Unit Rawat Jalan RSCM - Central Jakarta City

2.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Unit Rawat Jalan RSCM

Address :

Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro No.1, RW.5, Kenari, Senen, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia

Postal code : 10430
Categories :

Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro No.1, RW.5, Kenari, Senen, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
Yossi Putra on Google

Zzy Iskand on Google

Dika Septian on Google

Rumah sakit nasional pelayanan amburadul
The national hospital is chaotic service
Masih Baru on Google

SEMOGA yang banyak TUGAS, banyak HUTANG, banyak BEBAN, banyak PIKIRAN, bayak PENYAKIT, bayak PENDERITAAN, bayak MASALAH, diberi kekuatan oleh Allah swt. untuk mengatasinya dengan gagah dan bahagia. Aamiin...
May those who have many TASKS, many DEBTS, many LOADS, many THOUGHTS, many DISEASES, a lot of SUFFERING, a lot of PROBLEMS, be given strength by Allah swt. to overcome it bravely and happily. Amen...
Luthfiah161091 on Google

Halo RSCM. Semoga oknum2 dokter-suster di RSCM mendapat hidayah. Jika tidak, jadi tukang parkir aja di alfa atau indomart krn kerjanya lebih santai, resiko dan tanggung jawabnya ringan tapi bisa dapat uang walau recehan dan tidak banyak. Lebih mulia jadi tukang parkir, halal. Kalian kerja digaji. Kalau kurang gajinya mintanya sama pemerintah jangan jadikan pasien pelampiasan. Pasien walau bpjs dia bayar tiap bulan (kelas berapapun). Dan bayarnya untuk sekeluarga padahal yg pakai bpjs cuma satu orang. Coba dong dipikirrr mana ada orang mau sakit.. Jangan seenaknya memperlakukan pasien. Seolah pasien tidak paham apa yg terjadi. *Mental, kepribadian dan attitude kalian tidak layak kerja di RS.
Hello RSCM. Hopefully the doctors and nurses at RSCM will get guidance. If not, just be a parking attendant at Alfa or Indomart because the work is more relaxed, the risks and responsibilities are light but you can get money even though it's small and not much. It's more noble to be a parking attendant, halal. You are paid work. If the salary is not enough, ask the government not to make the patient an outlet. The patient even though he pays BPJS every month (any class). And pay for the family even though only one person uses BPJS. Try to think about where someone wants to get sick.. Don't treat patients arbitrarily. As if the patient did not understand what was happening. * Your mentality, personality and attitude are not worthy of working in a hospital.
Mr Sang on Google

Tak perlu dijelaskan, udah pada tahu kok mesin pendaftaran online cetak SEP seperti apa jadinya kalo didiemin terus gak ada perbaikan
No need to explain, you already know how come the online registration machine printing the SEP will look like if you leave it alone, there will be no improvement
Izza Nafisa on Google

Sebel sama dr. Residen THT yang nanganin sy. Dokternya sibuk sendiri. Malah chat dan telpon sama dokter Lain lewat Hp. Jadi pas sy cerita keluhan dan riwayat sy, malah cuma di iya-iya aja. Sy tambah bintang lagi klo kasus sy selesai yaa.
Disgusted with dr. The ENT resident who took care of me. The doctor is busy. Even chat and call other doctors via cellphone. So when I told my complaint and my history, it just said yes. I'll add another star when my case is finished.
Farah Rachmat on Google

We have to be patient as patient...

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