Bank Syariah Indonesia - Kota Depok

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bank Syariah Indonesia

Address :

Jl. Komjen.Pol.M.Jasin No.3, Tugu, Kec. Cimanggis, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16451, Indonesia

Postal code : 16451
Opening hours :
Monday 8:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–2PM
Thursday 8:30AM–2PM
Friday 8:30AM–2PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Komjen.Pol.M.Jasin No.3, Tugu, Kec. Cimanggis, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16451, Indonesia
Eka Aria Prakasa on Google

Ramah ramah
Friendly friendly
Azam Azmi on Google

Harus sabar kesini...yg dateng sedikit tp setorannya buanyak
You have to be patient here ... those who come a little but have a lot of deposits
Gentur Mesubudhi on Google

Pelayanan di bank ini cukup baik, para pegawainya sangat ramah.
The service at this bank is quite good, the employees are very friendly.
Dian Hendriyana on Google

Bank Mandiri Syariah Kantor Cabang Kelapa Dua. Pelayanan ramah, Parkir kecil.. sebaiknya bawa motor, Ada Mesin ATM BSM, berdampingan dengan BRI.
Bank Mandiri Syariah Kelapa Dua Branch Office. Friendly service, small parking .. better bring a motorbike, there is a BSM ATM machine, side by side with BRI.
Puguh Purwandaru on Google

Dulu namanya BSM, sekarang sudah jadi BSI, Bank Syari'ah Indonesia. Tempatnya lumayan, ruang tunggu nyaman, security-nya ramah dan membantu memberikan informasi awal. Parkirannya kecil, direkomendasikan untuk pakai motor, mobil tidak direkomendasikan karena pasti akan parkir pinggir jalan. Ada ATM, sayangnya hanya menyediakan pecahan 100 ribu
Previously the name was BSM, now it has become BSI, the Indonesian Syari'ah Bank. The place is decent, the waiting room is comfortable, the security is friendly and helps provide initial information. The parking lot is small, it is recommended to use a motorbike, cars are not recommended because there will definitely be roadside parking. There is an ATM, unfortunately it only provides 100,000 denominations
Hari Prabowo on Google

Tempat nya sangat bersih nyaman pelayanannya sangat baik
The place is very clean comfortable the service is very good
Taefur Yulianto on Google

Sangat ketat dalam protokol kesehatan saat pandemi covid19 tempatnya nyaman dan petugasnya ramah serta membantu walau terkadang antri menjelang weekend atau troble jaringan.
Very strict in health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic, the place is comfortable and the staff is friendly and helpful, even though sometimes there are queues before the weekend or network problems.
Reni Purnama Sari on Google

Dulunya BSM, skrg udh berubah jd BSI. Lokasi di Jl Akses UI, lebih baik bawa motor kalau kesini, krn parkiran tdk luas. Saya mau sharing experience migrasi BNIS (Agustus 2021) di BSI Kelapa Dua Depok nih ? Percobaan hari-1. Datang jam stgh 9an, kehabisan nomor antrian migrasi. Disuruh datang lagi jam 1 siang, katanya akan dilayani jika antrian pagi sudah selesai. Pas datang siang jam 1, nyatanya antrian pagi masih berjalan di nomor 13. Haha. Mending yg dijanjiin disuruh dtg siang, gausah kesini deh. Buang-buang waktu kalau rumahnya jauh. Percobaan hari ke-2. Datang jam 8 (ternyata masi kurang pagi hahaha!). Ga kebagian no antrian migrasi lg. Disuruh dtg jam 1 tp kapok ah. Dan bertekad besoknya dtg di rentang jam 6-7 pagi. Percobaan hari ke-3. Datang jam 6.20. Alhamdulillah yg dtg baru 1 org, namun belum ada petugas siapa2. Petugas dtg jam 7 kurang, namun no antrian migrasi dibagikan jam 8an, jd harus tetap fokus sblm no antrian ada ditangan, haha. Selain dibagikan no antrian, juga diberikan form utk diisi. Pintu bank buka tepat jam stgh 9. Nasabah yg masuk dipanggil menurut antrian, dibatasi sesuai kursi yg tersedia di dalam bank. Protokol kesehatan diterapkan saat di dalam bank, mulai dari cek suhu dan duduk berjarak (korona cepatlah berlalu). Akhirnya saya yg no antrian 2, selesai proses segala macam jam 10 dong. Misal 1 nasabah dilayani dlm waktu +- 45 mnt, kebayang kan antrian no 20 dipanggil jam brp ? Ayo dong tingkatkan lg pelayanannya BSI, kalian pasti bisa! Semangatt ? Fyi, antrian utk migrasi ke BSI hanya dibatasi sampai nomor 20 perhari krn keterbatasan pegawai cs (tp pas percobaan hari ke3, kuota antrian migrasi lebih dr 20). Sekuriti blg kenapa lama prosesnya, antrian lambat bgt majunya, krn CS yg menangani migrasi hanya 1 org jd harap maklum (tp kmrn ad tambahan 1 cs migrasi, kayaknya krn nasabah lg mbludak).  Bank buka jam stgh 9, namun nasabah dtg utk mendapat nomor antrian migrasi mulai dari pagi sekali (yg ingin mendapat antrian no 1 migrasi sebaiknya abis subuh lgsg duduk di depan bank, hahaha). Good luck pejuang migrasi!
It used to be BSM, now it has changed to BSI. Location on Jl Access UI, it's better to bring a motorbike if you come here, because the parking lot is not wide. I want to share the experience of the BNIS migration (August 2021) at BSI Kelapa Dua Depok Experiment day-1. Came at stgh 9an, ran out of migration queue numbers. Was told to come again at 1 pm, he said he would be served when the morning queue was over. When I arrived at 1 o'clock, in fact the morning queue was still running at number 13. Haha. It's better if the promised one is told to come at noon, don't come here. It's a waste of time if the house is far away. 2nd day trial. Came at 8 (it was still not early hahaha!). I don't get the migration queue number anymore. Told to come at 1 but tired ah. And determined to come the next day in the range of 6-7 am. 3rd day trial. Come at 6.20. Thank God only 1 person has arrived, but there are no officers yet. The officer arrived at less than 7 o'clock, but the migration queue number was distributed at 8 o'clock, so you have to stay focused before the queue number is in hand, haha. Besides being given a queue number, a form was also given to fill out. The bank door opens at midnight 9. Customers who enter are called according to the queue, limited according to the available seats in the bank. Health protocols are applied while in the bank, starting from checking temperature and sitting apart (corona passes quickly). Finally, I was the one in queue no. 2, finished processing all kinds of things at 10 o'clock. For example, 1 customer is served within +- 45 minutes, imagine queue number 20 being called at what time Come on, please improve the BSI service, you can do it! Cheers Fyi, the queue for migration to BSI is only limited to number 20 per day due to the limitations of cs employees (but on the 3rd day of trial, the migration queue quota is more than 20). Security told me why the process took so long, the queue was so slow progressing, because the CS handling the migration was only 1 person, so please understand (but now there is an additional 1 cs migration, I think because there are too many customers). The bank opens at stgh 9, but customers come to get the migration queue number starting early in the morning (those who want to get queue number 1 for migration should sit in front of the bank right after dawn, hahaha). Good luck migration fighters!

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