Villa Delapan - Kabupaten Bogor

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Villa Delapan

Address :

Cisarua, Kec. Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16750, Indonesia

Postal code : 16750
Categories :

Cisarua, Kec. Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16750, Indonesia
Gilmar Idomora on Google

Villanya baru jadi, lokasinya strategis, gak terlalu jauh, 70m ke jalan raya, dekat dengan pasar cisarua dan taman safari. Banyak kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan dari basket, renang, badminton, dan kasih makan ikan. Parkirnya juga luas, ada wifinya juga. Recommended deh bakal balik kesini lagi
The villa is just finished, the location is strategic, not too far, 70m to the main road, close to the Cisarua market and the safari park. Many activities can be done from basketball, swimming, badminton, and feeding fish. The parking is also spacious, there is a wifi too. Recommended to come back here again
villa SHIRLEY puncak on Google

Rekomendasi berbagai suasana villa di kawasan Puncak Bogor.
Recommendations for various villas in the Puncak Bogor area.
Nita Permatasari on Google

Sangat mengecewakan... Saya bayar 7 kmar tp yg dibuka 5 kamar doank dgn alesan cape ngebersihin klu ga mau cape jgn disewain.. sempat berdebat yg intinya penjaganya minta duit.. kmrn perjanjian klu kurang kmr bs nambah kmr dgn itungan 500rb/ 2kmr.. stlh di villa penjaga nya minta 600/ 2kmr. Kecewa dgn penjaga yg ujung2nya minta DUIT.. dgn alesan harga berubah dr Bos nya.. trs di hitung per orang...GILA... MATA DUITAN
Very disappointing... I paid for 7 rooms, but only 5 rooms opened with the excuse that I was tired of cleaning if you don't want to be tired, don't rent it.. I had an argument where the guard asked for money. After that at the villa the guard asked for 600/2kmr. Disappointed with the guard who ends up asking for MONEY... with the reason the price has changed from the boss... then it's calculated per person... CRAZY... MONEY EYES
Imam Sjuhaerullah on Google

villa dengan konsep kamar mirip Hotel, kamar banyak, area parkir luas, kolam renang bermain bagus, lokasi hanya 50an meter dari jalan raya puncak. nice place.
a villa with a hotel-like room concept, lots of rooms, a large parking area, a nice playing pool, the location is only 50 meters from the peak highway. nice place.
Gunadi Widyanata on Google

Villa Delapan letaknya ga jauh dr jalan raya puncak cisarua. Villa ini masih baru, bersih banget & fasilitasnya OK. ada 2 bangunan, bangunan depan punya ownernya tidak disewakan, bangunan belakang yg disewakan. Total ada 14 kamar tidur, tiap kamar ada kamar mandi sendiri. ada dapur, ada ruang keluarga + TV. Tempat parkir mungkin muat hingga 8-10 mobil. ada petugas villa yg jaga setiap hari. fasilitas ada kolam renang, ring basket + bolanya & net badminton. Saran klo ke sini bawa bahan baku utk masak karena ada dapurnya luas yg bs utk masak sendiri. oiya klo ke pasar deket bs jalan kaki (-/+ 15 mnt) atau naik mobil.
Villa Eight is located not far from the Cisarua Peak Highway. This villa is still new, very clean & the facilities are OK. there are 2 buildings, the front building has the owner not for rent, the back building is for rent. In total there are 14 bedrooms, each room has its own bathroom. there is a kitchen, there is a family room + TV. The parking space may fit up to 8-10 cars. there is a villa officer on guard every day. facilities there is a swimming pool, basketball hoop + ball & badminton net. Suggestion if you come here bring raw materials for cooking because there is a large kitchen that can be used for cooking by yourself. Oh yes, if you go to the market near you, you can walk (- / + 15 min) or by car.
M. Sholahuddin Anshori on Google

Villa rumah dengan kamar mirip hotel. Kamar mandi selain ada di dapur dan bawah tangga, juga ada di setiap kamar. Jumlah kamar kurang lebih 15 dalam satu bangunan dengan satu bangunan utama, termasuk dapur dan ruang tamu yang luas, dan 4 kamar ada di lantai bawah. Sedangkan sisa 11 kamar ada di lantai atas. Kamar mandi semua dilengkapi shower dan toilet duduk. Di bagian halaman, cuma ada di bagian depan, ada tempat parkir yang luas, lapangan basket, area bermain anak, dan kolam renang yang luas dilengkapi gazebo dan tempat bilas. Area kolam renang juga dilengkapi lantai yang lebar dan tidak licin, jadi sangat aman untuk berenang anak dan bermain.
Villa house with hotel-like rooms. The bathroom is not only in the kitchen and under the stairs, but also in every room. The number of rooms is approximately 15 in one building with one main building, including a spacious kitchen and living room, and 4 rooms on the ground floor. While the remaining 11 rooms are on the top floor. The bathrooms are all equipped with a shower and a toilet seat. In the courtyard, only at the front, there is a large parking area, basketball court, children's play area, and a large swimming pool equipped with a gazebo and rinse area. The swimming pool area is also equipped with a wide and non-slip floor, so it is very safe for children to swim and play.
ahmad faisal on Google

Villa recommended, luas, baru, nyaman, cocok buat keluarga besar atau fam gath kantor..
Villa recommended, spacious, new, comfortable, suitable for large families or office fam gath..
Doddie Arfin on Google

Hotel dgn kamar cukup banyak 14 kamar. Cukup untuk menampung krg lebih 45 org. Pemilik yg ramah dan baik. Bangunan bersih, kolam bersih, fasilitas cukup oke. Tapi sayang penjaga nya premanisme sekali , serta mata duitan dan gak frendly
A hotel with quite a lot of 14 rooms. Enough to accommodate more than 45 people. Friendly and nice owner. The building is clean, the pool is clean, the facilities are quite okay. But unfortunately the guards are very thuggish, as well as mercenary and not frendly

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