UPT Puskesmas Cibungbulang - Bogor Regency

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Contact UPT Puskesmas Cibungbulang

Address :

Jl. Kapten Dasuki Bakri, Cibatok 1, Kecamatan Cibungbulang, Bogor Regency, West Java 16630, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +878
Postal code : 16630
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Jl. Kapten Dasuki Bakri, Cibatok 1, Kecamatan Cibungbulang, Bogor Regency, West Java 16630, Indonesia
azzura Saputra on Google

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Pelayanan 24 jam, meskipun jam buka Apotek nya terbatas pada hari libur yaitu sampai jam 14.00 saja. Tapi di hari2 biasa bisa sampai malam. Makanya yang berobat ke sana selalu penuh. Semoga pelayanan nya lebih baik lagi. TOP
24-hour service, although the opening hours of the pharmacy are limited to holidays, which is until 14.00 only. But in ordinary day2 could until evening. So who went there was always full. Hopefully the service will be even better. TOP
Daffa Mustakim on Google

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beyazid hakan on Google

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istirahatnya kelamaan . dari jam 12 kurang sampai jam satu lebih padahal yg ngantri buanyakkkk .
rest too long. from 12 o'clock less to one o'clock even though there are a lot of people waiting in line .
Imam Lucky on Google

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Pusat pelayan masyarakat garda terdepan di kecamatan cibungbulang.. meski kapasitas ruang tidak memadai. Al hasil karna alasan itu terpaksa pasien harus di rujuk ke RSUD lewiliang..
The frontline community service center in the Cibungbulang sub-district.. even though the space capacity is not adequate. As a result, for that reason, the patient had to be referred to the Lewiliang Hospital.
Alfi Jo on Google

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Hari ini 1 maret 2021, saya tiba disana sekitar jam 6:15. Mereka menyediakan antrian diluar gedung, terlihat disana sudah ada sekitar 6 orang yg mengantri. Setiba ditempat antrian, saya duduk bersama seorang ibu yg baru datang juga, lalu tiba tiba ibu ibu yg sudah lebih dahulu datang menyapa dan mengatakan bahwa kita mendapat no. 7 dan 8(saya 8). Ya, sistem antriannya tidak jelas, jadi ibu ibu itu menghitung manual yg baru datang karna berdasarkan informasi yg mereka dapatkan, entah dari petugas parkir atau karna pengalaman hari sebelum sebelumnya datang tapi karna antrian poli gigi terbatas di 15 orang saja. Petugas yg bertanggung jawab mengenai no antrian pun datang sekitar jam 6:45, sayup-sayup dari kejauhan saya mendengar sisa antrian tinggal 12 orang lagi ketika dia mengobrol dengan petugas parkir. Saya masih positif thinking karna saya mendapat urutan 8. Jam 7 pun tiba, petugas mengangkut kursi dan meja portabel ke arah kami, pasien semakin banyak dan sepintas sudah lebih dari 15 orang yang mana benar sisa 12 orang saja ketika petugas memberi informasi, terjadilah antrian yg semrawut, yg baru datang menyerobot dan setelah saya hitung, saya tidak mendapat jatah dari 12 orang di antrian, lalu saya membuka masker saya dan menghampiri petugas tersebut dengan suara tegas dan ekspresi sinis saya berkata : " Pak ini antriannya bagaimana sih, saya sudah datang pagi-pagi, sedangkan ini ada yg baru datang dan menyerobot begitu saja, kalo memang antrian hanya sisa 12 orang, saya yg datang sebagai orang ke-8 seharusnya dapat antrian pak ! " dengan ekspresi setengah marah, terlihat petugas tersebut cukup gelapapan untuk menjawabnya, lalu ibu ibu yg ada di antrian depan mengback up argumen saya dan berkata iya, si Aa ini antrian 8, udah kamu masuk sini ke antrian, akhirnya saya masuk ke antrian, meskipun pada akhirnya masuk ke orang 9 diantrian, saya tidak masalah, yg penting saya dapat antriannya, karna sedang tidak terburu-buru juga, hari itu saya sedang senggang. Saat sedang mengantri, saya sayup-sayup mendengar bahwa orang dewasa tidak bisa cabut gigi kata petugas tersebut, saya lalu keluar antrian dan mengkonfirmasi kepada petugas, dan dia berkata untuk cabut gigi hanya menerima untuk anak-anak saja. Saya kesal dan ketika hendak pulang, beberapa ibu ibu yang simpati memberikan informasi dimana bisa cabut gigi, dan saya pun saat sedang mereview hal ini sudah membuat janji jam 5 sore dengan dokter gigi, dokter deden dipertigaan cemplang. Ok langsung saja ke tipsnya : 1. Kalo bisa datang jam 6 pagi kalo mau dapat antrian 2. Ga usah segan buat protes, karna kalian yg sudah datang duluan,tiba tiba yg baru datang masuk ke barisan untuk mendapat no antrian 3. Berbaur dan mengobrol dengan pasien lain saat sedang menunggu jam 7, agar argumen kalian bisa di back up, kalo perlu kalian jadi alpha, kalian yg menegaskan si a no antrian segini, si b segini Kritik untuk puskesmasnya dan ini bakalan banyak banget : 1. Saya yakin yg bertugas memberikan no. Antrian itu adalah satpam, bayangkan pasien sampai jam 7 terlantar tidak mendapat kejelasan no antrian, apa alasannya ? Karna satpam baru datang jam 7 kurang begitu ? Kerja yg profesional, memang ga ada satpam shift malam ? Apa susahnya selagi menunggu satpam pagi satpam shift malam melayani pasien, bagikan no antriannya, kalopun malas, bisa perintahkan petugas parkir, ataupun perintahkan pasien yg datang duluan untuk membagikan secara adil kalo memang malas karna sudah sangat mengantuk meskipun akan tidak etis menyuruh nyuruh pasien tapi setidaknya antrian akan jelas, masing masing mendapat nomor, dan ketika sudah melebihi batas, yg baru datang bisa pulang dengan kejelasan, bukannya malah menimbun antrian, bukankah harus menjaga jarak ? tapi kalian itu bekerja di puskesmas, kalian harus punya jiwa melayani. 2. Tiba tiba antrian sisa 12 orang, entah ini ada unsur KKN(Kolusi Korupsi dan Nepotisme) mengenai hal tersebut atau tidak tapi ini haru dicari tahu lebih lanjut 3. Tidak bisa cabut gigi untuk dewasa, padahal ketika saya minggu menelpon, tidak mengatakan hal ini, validkah ?
Today March 1, 2021, I arrived there around 6:15. They provide a queue outside the building, it can be seen that there are already about 6 people waiting in line. Arriving at the queue, I sat with a mother who had just arrived, then suddenly the mothers who had come to greet us earlier and said that we got the number. 7 and 8 (I 8). Yes, the queuing system is not clear, so the ladies calculated the manual that just arrived because it was based on the information they got, either from the parking attendant or because of the experience the day before, but because the queue for dental polyclinic was limited to 15 people only. The officer in charge of queuing numbers also came around 6:45 am, faintly from a distance I heard the rest of the queue, only 12 people left when he chatted with the parking attendant. I am still positive thinking because I got number 8. At 7 o'clock arrived, the officer brought portable chairs and tables towards us, the number of patients was increasing and at a glance there were more than 15 people, which was true, there were only 12 people left when the officer gave information, there was a chaotic queue, new arrivals grabbed and after I counted , I did not get a ration from 12 people in the queue, then I took off my mask and approached the officer with a stern voice and a cynical expression I said: "Sir, what is the queue, I've come early in the morning, while this is someone who just came and just grabbed, if there were only 12 people left in line, I who came as the 8th person should have queued up, sir! "With a half angry expression, the officer seemed dark enough to answer him, then the mothers who were in the front queue back up the argument. me and said yes, this Aa is queue 8, you've already entered here into the queue, finally I got into the queue, even though in the end I got into person 9 in the queue, honey a no problem, the important thing is I get the queue, because I'm not in a hurry too, that day I was free. When I was waiting in line, I could faintly hear that adults cannot pull teeth, the officer said, I then came out of the queue and confirmed to the officer, and he said that tooth extraction was only accepted for children. I was annoyed and when I was about to go home, some sympathetic mothers gave me information on where to pull my teeth out, and when I was reviewing this, I made an appointment at 5 in the afternoon with the dentist, doctor Dede on a bright junction. Ok, just go to the tips: 1. If you can come at 6 in the morning if you want to get a queue 2. Don't be reluctant to protest, because those of you who have come first suddenly enter the line to get no queue 3. Mingle and chat with other patients while waiting at 7 o'clock, so that your arguments can be backed up, if necessary you become alpha, you are the one who confirms the a no queue like this, the b like this There will be a lot of criticism for the puskesmas and this will be a lot: 1. I am sure the one in charge of giving no. The queue is a security guard, imagine that the patient until 7 o'clock was abandoned and did not get a clear queue number, what was the reason? Because the security guard just arrived at 7 or so? Professional work, there is no night shift security guard? What's so hard while waiting for the morning security guard for the night shift to serve the patient, share the queue number, even if they are lazy, can they order the parking attendant, or order the patient who comes first to share fairly if they are lazy because they are already very sleepy although it would be unethical to tell the patient but at least the queue will be clear, each one gets a number, and when it is over the limit, the new arrivals can go home with clarity, instead of hoarding the queue, don't you have to keep your distance? but you work at the puskesmas, you must have a spirit of service. 2. Suddenly the remaining queue of 12 people, whether this is an element of KKN (Collusion, Corruption and Nepotism) about it or not, but this needs to be found out more 3. Can not pull teeth for adults, even though when I called the week, did not say this, is it valid?
Arman Asmara on Google

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Puskesmas ini include pelayanan DTP atau Difteri, Tetanus, Pertusis dengan Pelayanan Obstetri Neonatus Essensial Dasar atau PONED siap layani 24 jam untuk kesehatan dan kasus-kasus kegawatdaruratan obstetrik dan neonatus tingkat dasar?bangunan berlantai dua dengan kelengkapan pengobatan dan rawat inapnya? 10 Des 2019 jenguk lahiran istri Mas Iyonk
This health center includes DTP or Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis services with Basic Essential Neonatal Obstetric Services or PONED ready to serve 24 hours for health and cases of obstetric emergencies and basic neonates at the second floor with two levels of treatment and inpatient care. Dec 10 2019 visit the wife of Mas Iyonk's wife
Lastri Fatmawati on Google

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Untuk pelayanan puskesmas bagus.. Semua pegawai ramah.. Para nakes jg sangat ramah.. Tapi untuk tempat penitipan kendaraan (parkir) sy krg setuju. Biaya parkir di patok 3k per kendaraan.. Tapi tidak ada rasa tangggung jawab dr para penjaga parkir tsb. Bahkan tidak di bantukan menyebrang jika kendaraan akan keluar. Lalu fungsi mereka apa.?? Untuk harga sebenarnya tidak menjadi masalah jika saja minimal jok motor yg teparkir di tutupi kardus / apa sj jd pas pasie plg tdk kepanasan, & di bantu menyebrang / memberikan lalin yg nyamaan saat keluar.. Kalau seperti itu kan enak. Kepada pengurus tolong di perbaiki lg pelayanan di tempat parkir nya ?
For good health service.. All employees are friendly.. The health workers are also very friendly.. But for vehicle storage (parking) I agree. The parking fee is pegged at 3k per vehicle.. But there is no sense of responsibility from the parking guards. It is not even helped to cross if the vehicle is going out. Then what are their functions? For the actual price, it wouldn't be a problem if at least the parked motorbike seats were covered with cardboard / whatever so when the patient was not too hot, and helped to cross / provide comfortable traffic when out... If that's the case, it's good. To the management, please improve the service in the parking lot ?
Lionel Gaming on Google

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Good hospital

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