Telaga Citra Raya - Tangerang Regency

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Telaga Citra Raya

Address :

Jl. Citra Raya Boulevard, Cikupa, Tangerang Regency, Banten 15710, Indonesia

Postal code : 15710
Website :
Categories :

Jl. Citra Raya Boulevard, Cikupa, Tangerang Regency, Banten 15710, Indonesia
Alfina Arum rani on Google

Bs buat mancing kl sore lihatny indah
Bs for fishing in the afternoon look beautiful
Titania karista Kafka on Google

Jalannya bagus ..perumahan cukup elit
The road is good ... housing is quite elite
Hidayat cepi on Google

Luas agak kurang perawatan tidak seperti yang dirawakutuk serpong sudah di renovasi untuk umum
It is rather lacking in treatment, not like the one serpong has been renovating to the public
Cat bodi Motor sitopainters on Google

Cukup enak untuk santai dengan angin sepoi sepoi... Bisa liat orang mancing jg dstu... Makanan bnyak jg
It's good enough to relax with a gentle breeze ... Can you see the fishing guys too ... Lots of food too
Asep Yanyan Suryanto (Kuplik) on Google

Tempat nya siiiippp
The place is siiiippp
Emyr H.M on Google

Sudah hampir puluhan tahun tinggal di citra.. tempatnya lebih asik dulu.. antara tahun 1997 s.d 2006... sekarang makin bingung tata letaknya.. untuk taman2 terbuka hijau kian menipis
It has been almost decades living in the image ... the place was cooler before ... between 1997 and 2006 ... now the layout is more confused ... for green open parks is getting thinner
Budiyanto Hidayat on Google

It's alright
Mas Nug on Google

I will be good to see you and the kids are going to be in the office tomorrow and will be

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