vegetiam vegetarian - Kota Tangerang Selatan

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact vegetiam vegetarian

Address :

Jl. Nangka III No.18, Pakulonan, Kec. Serpong Utara, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15325, Indonesia

Postal code : 15325
Categories :

Jl. Nangka III No.18, Pakulonan, Kec. Serpong Utara, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15325, Indonesia
Zaenal Muttaqin on Google

Coba coaba
Try coaba
bahar muhammad on Google

Tempatnya woow
The place is woow
BAM BANK on Google

healthy ..... for sure
Royani Royani on Google

boleh jg
may be
Wisnu Chandra Rahmawan on Google

Restoran yang bagus untuk vegetarian sejati
A good restaurant for true vegetarians
iis putri on Google

Menunya sehat enak walau ga terlalu sehat" amad
The menu is healthy even though it's not too healthy "amad
Anggrahini Anggrahini on Google

terutama lingkungany indah , bnyak yg jual berbagai makanan enak2 jg mknany apalagi yg d lestauran2 wah lezat2 bnget pokokny menyenangkan deh??
especially the environment is beautiful, many people sell a variety of delicious foods, especially those with delicious restaurants, the only ones are pleasant
ANstd id on Google


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