Situs Sumur Songo - Kabupaten Boyolali

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Situs Sumur Songo

Address :

Unnamed Road, Dusun II, Candigatak, Kec. Cepogo, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah 57362, Indonesia

Postal code : 57362
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Unnamed Road, Dusun II, Candigatak, Kec. Cepogo, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah 57362, Indonesia
Kuncara Budi R on Google

Sumur songo
Songo well
Widiyanto on Google

Tempatnya bersih,dekat dengan Perkampungan
The place is clean, close to the Village
FerrySean on Google

Nuansa alam sumur lawasan
The natural nuances of well beyond
Boedak Baong on Google

Sumur petilasan
petilasan well
luqman sakhi on Google

Perlu perhatian pemerintah yang lebih untuk menjaga kelestarian situs ini,utamanya dinas terkait...juga peran serta warga sekitar untuk selalu menjaganya,tempat ini memiliki cerita sejarah tersendiri,maka dari itu agar situs ini tdk rusak atau hilang,perlu penanganan khusus...mari kita jaga dan lestarikan situs2 sejarah disekitar kita....
Need more government attention to preserve this site, especially related agencies ... also the participation of local residents to always take care of it, this place has its own historical story, so that this site is not damaged or lost, it needs special handling ... let's protect and preserve historical sites around us ....
Wuryanto 123 on Google

Desa kelahiranku 54 THN yang lalu , melestarikan situs purbakala adalah salah satu dari .enci tau tanah air
The village of my birth 54 years ago, preserving ancient sites is one of the hatred or homeland
Bapak Gunawan0009 on Google

Dari 9 sumur sebagian sumur tdk terawat dg baik perlu campur tangan pemerintah untuk bisa jadi obyek wisata religi
Of the 9 wells, some of the wells are not well maintained and need government intervention to become a religious tourism object
Achid Zamroji on Google

Masih sangat asri. Pohon besar terpelihara, anggrek liar. Terawat. Akses mudah. Ada papan penunjuk. Semoga terus terawat
Still very beautiful. Big trees looked after, wild orchids. Well groomed. Easy access. There is a sign board. Hopefully it will continue

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