Walk In & Drive Thru Healthway Indonesia - North Jakarta City

2.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Walk In & Drive Thru Healthway Indonesia

Address :

Jl. Pluit Timur Raya No.12, RT.6/RW.5, Taman Waduk, Pluit, Penjaringan, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 14450, Indonesia

Postal code : 14450
Categories :

Jl. Pluit Timur Raya No.12, RT.6/RW.5, Taman Waduk, Pluit, Penjaringan, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 14450, Indonesia
Diphylleia on Google

Hasil pcr BELUM KELUAR SETELAH LEBIH dari 24 JAM dan MASIH TIDAK ada kejelasan informasi maupun layanan dari tmpat ini. BURUK!
The results of the pcr have not come out after more than 24 hours and there is still no clarity of information or services from this place. BAD!
Edi Sucipto Tanady on Google

Pelayanan super lambat, PCR 24 jam hasil belum keluar setelah 24 jam. Pelayanan proses antri tidak jelas, tempat swab dan tempat duduk antrian digabung. 100% not recommended
Super slow service, 24-hour PCR results have not come out after 24 hours. The queuing process service is not clear, the swab area and the queue seat are combined. 100% not recommended
Depdut on Google

Jelek jelek bangetttt!!!! Gw pcr dr jam 19:30 sampe besoknya jam 21:00 blm ada hasilnya. Uda di cek app pedulilindungi, wa, email smua gK ada. Gw dtg kesana jam 18:20 dan semua stAff lg break. Padahal staff nya banyak. Dan tau gak? Mau pendaftaran aja lama banget, staff banyak mba2 cuma kerjaanya becanda2 doang. Ampun dehhhh.... Mending cr klinik lain sumpah gue gk rekomend. Dan dia ada hotline tp di wa gak bales dan gak bisa ditelp. Jadi lu gatau hasilnya gmn. Cukup terakhir gw pcr disini ampun gk kuat sm pelayanannya lama banget
Ugly so ugly!!!! I've worked from 19:30 until the next day at 21:00, still no results. Checked the careprotect app, wa, all emails aren't there. I came there at 18:20 and all the staff took a break. Even though there are a lot of staff. And don't you know? It takes too long to register, there are a lot of staff, ladies and gentlemen, just kidding. Oh my gosh.... It's better to go to another clinic, I swear I don't recommend it. And he has a hotline but on wa he doesn't reply and can't be called. So you know what the result is. It's the last time I've had a PC here, sorry, I'm not strong, but the service takes so long
Zhuang An on Google

Sudah 24 jam hasil belum keluar, petugas SANGAT LAMBAN, invoice saja pake kwitansi tidak jelas. Halodoc lain x klo mau rekanan di check dulu. Jangan ada yang kesini lagi. KAPOK!
It's been 24 hours the results haven't come out, the staff is VERY SLOW, the invoice only uses an unclear receipt. Another Halodoc, if you want partners, check first. Don't come here anymore. KAPOK!
hiap lie Handra on Google

Jgn mau kesini untuk test PCR, sumpah mending cari tmpt lain, di sekitar pluit Dan muara karang ada bbrp yg bagus, bahkan hasil keluar dalam 6/12 jam juga ada. Kesini PCR demi keponakan msh bocah kasian, tapi udah nunggu lebih dari 26 jam dan sampai skrg sy tulis ini hasil belum keluar. Disamperin kesana dicuekin, hasil gajelas gatau dmn, hotline ga guna jg ga bakalan dibales. Asli, ke tmpt lain aja, harganya sama pelayanan beda jauh.
Do not want to come here for a PCR test, mending oath find another tmpt, around pluit And there bbrp estuary mouth coral nice, even result in 6/12 hour out there too. PCR here for the sake of the boy kasian msh nephew, but already wait more than 26 hours and up to skrg I wrote this result has not come out. Disamperin there dicuekin, gajelas results Gatau DMN, hotline to jg going ga ga dibales. First, to another tmpt wrote, the same price much different services.
Maryati on Google

Saya datang ke t4 ini jam 11 siang tgl 5 Februari. Saya test jam 11.30 karena rame bgt yg antri. Hr ini Sy hampir TDK bisa terbang karna hasil testnya ngak keluar. Didesak suami saya br Sy dpt link untuk melihat hasil tp TDK terdaftar di peduli lindungi ? Dan Barusan keluar jam segini 22.00 ( jam 10 malam).?? Dimana nya yg 24 jam ???? Dimana nya yg kerjasama dgn PEDULI LINDUNGI???? Krn smpi ni mlm blm ada masuk ke sistem peduli lindungi. MENGECEWAKAN !!!!
I came to this t4 at 11pm on 5th February. I tested at 11.30 because there were so many people in line. Today I almost can't fly because the test results don't come out. My husband urged me to get a link to see the results but it's not registered with care and protect And just came out at this time 22.00 (10 pm).?? Where is the 24 hour one??? Where is the collaboration with Peduli Protect???? Because until now, no one has entered the care and protect system yet. DISAPPOINTING !!!!
Sri Maytul Khasanah on Google

Drivethru... tapi antri lumayan lama hampir sejam. Untuk hasil pcr janji 1x24 jam. Hotline nomornya ga bisa di hubungin dan Wa jg ga di balas. Nyatanya udah lebih Dr 1x26 jam ga di kirim hasilnya via wa. Sudah di samperin ke lokasinya untuk hambil hasil pun masih harus nunggu cetak hasil lama. Ga rekomen. Padahal rekanan dari halodoc.
Drivethru... but the queue is pretty long almost an hour. For PCR results, promise 1x24 hours. The hotline number cannot be contacted and Wa is also not answered. In fact, it's been more than 1x26 hours and the results haven't been sent via wa. I have been sent to the location to get the results, but I still have to wait for the long results to print. Don't recommend. Even though partners from Halodoc.
jisu An on Google

1. Ternyatan 90.000 bukan 80.000 Nga da promo 2. Bukan 24 jam udah lewat 26jam blm hasil keluar 3. Sampai datang tmn lagi minta hasil . Dari pusat Lab blm keluar hasil . Parah kerja process nya 4. Pokok nya jangan disitu . Nga bagus Sayang duit
1. Turns out 90,000 instead of 80,000 No promo 2. It's not 24 hours, 26 hours have passed, the results haven't come out 3. Until the friend comes again asking for results. From the center of the Lab, no results have come out. The process work is bad 4. The point is not there. How good Dear money

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