Bank BCA KCP Permata Ujung Menteng - Kota Jakarta Timur

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Contact Bank BCA KCP Permata Ujung Menteng

Address :

Jl. Raya Bekasi Km. 25 Blok A/17-18, RT.15/RW.1, Ujung Menteng, Jakarta, Kota Jakarta Timur, 13950, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +888
Postal code : 13950
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Jl. Raya Bekasi Km. 25 Blok A/17-18, RT.15/RW.1, Ujung Menteng, Jakarta, Kota Jakarta Timur, 13950, Indonesia
Putri Rengganis on Google

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(Translated by Google) In the CS it took a long time because the SPV kept talking to the CS, the customer was left silent for a while even though they just waited for the approval of the index finger of the SPV. The conversation is also not about work, but stories everywhere >, ,<
s, ratnawati on Google

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pertama buka recening pegawai bank nya yang manggil perempuan ramah sopan santun dan sabar sama seperti bank lain seperti mandiri, bri tp.... hari berikut nya saya ada keperluan terkait urusan kerja karna tabungan saya bca xpres jd ga dapat buku bos aku minta untuk bikin recening koran gantinya buku, tapi ini jadi pengalaman terburuk saya ke bank saya antri cukup lama tp bukan masalah antrian nya begitu di panggil saya dapat pegawai bank nya laki" padahal saya berharap yang perempuan yang manggil dia nanya keperluan saya apa trs saya bilang mau bikin recening koran karna dia ga denger aku suruh buka masker aku ulangin lg trs dia nanya lg buku tabungan nya mana? saya bilang saya gada buku tabungan makanya mau bikin recening koran saya bca nya xpresi aku keluarin kartu atm dia sempat nanya ktp tp blm sempat saya kasih dia ngetik" kompeter tiba" dia ngomong nada nya kencang banget kaya org marah-marah dr awal emang ini ank masih muda tp bahasanya ga kaya umum nya petugas/karyawan bank biasanya petugas bank itu ramah santun sopan bahasa nya halus kalau ini lebih mirip kaya preman kalau emang saya salah karna kurang pengetahuan kan bisa bilang baik-baik bisa nerangin baik- baik itu berdiri bangun dr kursi sambil bilang ibu ini kan belum ada 1 bulan gimana bisa mau bikin rekening koran ngomong nya tuh sambil mencak- mencak kaya orang mau ngajak ribut sampai itu komputer/ lektop itu di putar ke arah ku terus aku bilang gini iya pak ini saya buat kerjaan bos aku yg minta dia marah" lagi emang kerjanya di mana trs dia bilang ga bisa kl blm satu bln minta bikin rekening koran aku bilang lg sama pegawai bank nya ya udah pak kalau ga bisa bisa ga saya minta tolong bikinin bukti kalau saya dah datang ke bank ini biar bos tempat kerja aku percaya ini petugas bank boro-boro mau bantu ini tambah marah sampai dia ga duduk dr kursi padahal saya bicara baik-baik meskipun dia umurnya jauh lebih muda dari saya tp masih menghargai dia tp saya bingung ko petugas bank seperti ini pegawai xg perempuan aja sama bpk satpam nya sopan tapi ini pegawai cowo nya ko bringas banget ya kalau emang ga bisa kan bisa ngomong dan nerangin baik- baik ga usah marah-marah saya bukan nya takut sama dia saya cuma takut sama ALLAH cuma saya ga siap di ajak ribut karna tujuan saya kesitu bukan untuk cr ribut atau masalah masa cuma gara-gara mau bikin recening koran saya di bentak-bentak saya pamit klr saya duduk dl di teras bca nenangin diri saya sampai mau nangis tp berusa saya tahan saya sempat minta tolong bpk satpam yg di luar saya mau tlp bos saya tolong ya pak nanti bantu nerangin ngomong ke bos saya kalau blm ada sebulan belum bisa bikin recening koran kata bpk satpam nya ya udah tlp aja dulu ( kata bpk satam nya ) trs saya tlp bos saya bilang saya lg di bank bca ga bisa buka recening koran kalau blm ada se bulan ini ada bpk satpam bca ( maksud nya kalau bos aku mau nanya ke satpam aku kasih ke terusin ke pak satpam biar lbh jelas ) tp ga jd jujur aja di dpn area bank saya masih kuat nahan nangis tp di jln pulang saya ga kuat saya sampai brenti di pinggir ruko" yg tutup buat nenangin diri sempat di tanya ibu" tiba" duduk di sebelah ku tapi rada jauh dia nanya kenapa ? itu lah pengalaman buruk saya di bank bca ini semoga gada lg yg ngalamin seperti saya ini
first, open a bank employee account who calls women friendly, polite and patient, just like other banks like independent, bri but.... the next day I had a need related to work because my savings were bca xpres so I couldn't get a book, boss, I asked to make a newspaper account instead of a book, but this was my worst experience going to the bank I queued for a long time but it's not a queue problem when I called, I got a male bank employee, even though I hoped it was a woman who called he asked what I needed then I said I wanted to make a newspaper account because he didn't hear me telling me to take off my mask and repeat it again and then he asked where is his savings book again? I said I don't have a savings book, that's why I want to make my newspaper account. I read it. I took out an atm card. He asked for my ID, but I didn't have time to give him the time to type "Computer arrived" he said his tone was really loud, like someone was angry from the start. I'm still young but my language isn't like that of a bank officer/employee Usually the bank clerk is friendly, polite, the language is smooth, if this is more like a thug If it's true that I'm wrong because I lack knowledge, I can say that I can explain it well. Stand up from the chair and say that this mother hasn't been around for a month, how can I want to make a checking account, I'm talking about it while yelling like someone wants to make a fuss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . until that computer / lektop is turned towards me Then I said, yes, sir, I'm doing work for my boss who asked him to be angry. "Again, where does he work, then he said he couldn't. If it hasn't been one month, he asked to make a checking account. I said again to the bank employee, yes, sir, if you can't, can I ask for help to make proof that I have come to this bank so that the boss at work I believe this bank officer is boro, wanting to help, this makes him angry until he doesn't sit down from the chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . even though I spoke nicely even though he was much younger than me but he still respected him but I was confused, why are bank officers like this, only female xg employees and the security guard are polite but this male employee is really violent, huh if you can't, can you talk and explain well, don't be angry, I'm not afraid With him, I'm just afraid of GOD, I'm just not ready to make a fuss because my goal is not to be there to make noise or trouble. time just because I want to make my newspaper account get yelled at I said goodbye if I was sitting on the terrace reading a calming myself until I wanted to cry but I tried to hold it in. I had to ask for help from the security guard outside I wanted to call my boss, please, sir, I'll help explain to my boss, if I haven't had a month, I haven't been able to make it newspaper account said the security guard, yes, I just called first (said the satam boss) then I called my boss and said I was at the bank BCA can't open a newspaper account if there hasn't been a month this month there is Mr. BCA security (meaning if my boss wants I asked the security guard, I gave it to the security guard to make it clearer) but it didn't work To be honest, in front of the bank area I was still strong holding back crying but on the way home I couldn't stand it I stopped at the edge of the shop" which was closed to calm myself I was asked by my mother "arriving" sitting next to me but a little far away she asked why? That's my bad experience at this BCA bank, I hope no one else has the same experience as me
Piwiie Wijaya on Google

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Mau bikin atm bca aja smpe nunggu lama . Dtng dri jam10smpe jam2 . awalnya di layanin sma satpam , dikasih arahan caranya bikin atm bca , tpi sms kode tidak masuk2 akhirnya disuruh ke CS aja, Nunggu antrian lama bgt, NO antrian saya B019 , setelah B018 selesai tbtb ada org duduk tanpa bawa antian, saya tunggu2in lama bgt selesainya, setelah daa selesai . Tbtb ada lgi yg duduk lgi seperti tdi tanpa ada antrian . Menurut saya kalaupun dia prioritas seharusnya selang seling ajaaa, masaiya klo prioritas terus yg dilayanin mau smpe kapan saya nunggunya lagi? Malah lgi puasa , nguji kesabaran bgtttt . Keburu kesel akhirnya keluar bikin atm di mandiri gada 30menit udah selesai .
Just want to make ATM BCA just wait a long time. By 10smpe jam2. Initially, the security guard was served, given instructions on how to make ATM BCA, but the SMS code did not enter, finally I was told to go to CS, Wait for a very long queue, NO my queue was B019, after B018 finished but there were people sitting without waiting in line, I waited a long time after it finished , after daa is done. Tbtb there are others who sit again like tdi without queues. In my opinion, even if he prioritizes it should be alternating, but if the priority continues to be served, I want to be the same, when will I wait for him again? In fact, fasting, testing your patience. Hurried to the end, finally I came out to make atm in an independent club 30 minutes finished.
Rizky Renaldi on Google

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Customer service nya kurang profesional!! Tolong ditindak lanjut atas nama Catrina di meja C1 pada hari ini. CS mempersulit pergantian kartu yang hilang. Saat melayani pun CS malah asik main HP dan pesan makanan saat belum jam istirahat. Mohon ditindak atas pelayanan tidak memuaskan tersebut.
The customer service is unprofessional!! Please follow up on behalf of Catrina at desk C1 today. CS makes it difficult to replace lost cards. Even when serving, CS is cool to play with cellphones and order food before break time. Please take action for the unsatisfactory service.
Keluarga Jawabatak on Google

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Hi hi hiheuhrududu PC powegod Hryfuwgruruyeury Iyeth Bustami yey urytpthfiutroutu Yryryrutiurur up otufuurjrurm Heyryrueyeyeurury eyeprhir ? uehturyrutyr Rtgueuryur???hrhrhjry Uery u yryruryurururyrgururyruoroo
Hi hi hiheuhrududu PC powegod Hryfuwgruruyeury Iyeth Bustami yey urytpthfiutroutu Yryryrutiurur up otufuurjrurm Heyryrueyeyeurury eyeprhir ? uehturyrutyr Rtgueuryur???hrhrhjry Uery u yryruryurururyrgururyruoroo
Karim Amirulloh on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Good place
Ekki Dolonseda on Google

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Android on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Excellent service! Thank you

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