gua baru dicek lab (ole gua nurut) - akhir september gua usg lagi dan dokter yg usg gua bilang gua harusnya udah bisa lahiran karna semua udh ready dan usia kandungan juga udh cukup. - gua dateng lagi ke puskes cinere dan sampaikan hasil usg gua, lalu si bidan tetap ngotot hpl gua 15 oktober jadi dia tetap gak mau cek lab gua di akhir september itu (oke gua nurut) - tgl 2 oktober gua mulai flek coklat. Pagi sekali, siang sekali, sore sekali. Gua juga udah mules mules tgl 2 itu tapi belum teratur memang. - 2 oktober jam 9 malam gua udah mulai mules agak sering, gua dan suami dateng ke puskes cinere (again) dan bilang gua udah flek coklat dan udah mules mules. Lalu si bidan ini nanya hasil lab terakhir gua tgl berapa. Gua bilang hasil lab terakhir gua pas gua hamil usia 5 week. Bidan ini beda sama yg waktu itu nyuruh gua cek lab bulan september - masih di tgl 2 oktober jam 9 malam itu, gua ke toilet dan keluar flek darah. Gua minta si bidan cek pembukaan. Dicek sama si bidan tsb dan dia bilang gua belom ada pembukaan (padahal itu jari dia pun udh berdarah darah). Lalu dgn santai nya si bidan bilang GUA HANYA KONTRAKSI PALSU. Luaaaaar biasaaaaa. - gua dijadwalin PCR tgl 4 oktober dong wkwkwkwkwk. Terus si bidan bilang hari minggu di puskesmas cinere gak ada bidan jaga jadi gak ada persalinan. Jadi kalo mau pake bpjs untuk lahiran gua bisa ke puskesmas mana aja yg di depok dan bilang puskes cinere lagi penyemprotan jadi gak buka. - setelah pulang dari puskesmas cinere. Gua mandi dan makan, kontraksi gua mulai teratur 10 menit sekali. Dan flek darah mulai keluar berkali kali. Masih gua bawa tenang dgn tarik nafas yg dalam lalu buang supaya gak terlalu sakit kontraksinya. - 2 oktober jam 12 malam gua ke puskes cinere again sama suami dan ternyata udh gak ada bidan jaga disana. Akhirnya gua sama suami langsung cuuus ke puskesmas beji depok (gua cuma tau arah kesitu doang jadi gua pilih beji) - sampe di beji itu tgl 3 oktober jam 2 pagi. Gua disuruh buang air kecil dulu sama bidan nya. Gua ke toilet dan udah gak bisa buang air kecil karma udah keluar darah banyak. Gua bilang ke bidan nya dan langsung dibawa ke ruang persalina. Dicek ternyata udh pembukaan 8 dong. Jam 3 pagi gua pembukaan lengkap. Dan jam 4 pagi anak gua lahir dgn selamat. - tgl 3 oktober puskesmas cinere telpon make sure "GUA DIJADWALKAN PCR TGL 4 OKTOBER" suami gua langsung jawab "ISTRI SAYA SUDAH LAHIRAN" harusnya sih ini jadi tamparan keras ya buat tenaga medis disana. Santai sekali bilang gua cuma kontraksi palsu. Dan jadwalin gua pcr tgl 4 oktober bahkan ada bidan yg jadwalin gua cek lab tgl 5 oktober dan ngotot hpl gua tgl 15 oktober padahal gua udah bawa hasil usg dan dokter yg usg gua pun udh bilang gua udah ready untuk lahiran. Se GAK PROFESIONAL ITU YA TENAGA MEDIS DI PUSKES INI !
The service at this puskesmas is really bad. I don't know how to do it to other people. But I feel like this puskesmas is BAD SERVICE! first time, in september 2021 i am pregnant. I really want to use bpjs for births at the puskesmas, that's the plan. Honestly, I had an ultrasound at another clinic because at this health center, it really can't be done. I do remember what date my HPL is, and based on that they (the midwife) determined my HPL on October 15th. But from the results of my cellphone ultrasound, it was October 5th. - mid-September I asked for a lab check, I mean because the HPL from the ultrasound results was early October so I thought I should check the lab. So if there's something that needs to be fixed, I'm still fixing it. But the midwife refused, the midwife even suggested that on October 5th I just checked the lab (ole I obeyed) - at the end of september I had another ultrasound and the doctor who gave me an ultrasound said that I should have been able to give birth because everything was ready and the gestational age was enough. - I came back to the cinere health center and conveyed my ultrasound results, then the midwife still insisted on my cellphone on October 15 so she still didn't want to check my lab at the end of September (okay, I obeyed) - On October 2, I started having brown spots. One morning, one afternoon, one evening. I also had heartburn on the 2nd but it wasn't really regular. - October 2 at 9 pm I started feeling sick a little more often, my husband and I came to the Cinere Health Center (again) and said I had brown spots and it was already sore. Then the midwife asked me what date my last lab result was. I said my last lab results were when I was 5 weeks pregnant. This midwife is different from the one who asked me to check the lab in September - still on October 2 at 9 that night, I went to the toilet and came out with blood spots. I asked the midwife to check the opening. The midwife checked with the midwife and she said I had no opening yet (even though her finger was already bleeding). Then the midwife casually said I JUST ONLY FAKE CONTRACTIONS. Soooooooooooo normal. - I'm scheduled for a PCR on October 4th, dong wkwkwkwkwk. Then the midwife said that on Sundays at the Cinere Health Center there was no midwife on duty, so there was no delivery. So if you want to use BPJS for delivery, I can go to any health center in Depok and say that the Cinere Health Center is spraying so it doesn't open. - after returning from the Cinere Health Center. I shower and eat, my contractions start regularly every 10 minutes. And blood spots started coming out many times. I still take it calmly by taking a deep breath and then exhaling it so the contractions don't hurt too much. - October 2 at 12 pm I went to the Cinere Health Center again with my husband and it turned out that there was no midwife on duty there. In the end, my husband and I just went straight to the Beji Health Center in Depok (I only knew where to go so I chose Beji) - Arrived at Beji on October 3 at 2 am. I was told to urinate first by the midwife. I went to the toilet and I couldn't urinate anymore because there was a lot of blood coming out. I told the midwife and was immediately taken to the delivery room. Checked it turned out to have opened 8 dong. At 3 am the cave is complete opening. And at 4 am my son was born safely. - on the 3rd of october the Cinere health center telephoned to make sure "I AM SCHEDULED FOR PCR THE 4th OCTOBER" My husband immediately replied "MY WIFE IS BORN" This should be a slap in the face for the medical staff there. It's cool to say I'm just a fake contraction. And I scheduled my PCr for October 4th, there was even a midwife who scheduled me to check the lab on October 5th and insisted on my HPL on October 15th, even though I already brought the ultrasound results and the doctor who did my ultrasound said I was ready for delivery. IT'S NOT PROFESSIONAL, IT'S THE MEDICAL PERSONNEL AT THIS HEALTH HEALTH!
Amanah Sinar Kehidupan Tour & Travel (Asiktour) on Google

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