Jembatan Gantung Prahon - Kabupaten Gunung Kidul

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Jembatan Gantung Prahon

Address :

Unnamed Padukuhan Wonolagi, Desa Ngleri Playen,, Kalinampu, Pengkok, Kec. Patuk, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55862, Indonesia

Postal code : 55862
Categories :

Unnamed Padukuhan Wonolagi, Desa Ngleri Playen,, Kalinampu, Pengkok, Kec. Patuk, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55862, Indonesia
Erwan on Google

Jembatan putus terbawa arus, saat banjir hari selasa 28 nov 2017, semoga cepat di perbaiki.
The bridge is broken by the current, when it is flooding on Tuesday November 28 2017, hopefully it will be repaired quickly.
adjik yoga on Google

Duplay Hebat
Great Duplay
Setia Ningseh on Google

Harusnya jembatan ini di bikin permanen,karna ini bs jd alternatif Jogja - Wonosari.smoga pemerintah ada program kesitu.Amin...
This bridge should be made permanent, because this is an alternative to Jogja - Wonosari. Hopefully the government has a program there. Min ...
Nor Tamyis on Google

Bagus tempatnya ke plosok sekali, dibawahnya ada sungai oya
It is a good place to go to the plosok, underneath the river Oya
Shi Bogar on Google

14 jan 18"Karena kurang update (kudet) saya pun putar balik karena jembatan ternyata hilang terbawa arus banjir kemarin,, saya lupa hal itu... ???,, berharap potong kompas sambil liat suasana alam,, ?,, semoga segera di tindak lanjut.. ☺️?
14 jan 18 "Because of lack of updates (kudet) I also turned back because the bridge was lost by the flood yesterday, I forgot it ... ??? ,, hoping to cut the compass while looking at the natural atmosphere ,, hopefully soon followed up .. ☺️?
Wenang Budiargo on Google

Jembatan gantung yang tentunya sangat membantu masyarakat sekitar. Kondisi jembatannya masih baru dan terawat dengan baik. Panjang jembatan kurang lebih 50 meter. Kemudian akses menuju lokasinya memang berbukit dengan tanjakan dan turunan yang ekstrem. Selain itu, yang khas ditempat ini adalah pemandangam pedesaan yang sangat tradisional. Banyak anak kecil bermain disekitar jembatan pada waktu hari libur. Ditempat ini kamu bisa melakukan banyak hal seperti mancing dan kegiatan fotografi. Banyak sekali objek foto human interest yang bisa didapatkan di tempat ini. Sayangnya jembatan ini tidak mendukung untuk mobil dan truk. Aksesnya terbatas hanya untuk roda dua. Tips : bagi kalian yang ingin berkunjung, kalo bisa sore atau pagi hari karena oemandangannya bagus. Ditambah, jangan lupa untuk tetap menjaga sopan santun dan tidak membuang sampah sembarangan. Stay Clean Stay Young Stay Explore !
The suspension bridge which is certainly very helpful to the surrounding community. The condition of the bridge is still new and well maintained. The length of the bridge is approximately 50 meters. Then access to the location is hilly with extreme inclines and descent. In addition, what is unique about this place is the very traditional rural landscape. Many children play around the bridge during holidays. In this place you can do many things such as fishing and photography activities. Lots of human interest photo objects that can be found in this place. Unfortunately this bridge does not support cars and trucks. Access is limited to two wheels. Tips: for those of you who want to visit, if you can in the afternoon or morning because the view is good. Plus, don't forget to keep your manners and don't litter. Stay Clean Stay Young Stay Explore!
Kamto Abadi on Google

Matheus Heruwiranto on Google


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