Tugu Bambu Runcing - Kota Bks

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tugu Bambu Runcing

Address :

Jl. Ir. Juanda, RT.005/RW.006, Marga Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17143, Indonesia

Postal code : 17143
Categories :

Jl. Ir. Juanda, RT.005/RW.006, Marga Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17143, Indonesia
Sigaol TOBATAK on Google

menurut saya kurang pas, kenapa tidak pakai logo kota bekasi
in my opinion it is not quite right, why don't you use the Bekasi city logo
David Iskandar on Google

Makna dibalik tugu ini apa ya?
What is the meaning behind this monument?
Yuliandaru Jr on Google

Bagusan tugu yg sebelom ini kayanya ?
Nice monument that was like this before ?
Fadly Firdani on Google

Terlalu biasa dan kecil sekali untuk jadi sebuah icon atau landmark kota Bekasi. Bikin yang lebih bagus dari bundaran summarecon/harapan indah dong.
Too ordinary and too small to be an icon or landmark for Bekasi city. Make it better than the Summarecon roundabout / beautiful hope.
Ari Supriadi on Google

Sering macet banyak angkut elep jurusan cikarang ngetem dan tidak ada tindakan dr polantas dan dishub.
There is often a lot of jams stuck in the majors of Cikarang area and there is no action from the traffic police and the Transportation Agency.
Usup donkkol on Google

Alangkah baiknya ini dibangun tugu kiayi nur alie,mengingatkan kita sosok pahlawan asal bekasi.
It would be nice if this kiayi nur alie monument was built, it reminds us of a hero from Bekasi.
Wachid F Anjasmoro on Google

Salah satu icon kota bekasi
One of the icons of the city of Bekasi
Salsa Ahmadi on Google

Tugu ini lokasinya berdekatan dengan stasiun bekasi. Area sekitar ini biasanya disebut bulan-bulan. Awalnya, tugu ini bernama patung lele karena terdapat patung lele diatas tugu tersebut tapi entah kenapa jadi diganti dengan bambu runcing sehingga namanya berganti jadi tugu bambu runcing. Lokasi ini merupakan lokasi terpadat karena merupakan jantung kota Bekasi. Tepat di depan nya terdapat pos polisi, sebelah kanan terdapat stasiun bekasi dan menuju tol bekasi barat, ke arah sebelah kiri menuju terminal bekasi dan tol bekasi timur. Suasana crowdied akan terlihat di sore hari karena lalu lintas disini terbilang cukup padat. Apalagi ditambah dengan adanya perlintasan kereta api, luar biasa kalau sudah macet.
This monument is located close to the Bekasi station. The area around this is usually called the months. Initially, this monument was called a catfish statue because there was a catfish statue on top of the monument, but somehow it was replaced with pointed bamboo so that its name changed to pointed bamboo monument. This location is the most populous location because it is the heart of Bekasi city. Right in front of it is a police post, on the right there is a bekasi station and heading for the west bekasi toll road, towards the left towards the bekasi terminal and the bekasi timur toll road. The crowdied atmosphere will be seen in the afternoon because the traffic here is quite heavy. Moreover, coupled with the existence of a train crossing, it is amazing when it is jammed.

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