Watu Tekek - Kulon Progo Regency

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Watu Tekek

Address :

Madigondo, Sidoharjo, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55673, Indonesia

Postal code : 55673
Opening hours :
Monday 6AM–6PM
Tuesday 6AM–6PM
Wednesday 6AM–6PM
Thursday 6AM–6PM
Friday 6AM–6PM
Saturday 6AM–6PM
Sunday 6AM–6PM
Categories :

Madigondo, Sidoharjo, Samigaluh, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55673, Indonesia
Satria Raka Siwi on Google

Tempat yang menurut saya bagus untuk berfoto foto ria, karena pemandangan yang luas dari ketinggian di Watu (Batu) Tekek ini. Saat anda sudah berada di atas Watu Tekek ini anda akan disuguhi berbagai spot spot keren, namun ada beberapa spot tanpa pengawasan dan sangat membahayakan untuk anak anak kecil. Tidak lupa terdapat warung warung yang siap menyediakan makanan dan minuman untuk Anda jika sudah puas menikmati keindahan Alam Watu Tekek ini. Anda dapat naik lagi ke Batu Tekek yang kedua (posisi yang paling tinggi), disini terdapat Ayunan dan spot spot yang lebih bagus. Akan tetapi spot tersebut terhalang oleh pepohonan yang menutupi keindahan alam di bawahnya. Serta terdapat taman kecil yang di hiasi oleh bunga bunga yang indah. Sedikit Tips dari saya, jika Anda ingin pergi kesini, lebih baik pada waktu pagi ataupun sore (Tutup jam 17.30). Tetapi jika anda ingin melihat Sunrise maupun Sunset, mungkin tempat ini cocok untuk Anda.
The place that I think is good for taking fun photos, because of the wide view from a height at Watu (Batu) Tekek. When you are above this Watu Tekek you will be treated to a variety of cool spots, but there are some spots without supervision and are very dangerous for young children. Do not forget there are stalls that are ready to provide food and drinks for you if you are satisfied enjoying the beauty of Nature Watu Tekek. You can go up again to the second Stone Tekek (the highest position), here there are Swing and better spots. However, the spot is blocked by trees that cover the natural beauty below. And there is a small garden decorated with beautiful flowers. A little tip from me, if you want to go here, it's better in the morning or evening (closed at 17:30). But if you want to see Sunrise and Sunset, maybe this place is for you.
Yusup Priyasudiarja on Google

Terletak di dusun Madigondo, samigaluh, tak jauh dari puncak suroloyo, lokasi wisata ini sangat asyik untuk menikmati suasana segar hawa pegunungan. Lokasinya ditata apik dan sangat menarik untuk selfi selfi. Dulu memang daerah ini dikenal dengan banyaknya tekek. Itulah mengapa lokasi wisata ini dinamai watu tekek. Sangat recomended..dan siapkan kendaraan yang mantap karena banyak tanjakan tinggi untuk mencapainya.
Located in Madigondo hamlet, Samigaluh, not far from the top of Suroloyo, this tourist location is very fun to enjoy the fresh atmosphere of the mountain air. The location is well laid out and very interesting for selfies. In the past, this area was known for its many tekek. That is why this tourist location is named Watu Tekek. Highly recommended ... and prepare a steady vehicle because there are many high inclines to reach it.
Tondy Dwi on Google

Tinggi, dan kering, sewaktu kemari warung warungnya pada tutup..
High, and dry, when you come here the shop is closed..
Dian Eka Puspitasari on Google

Tempat yang bagus...pemandangannya juga indah. Pas kesini saat bunga Amaryllis bermekaran...tamannya jadi semakin cantik. Banyak bunga bougenvil bermekaran juga. So, kalau swafoto tambah warna warni?? So...yang suka foto2 selfi...wajib kesini deh. Area spot fotonya juga macam-macam. Oh ya...parkir mobil di area dekat tempat wisata terbatas...jadi bisa parkir di dekat Omah Kopi ya...Nanti jalan kaki sekitar 200-300 m dah sampe. Ga jauh koq. Kalau parkir motor...bisa langsung dekat dengan area wisatanya.
Nice place...the view is also beautiful. Right here when the Amaryllis flowers are blooming...the garden becomes even more beautiful. Lots of bougainvillea blooms too. So, if you take a selfie, add more colors So...who likes selfies...must come here. The photo spot area also varies. Oh yes...the car park in the area near tourist attractions is limited...so you can park near Omah Kopi...Then walk about 200-300 m and arrive. It's not far. If you park your motorbike...you can go directly to the tourist area.
hartatik har on Google

Konan Susanto on Google

Cool garden
Naufal Arif on Google

View nya keren. Many spot to take picture
Sasda Sabrina on Google

Not a well maintained place. Quiet far from the city center and so sorry but this place is not really good. The only positive thing is this place is in a highland so whrn you take a photo, it will look a lil bit nice.

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