Ananda Klinik - Kota Tangerang

4.8/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Ananda Klinik

Address :

Ruko The Prominence, Blok 38D No. 12, Alam Sutera, RT.003/RW.006, Panunggangan Tim., Kec. Serpong Utara, Kota Tangerang, Banten 14143, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +888
Postal code : 14143
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Dewi Purnami on Google

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Lebih suka ke klinik dari pada ke RS, toh dokternya sama . Walaupun antriannya lebih lama tapi lebih ekonomis...
I prefer to go to the clinic than to the hospital, but the doctor is the same. Even though the queue is longer but more economical ...
Petra Ardini on Google

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Anak saya terapi wicara,tapi kita sebagai orang yang menunggu terapi nya tdk nyaman soalnya panas tdk ada AC. Terapis nya ramah semoga anak saya cepat berkembang lebih baik
My child has speech therapy, but we, as people waiting for the therapy, are uncomfortable because the heat doesn't have air conditioning. The therapist is friendly, I hope my child will develop better
Fitri Nuraisah on Google

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Lokasi ditempat strategis,terapis dan dokternya ramah,sayangnya ruang tunggu di lantai 2 tidak ada Ac sedangkan untuk menunggu anak terapi lumayan lama. Jadinya kurang nyaman.
The location is strategic, the therapist and doctor are friendly, unfortunately the waiting room on the 2nd floor does not have air conditioning while waiting for the child is quite long. It makes it less comfortable.
Bayu Sigit Prakoso on Google

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Parkir luas, lokasi cukup strategis, dokter ramah, ruangan agak sempit dan antria cuku banyak, tapi untuk pelayanan dan dokternya memuaskan, ada tempat main anak dan tempat duduk yg cukup banyak. Hanya daja kalau kelamaan agak bosan.
The parking is spacious, the location is quite strategic, the doctor is friendly, the room is a bit cramped and there are quite a lot of queues, but for the service and the doctor is satisfying, there is a children's play area and ample seating. Only daja if you get a little bored over time.
Nurdiana Okee on Google

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Anak sy telat bicara, setelah terapi 6 bln sekarang sudah bisa bicara. Thank you dr Ferdy dan terapist klinik Ananda.
My child is talking late, after 6 months of therapy, now I can talk. Thank you dr Ferdy and Ananda clinic therapist.
Bary Sakti on Google

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Anak sy ASD sdh sembuh setelah diterapi dan sekarang sdh bisa bicara. Trims dr Ferdy dan para terapist klinik ananda.
My ASD child has recovered after being treated and is now able to talk. Thanks dr Ferdy and the therapist at Ananda clinic.
Wiwi Puspita on Google

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Anak saya terapi kurang lebih 1th dr umur 2,5th ..alhamdullilah skg sdh lancar bgt bicaranya dan sdh TK..terapisnya bagus2..anak sy jg vaksin d klinik ananda..dokter Ferdy nya baik, palayanannya ok?
My child has been on therapy for about 1 year from the age of 2.5 years old .. Thank God, the speech is already fluent and already in kindergarten ... the therapists are good ... my child is also vaccinated in your clinic ... the doctor Ferdy is good, the service is ok?
Aris Subaedi on Google

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Klinik ternyaman, bersih kliniknya. Serasa di rumah sendiri. Sigap dan tanggap,baik perawat dan dokternya. Maju terus Klinik Ananda Siaga.
The most comfortable clinic, clean clinic. Feel at home alone. Quick and responsive, both nurses and doctors. Keep moving forward Ananda Siaga Clinic.

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