SMA 1 PSKD - Kota Jakarta Pusat

4.8/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact SMA 1 PSKD

Address :

Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro No.80, RT.2/RW.6, Kenari, Kec. Senen, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10430, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +98
Postal code : 10430
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Categories :

Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro No.80, RT.2/RW.6, Kenari, Kec. Senen, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
Colonel Dragon on Google

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Tempat belajar yang membuat siswa/i nya kreatif serta mengembangkan bakat sesuai dengan minat masing2. Setelah beberapa tahun lulus sejak 2012, yang namanya kerja keras dan ketekunan menjadi hal yang saya pelajari dan bermanfaat dalam dunia perkuliahan serta untuk karir saya kedepannya. Tidak disangka apa yang saya pelajari dan kembangkan sangat membantu minat saya di untuk dijenjang perguruan tinggi khususnya Hubungan Internasional
A place of learning that makes students creative and develops talent according to their interests. After several years of graduating since 2012, the name of hard work and perseverance became something I learned and was useful in the world of lectures and for my future career. It was unexpected that what I learned and developed greatly helped my interest in tertiary education especially in International Relations
Berliana Shintan on Google

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SMA 1 PSKD sekolah satu2 nya yang memberikan anak murid kebebasan dalam pembelajaran untuk pengembangan jati diri dan kemampuannya. Anak murid bisa belajar menyiapkan dirinya di perkuliahan. Murid diberikan ruang untuk mengembangan bakat dan kemampuan nya di bidang lain selain mata pelajaran yang baku seperti, dibidang olah raga, seni, essport dll. SMA 1 PSKD sekolah yang sangat menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kejujuran, sekolah dimana anak diberi ruang untuk melakukan hal-hal yang baik dan benar. Di SMA 1 PSKD anak-anak kami benar-benar belajar menjadi lebih baik lagi terutama dalam mata pelajaran, hal ini sangat berguna saat mereka duduk di bangku kuliah. Satu hal yang sangat membanggakan saat anak kami bisa lulus dengan baik dari SMA 1 PSKD dan masuk di perguruan tinggi yang tertama sampai akhirnya meraih gelar sarjana. Terima kasih untuk kepala sekolah, guru-guru juga staff SMA 1 PSKD... Maju terus SMA 1 PSKD Tuhan memberkati.
SMA 1 PSKD is the only school that gives students freedom in learning for the development of their identity and abilities. Students can learn to prepare themselves in college. Students are given space to develop their talents and abilities in fields other than standard subjects such as sports, arts, essport etc. SMA 1 PSKD is a school that upholds the values ​​of honesty, a school where children are given space to do things that are good and right. In SMA 1 PSKD our children really learn to be better, especially in subjects, this is very useful when they are attending college. One thing that is very proud of when our children can graduate well from SMA 1 PSKD and enter a well-known tertiary institution until finally achieving a bachelor's degree. Thank you to the headmaster, teachers and staff of PSKD 1 High School ... Keep moving forward high school 1 PSKD God bless.
Loly L. Tobing on Google

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1. pak satpam baik n ramah sekaliiii... sukkkaakk... 2. ya ampunnn, itu arsitektur masih kolonial banget..pohonΒ² tuanya bikin asri dan nyaman. sayang bbrp titik tkesan suram dan tidak terawat, kantin contohnya. 3. kepala sekolah merangkap guru bidang studi sejarah, sejarah indonesia, antropologi, geografi, dan seni budaya. 4. osis dan mpk kekuasaannya kelihatannya tidak terkendali, memegang tampuk kepemimpinan melebihi kepala sekolah. bebas melakukan forum ke adik kelas tanpa pengawasan sekolah, bahkan di luar jam sekolah. leadershipnya kebablasan tanpa disertai pendidikan etika. tanya dengan jelas sebelum memutuskan studi disini agar tidak kaget. 5. senioritas juga tidak terkendali, jarang ibadah. teladan senior nol, tapi bebas melakukan forum ke adik kelas yang tidak ikut ibadah, dsb. 6. ibadah online suka ngaret, anehnya bisa 20min lebih diam tapi tak ada satu gurupun yang angkat bicara melakukan peneguran, dsb. 7. tak ada pertemuan ortu dan sekolah di awal tahun ajaran untuk sosalisasi program dan kegiatan sekolah. 8. tidak jelas nilai2 yang berusaha ditanamkan oleh sekolah, karena yang ada hanya budaya senioritas dalam aspek negatif. senior melakukan teror ke dalam grup adik kelas dalam bentuk kekerasan2 verbal. 9. kecuali diterima jalur beasiswa 100% gratis karena basket atau esport, tawar serendah2nya. iklan bicara lebih baik dari pada kenyataan. 10. pelatih ekskul dance-nya bagus dan komunikatif. 11. lbh kaya school of drama, sih.. banyak drama kakel minta respon dan respect. gak didapat, adik kelas turun push up. katanya sih sudah tradisi.
1. The security guard is good and very friendly ... 2. Oh my, the architecture is still very colonial ... the old trees make it beautiful and comfortable. Unfortunately, some points have a gloomy and unkempt impression, a canteen for example. 3. The principal is concurrently a teacher in the field of history, Indonesian history, anthropology, geography, and cultural arts. 4. Student Council and MPK seem to be out of control, holding the reins of leadership beyond the principal. free to conduct forums to underclassmen without school supervision, even outside school hours. excessive leadership without ethics education. ask clearly before deciding to study here so as not to be surprised. 5. seniority is also out of control, rarely worship. zero senior role model, but free to conduct forums to juniors who do not participate in worship, etc. 6. Online worship likes to pray, strangely it can be 20min quieter, but not a single teacher speaks up, reprimands, etc. 7. There is no parent and school meeting at the beginning of the school year for socialization of school programs and activities. 8. It is unclear the values ​​that the school is trying to instill, because there is only a culture of seniority in a negative aspect. seniors committing terror into the underclassmen's group in the form of verbal violence. 9. Unless a 100% free scholarship is accepted because of basketball or esports, bargain as low as possible. advertising talk is better than reality. 10. The extracurricular dance coach is good and communicative. 11. It's like a school of drama, hmm ... a lot of kakel dramas ask for response and respect. not found, the juniors got down on push-ups. he said, it's a tradition.
Me on Google

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the best ???
Ove Invictus on Google

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They challenge you to be the best you can be.
Yanuar Putra on Google

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A place where you can express yourself with your own hobbies and interest.
Ruben Wenas on Google

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I graduated in 1979 missed my teacher de Fretes is he still alive, om Piet etc.
raisha panggabean on Google

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An egalitarian school. Pupils various skills and talents are recognized and put in so many activites. Although it's a Christian school, childs from all religion backgrounds are welcomed! The headmaster is pretty awesome as well

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