Wisata Air Terjun Ngelo Ngepoh - Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Wisata Air Terjun Ngelo Ngepoh

Address :

Ngepoh, Semin, Kec. Semin, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55854, Indonesia

Postal code : 55854
Opening hours :
Monday 7AM–5PM
Tuesday 7AM–5PM
Wednesday 7AM–5PM
Thursday 7AM–5PM
Friday 7AM–5PM
Saturday 7AM–5PM
Sunday 7AM–5PM
Categories :

Ngepoh, Semin, Kec. Semin, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55854, Indonesia
Soe Giarto on Google

Tempatnya nyaman masih alami.. Buat foto2 juga bagus..
The place is comfortable still natural.. Take good photos too..
Kapten Bluck on Google

Air terjunnya keren,cocok banget buat yg suka ngelandscape
The waterfall is cool, perfect for those who like landscaping
nasikin sikin on Google

Tiket masuk amat murah
Entrance ticket is very cheap
antonius sidik on Google

Spot keren , utk destinasi gowes juga bagus rutenya
Cool spot, for riding destinations, the route is also good
Slamet Dodo on Google

Tempatnya lumayan bagus, sayangnya air'ya surut.
The place is pretty good, unfortunately the water recedes.
Go Ridz on Google

tempat keren. Kapan kapan mencoba sego kembul bujono....
cool place. When are you going to try sego kembul bujono....
dennyapril6 on Google

Asri , rindang , damai , udara yang segar jauh dari polusi jauh dari keramaian kota pas banget untuk merefresh pikiran yang penat . Air terjunnya cukup cantik airnya jernih banyak tempat untuk bersantai maupun bermain air karena tidak terjal tapi ada sedikit yang licin karena berlumut . Aksesnya tergolong mudah untuk kendaraan bermotor tapi saat menuju ke lokasi harus jalan kaki kurang lebih 200an meter . Kalau bingung bisa tanya ke penduduk sekitar nanti di beri petunjuk saat menuju kelokasi harus melewati samping rumah penduduk dan di lokasi masih minim area MCK juga Pedagang jadi saat berkunjung kesini usahakan membawa bekal yang cukup dan juga harus extra hati-hati karena jalurnya banyak yang licin . semoga liburannya menyenangkan
Beautiful, leafy, peaceful, fresh air away from pollution away from the city crowd is perfect for refreshing a tired mind. The waterfall is quite beautiful, the water is clear, there are many places to relax or play water because it is not steep but there are a few slippery because it is mossy. Access is relatively easy for motorized vehicles, but when getting to the location you have to walk approximately 200 meters. If you are confused, you can ask the local people, then they will be given directions when heading to the location, you have to pass beside the residents' houses and in the location there is still a minimum area of ​​toilets as well as traders. have a nice holiday
Dewi Andarwati on Google

Lorong di bawah air terjun yang seolah-olah seperti kamar mandi pribadi ber-shower?? Menurut saya,ini air terjun yang trackingnya belum termasuk kelas berat. Tidak perlu bersusah payah 'mbiyak' (buka) ilalang-ilalang yang menghadang. Dari parkiran motor yang telah disediakan akan diantar oleh pemuda setempat yang memang bertugas sebagai local guide (jika membutuhkan). Mereka ramah&baik hati,tanpa memungut biaya sepeserpun (tapi diharap kita tau empati berterima kasih). Jalan setapak dari parkiran motor telah terbuka. Meski masih berupa tanah tapi tidak 'rungkut'. Kita bisa berjalan santai sembari menikmati pemandangan sungai yang nantinya terhubung dengan air terjun Ngelo. Pinggiran jalan setapak pun telah dibuat semacam pagar kayu sederhana yang aman jika membawa anak. Akan melewati sekitar 1-2 tanjakan yang datar. Itu pun pijakannya berupa bebatuan putih besar yang telah ditata,sehingga tidak licin. Tidak akan sia-sia jika telah sampai di spot air terjun. Banyak bebatuan besar,sehingga bisa sebagai pijakan untuk sampai pas di bawah air terjun. Air terjun yang dangkal. Jernih. Meski ketika debet air banyak,ada spot-spot dangkal yang aman untuk anak-anak mainan air (tentu saja harus dalam pengawasan orang dewasa). Tetapi,bebatuan di spot air terjun yang seperti 'shower' rawan licin,sehingga harus berhati-hati. Untuk sampai di spot itu,harus turun ke bawah (masih 1 area dengan air terjun utama). Apabila debet air banyak,dari pintu masuk lorong tinggi nya sekaki orang dewasa. Akan melewati tinggi sepinggang orang dewasa sebelum akhirnya sampai di ujung akhir lorong yang hnya semata kaki orang dewasa. Apabila debet air banyak,berhati-hatilah untuk menuju hingga ke ujung akhir lorong. Di spot itulah keunikan dari obyek wisata ini. Jika debet air banyak,maka seolah-olah kita mandi di bawah shower? Di bawah air terjun utama (bagian atas) ada lonjoran kayu yang bisa digunakan untuk spot foto. Obyek wisata ini bersih. Terdapat tulisan-tulisan di beberapa spot tentang larangan buang sampah,sehingga tempat ini terjaga kebersihannya,tidak ada sampah. Kamar mandi masih belum permanen,hanya ditutupi berkeliling dengan terpal. Ada sebuah gubug sederhana dengan lonjoran-lonjoran kayu yang bisa digunakan untuk beristirahat sejenak ato bagi yang tidak ingin main air. Tidak ada warung makan,sehingga diharapkan bawa bekal sendiri,terutama minuman. ? Air Terjun Ngelo Pundungsari,Ngepoh,Semin,Gunung Kidul,Yogyakarta
The hallway under the waterfall that looks like a private bathroom with a shower?? In my opinion, this is a waterfall whose tracking does not include heavyweights. No need to bother 'mbiyak' (open) the weeds that block. From the motorbike parking provided, they will be escorted by local youths who are indeed on duty as local guides (if needed). They are friendly & kind, without charging a penny (but we hope that we know gratitude). The path from the motorbike parking lot has been opened. Although still in the form of land but not 'crushed'. We can walk leisurely while enjoying the view of the river which will be connected to the Ngelo waterfall. The edge of the path has also been made a kind of simple wooden fence that is safe if you bring children. Will pass about 1-2 flat incline. Even then, the footing is in the form of large white stones that have been laid out, so that they are not slippery. It will not be in vain if you have arrived at the waterfall spot. Lots of big rocks, so it can be used as a foothold to get to the bottom of the waterfall. Shallow waterfall. Clear. Even when there is a lot of water debit, there are shallow spots that are safe for children to play with (of course they must be under adult supervision). However, the rocks in the waterfall spot that are like a 'shower' are prone to slippery, so you have to be careful. To get to that spot, you have to go down (still 1 area with the main waterfall). If there is a lot of water debit, from the entrance to the hallway, the height is as high as an adult's. Will pass through the height of an adult's waist before finally reaching the end of the hallway that is only an adult's foot. If there is a lot of water debit, be careful to go all the way to the end of the hall. In that spot the uniqueness of this tourist attraction. If there is a lot of water debit, then it is as if we are bathing under the shower? Under the main waterfall (top) there is a wooden ledge that can be used for photo spots. This tourist attraction is clean. There are writings in several spots about the prohibition of throwing garbage, so that this place is kept clean, there is no trash. The bathroom is still not permanent, just covered around with a tarp. There is a simple hut with wooden logs that can be used to rest for a while or for those who don't want to play in the water. There are no food stalls, so please bring your own supplies, especially drinks. Ngelo Waterfall Pundungsari, Ngepoh, Semin, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta

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