Bethesda Hospital Lempuyangwangi - Yogyakarta City

3.8/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Bethesda Hospital Lempuyangwangi

Address :

Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.6, Bausasran, Danurejan, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55211, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +77
Postal code : 55211
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.6, Bausasran, Danurejan, Yogyakarta City, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55211, Indonesia
Khairunisa Putri on Google

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Rumah sakitnya kecil tapi bersih dan lumayan nyaman. Pengalaman saya kesini periksa di poli mata oleh dr Banu. Dokternya ramah, dan menjelaskannya juga jelas. Kemudian periksa kedua menemani ibu saya di poli penyakit dalam dengan dr Lisa, juga ramah, menjelaskan dengan baik, serta sopan dengan org yg lebih tua. Saran saya kalo mau periksa disini dengan BPJS dan kepengen menyingkat waktu. Alurnya begini: 1. Minta rujukan di faskes yg ada di kartu BPJS anda 2. Jika anda pasien baru silahkan mendaftar dahulu, pilih dokter untuk hari besok saja. Karena kalo daftar dan pilih dokter di hari yg sama sangat lama sekali antrinya. Saya Hari Senin daftar dan janjian dokternya Selasa. Jadi Selasa tinggal antri saja di poliklinik sesuai nomer antrian yg didaftarkan hari sebelumnya. Proses antri diperiksa, Rontgen dan antri farmasi kurleb saya tadi dua jam-an. Sekian saran dari saya semoga membantu pembaca yang mau berobat di bethesda.
The hospital is small but clean and quite comfortable. My experience here was checked at the eye clinic by Dr. Banu. The doctor is friendly, and explains it clearly too. Then the second check accompanied my mother at the internal medicine clinic with Dr. Lisa, who was also friendly, explained well, and was polite with older people. My advice if you want to check here with BPJS and want to save time. The flow is like this: 1. Ask for a referral at the health facility that is on your BPJS card 2. If you are a new patient, please register first, choose a doctor for tomorrow only. Because if you register and choose a doctor on the same day, the queue is very long. I register Monday and the doctor's appointment is Tuesday. So Tuesday, just queue at the polyclinic according to the queue number registered the day before. The queuing process was checked, X-rays and the pharmacy queue for my colleague was two hours ago. A few suggestions from me hopefully help readers who want to seek treatment at Bethesda.
Maria Roswita on Google

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RS tipe D yg cukup lengkap memiliki beragam dokter spesialis dan melayani BPJS. Untuk proses BPJS tidak rumit, hanya perlu membawa surat rujukan dan fotokopian rujukan; tidak perlu syarat lain seperti FC kartu BPJS dan KTP. Jadwal dokter sering berubah sehingga perlu aktif menanyakan ke bagian pendaftaran, bisa melalui WA ataupun telepon. Kalau baru pertama kali periksa, harus dtg H-1 minimal, utk isi form pendaftaran pasien dan booking jadwal kontrol. Oh iya, harus dipastikan kartu BPJS dalam kondisi AKTIF ya ketika datang berobat. Prosedurnya pelayanan kira-kira seperti berikut ini: 1. Ambil nomor antrian di satpam poli dan cek suhu 2. Nomor antrian dipanggil ke loket pendaftaran ulang 3. Pendaftaran mencetak berkas BPJS dan diberikan ke pasien 4. Berkas dibawa pasien dan diletakkan di konter perawat poliklinik 5. Pasien dipanggil untuk cek tekanan darah, cek suhu, pencatatan keluhan pasien 6. Menunggu antrian dokter Biasanya di depan pintu sudah ada nama dokter sehingga mempermudah untuk mengamati kapan Anda akan dipanggil oleh perawat utk masuk ke ruangan. Untuk durasi menunggu antrian dokter sangat bervariarif, tergantung nomor urut periksa, jam kedatangan Anda (kegasikan endak), dan jam kedatangan dokter (telat endak). 7. Pasien masuk ruang dokter utk diperiksa Dokter sangat baik dalam memeriksa, resep sudah elektronik 8. Pasien diberikan stopmap berkas dan dibawa menuju LOKET 5 FARMASI. Loket 5 ya untuk penerimaan resep rawat jalan. Kalau loket 6 itu penyerahan obat, dan loket 7 itu pelayanan rawat inap. 9. Pasien menjadwalkan kontrol selanjutnya, berkas kontrol dimasukkan ke loket 3 pendaftaran. Nanti setelah selesai akan dipanggil nama pasien. Ini bisa dilakukan sembari menunggu obat. Terserah sih, mau masukkin berkas ke farmasi atau pendaftaran dulu. 10. Ambil nomor antrian obat di Farmasi sesuai pilihan Anda, dengan menekan layar komputer A. Untuk IGD/UMUM/POLI GIGI B. BPJS POLIKLINIK C. AMBIL BESOK (pk 7-8 dan pk14-16) Kalau Anda adl pasien Umum atau Asuransi, ambil aja yg umum.. Disini kalau misal gak mau menunggu obat lama, ambil nomor antrian ambil besok aja, terus bisa ditinggal saja dan diambil keesokan harinya. 11. Menunggu panggilan Farmasi Menunggu ini membutuhkan kesabaran, cepat atau lama pelayanan obat sangat tergantung pd jumlah pasien poliklinik di jam kedatangan Anda. Misal di poliklinik sedang berjalan 4 dokter bersamaan, maka di waktu bersamaan dari 4 ruangan dokter, 4 pasien memasukkan resep di farmasi. Ibarat kata ada penyempitan jalan. Kalau pas sepi yaa bisa 30-60menit laah, kalau pas rame ya bisa 1 jam lebih menunggu. Dari melihat loket 5 untuk rawat jalan dan loket 7 untuk rawat inap, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelayanan farmasi keduanya dilayani bersamaan. Ketika menunggu obat, selain pasien rawat jalan juga dilayani perawat yg meminta obat dan pasien rawat inap yg sudah selesai opname. Tipsnya untuk menunggu: bawa bekal air minum, permen, roti kecil, dan kipas. Kalau baru pertama kali dan kebingungan, gak ada salahnya rajin membaca informasi yg terpasang sebelum bertanya. Budayakan membaca :) Semoga kita semua diberkahi kesehatan dan rejeki, Amin ??
Type D Hospital, which is quite complete, has a variety of specialist doctors and serves BPJS. The BPJS process is not complicated, you only need to bring a referral letter and a photocopy of the referral; no need for other requirements such as FC BPJS card and KTP. Doctor's schedule changes frequently, so it is necessary to actively ask the registration section, either via WA or telephone. If it's the first time to check, you have to come at least D-1, to fill in the patient registration form and book a control schedule. Oh yes, it must be ensured that the BPJS card is in an ACTIVE condition when it comes to treatment. The service procedure is roughly as follows: 1. Take the queue number at the security guard and check the temperature 2. The queue number is called to the re-registration counter 3. Registration prints the BPJS file and gives it to the patient 4. The file is brought by the patient and placed at the polyclinic nurse counter 5. Patients are called to check blood pressure, check temperature, record patient complaints 6. Waiting in line for the doctor Usually at the door there is already a doctor's name, making it easier to observe when you will be called by the nurse to enter the room. For the duration of waiting for the doctor's queue, it varies greatly, depending on the serial number of checks, the time of your arrival (excited endak), and the doctor's arrival time (late endak). 7. The patient enters the doctor's office for examination The doctor is very good at checking, the prescription is electronic 8. The patient is given a file stopmap and taken to LOKET 5 PHARMACEUTICAL. Counter 5 is for outpatient prescription reception. Counter 6 is for drug delivery, and counter 7 is for inpatient services. 9. The patient scheduled the next check-up, the control file was submitted to counter 3 registration. After that, the patient's name will be called. This can be done while waiting for the medication. It's up to you, do you want to enter the file to the pharmacy or register first. 10. Take the drug queue number at the Pharmacy of your choice, by pressing the computer screen A. For ER/GENERAL/DENTAL POLY B. BPJS POLYCLINIC C. TAKE IT TOMORROW (7-8 and 14-16) If you are a general patient or insurance, just take the general one.. Here, for example, if you don't want to wait for the old medicine, just take the queue number and take it tomorrow, then you can just leave it and take it the next day. 11. Waiting for Pharmacy call This wait requires patience, fast or long drug service depends on the number of polyclinic patients at the time of your arrival. For example, in the polyclinic, 4 doctors are running at the same time, so at the same time from 4 doctor's rooms, 4 patients enter a prescription in the pharmacy. It's like a road narrowing. If it's quiet, it can take 30-60 minutes, if it's busy, you can wait more than 1 hour. From looking at counter 5 for outpatient care and counter 7 for inpatient care, it can be concluded that both pharmacy services are served at the same time. While waiting for medicine, in addition to outpatients, nurses are also served by asking for drugs and inpatients who have finished hospitalization. Tips for waiting: bring a supply of drinking water, candy, small bread, and a fan. If it's your first time and you're confused, there's nothing wrong with diligently reading the attached information before asking. Cultivate reading :) May we all be blessed with health and fortune, Amen ??
pernak pernik temanten on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

excellent in service
Masbi masbi on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Septian Puji on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

The best service ❀️
Diah Piesesha on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Agung Wahyudi on Google

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Good services ????
Rafaela Maria on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Most worst hospital i've visited. Honestly they don't have a good service.

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