Taman Kelinci Ciater - Kabupaten Subang

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Contact Taman Kelinci Ciater

Address :

Ciater, Kec. Ciater, Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat 41281, Indonesia

Postal code : 41281
Categories :

Ciater, Kec. Ciater, Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat 41281, Indonesia
Ang Opi on Google

Untuk sampai ke lokasi Taman Kelinci ini lumayan membutuhkan sedikit perjuangan. Selain lokasinya lumayan agak jauh dari pusat destinasi wisata utama Sari Ater, jalan untuk menuju ke taman kelinci lumayan terjal dan berbatu. Buat Anda yang hendak berlibur bersama keluarga ke taman kelinci, silahkan ikuti rute berikut : 1. Untuk tamu hotel Sari Ater, Anda bisa langsung minta sama pihak hotel/Sari Ater agar disiapkan guide 2. Untuk Anda yang bukan tamu hotel, pertama masuk melalui parkir Timur dan terus lurus sampai bertemu area Go Cart. Setelah itu bisa tanya kepada petugas disana, nanti akan diarahkan sama petugasnya. Semoga ulasan ini bermanfaat. Mohon maaf jika bayak kekurangan. Maklum nulis ulasannya tanpa mikir ?
To get to the location of the Rabbit Park is quite a bit of a struggle. Besides the location is quite far from the center of the main tourist destination of Sari Ater, the road to get to the rabbit park is quite steep and rocky. For those of you who want to take a vacation with your family to the rabbit park, please follow the following route: 1. For Sari Ater hotel guests, you can directly ask the hotel/Sari Ater to prepare a guide 2. For those of you who are not hotel guests, first enter through the East parking and continue straight until you meet the Go Cart area. After that, you can ask the officers there, they will be directed by the officers. Hope this review is helpful. Sorry if there are many shortcomings. Understandably write reviews without thinking ?

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