Danau Tomang - Tangerang Regency

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Danau Tomang

Address :

Jl. Villa Tomang Baru, Kuta Jaya, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, Banten 15560, Indonesia

Postal code : 15560
Categories :

Jl. Villa Tomang Baru, Kuta Jaya, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, Banten 15560, Indonesia
Bintang enjoy Atok on Google

Situ bulakan tomang tangerang Tempat nya lumayan buat santai sore.. Klo siang mah panas.. Hehehhh
Over there, tomang tangerang The place is pretty good for relaxing in the afternoon.. In the afternoon it's hot.. Heheheh
Iwan S on Google

Walaupun sederhana tapi bisa jadi hiburan juga
Although simple but can be entertainment too
Budi Manteb on Google

lumayan bwat ngopi2
pretty good for coffee
Bahrudin Ismail on Google

Tempat yang bagus untuk hiburan keluarga, tempat nya luas ada beberapa sisi danau, banyak pedagang makanan lagi, cukup nyaman.
A good place for family entertainment, the place is spacious, there are several sides of the lake, many more food vendors, quite comfortable.
Karno SRB on Google

Tmpat ini bs lebih bagus asalkan pihak pemerintah ikut serta melestarikannya
This place can be better as long as the government participates in preserving it
PyTta GrowFast on Google

Riding santai sore hari mampir kepinggir danau, suasananya asri
Riding leisurely in the afternoon stop by the lake, the atmosphere is beautiful
Khidirali Alibaba on Google

Teguh Pati on Google


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