SIM Keliling Pamulang Square - South Tangerang City

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact SIM Keliling Pamulang Square

Address :

Jl. Siliwangi No.B7/5, West Pamulang, Pamulang, South Tangerang City, Banten 15417, Indonesia

Postal code : 15417
Categories :

Jl. Siliwangi No.B7/5, West Pamulang, Pamulang, South Tangerang City, Banten 15417, Indonesia
Luffi Tarandeli on Google

Untuk biaya sim sekarang ada tambahan psikotest 60 rb,pdhl cm sekedar formalitas entah di nilai atau tidak,kl perpanjang SIMnya sekaligus 2 utk cek kesehatan tetap bayar double biarpun orangnya sama dan tidak ada pengecekan kesehatan jg baik mata ataupun tensi tdk sama sekali jd cepat
For sim fees now there is an additional 60 thousand psychological test, if it's just a formality whether it's graded or not, if you extend the SIM at the same time 2 for a health check, you still pay double even though the person is the same and there is no health check either eye or blood pressure is not fast at all
Wiro Triatmojo on Google

Disarankan datang jam 7 pagi agar dapat daftar nomor antrian awal, petugas datang jam 8 pagi. Lokasinya ada disebelah kiri setelah ambil karcis parkir. Tidak ribet, pelayanan cukup cepat dan ramah. Siapkan FC KTP 2 lembar dan bawa pulpen. Perpanjangan sim A dan sim C 235ribu. Tes kesehatan(buta warna) 30ribu/sim. Tes psikologi 60ribu/sim. Total 415ribu.
It is recommended to come at 7 am so that you can register the initial queue number, the officer comes at 8 am. The location is on the left after taking the parking ticket. Not complicated, service is quite fast and friendly. Prepare 2 pieces of FC KTP and bring a pen. Sim A and sim C extension 235 thousand. Health test (color blind) 30 thousand / sim. Psychological test 60ribu/sim. Total 415 thousand.
hardian syah on Google

Akses untuk memperpanjang SIM wilayah Pamulang makin mudah. Pelayanan excellent. Petugas ramah. Jadi ga perlu lagi ke Satpas Serpong yg cukup jauh. Sampe lokasi jam 7.50 pagi dapat nomor antrian 22. Layanan buka jam 8 pagi di hari sabtu. Syarat cuma foto kopi KTP 2 lembar sama SIM asli. Plus surat kehilangan dr polsek, klo alasan perpanjang karena hilang.
Access to extend SIM Pamulang area is getting easier. Excellent service. Friendly staff. So there is no need to go to the Serpong Satpas which is quite far. Arriving at the location at 7.50 am got queue number 22. Service opens at 8 am on Saturday. The only requirement is a photocopy of 2 ID cards and the original SIM. Plus the letter lost from the police station, if the reason for the extension is because it is lost.
Rest Schedule (Putra Petir) on Google

Pelayanan cepat ramah sopan santun. Proses juga cepat. FYI, perpanjang SIM +-15 hari sebelum habis masa berlaku. Bawa foto copy KTP 2 lbr dan SIM asli. Biaya kesehatan 35rb, biaya SIM 115rb. Kalo bisa datang sebelum jam 8 nulis antrian, supaya cepat di panggil. Jadwal di sini: selasa, jum'at dan sabtu Pukul: 08:00 - 15:00
Fast service, friendly manners. The process is also fast. FYI, renew the SIM +-15 days before it expires. Bring a photocopy of the ID card 2 sheets and the original SIM. Health fee 35 thousand, SIM fee 115 thousand. If you can come before 8 o'clock write a queue, so you can be called quickly. Schedule here: Tuesday, Friday and Saturday Time: 08:00 - 15:00
wahyudin on Google

Dilokasi tersedia juga mobil untuk pembayarann pajak tahunan. Untuk perpanjang sim c, siapkan dana untuk *pemeriksaan berkas dan fisik : 35rb *biaya jepret foto : 115rb *biaya untuk plastik antigores sim : 10rb
There is also a car available for annual tax payments. To extend sim c, prepare funds for *file and physical check: 35k * photo shoot fee: 115 thousand *cost for anti-scratch plastic sim: 10 thousand
Farid and Nadea Adventure on Google

tahun ini saya kesana 2X : *25 September 2021 (SIM saya) *11 Desember 2021 (SIM suami) petugasnya ramah + sabar dan prosesnya cepat, kalo saya kurang dari 1 jam. kalo suami saya 1 jam 30 menit, karena datengnya agak siang jadi nunggunya pun lamaaa. syaratnya hanya : fotocopy KTP & SIM asli (disarankan membawa pulpen untuk mengisi formulir) untuk biayanya : *Rp 30.000 saat di panggil no.antriannya sambil memberikan formulir (Cek Kesehatan langsung oleh Dokter. karna waktu dokternya istirahat, saya sempet ngobrol sama dokternya. beliau sangat ramah?) *Rp 115.000 setelah foto, tanda tangan, sidik jari (itu biaya SIM C) *Rp 10.000 laminating SIM depan belakang (TIDAK WAJIB) *Rp 3.000 parkir (heheee?) #FYI : saya baru tau, ternyata disana ada SAMSAT Keliling juga? jadi bisa ngurus 2 macam sekaligus (SIM + Pajak Motor)
this year I went there 2X: *September 25, 2021 (my driver's license) *11 December 2021 (husband's driver's license) the staff is friendly + patient and the process is fast, if it's less than 1 hour for me. for my husband 1 hour 30 minutes, because he came a bit late so the wait was long. the only requirement is: photocopy of original ID & SIM (it is recommended to bring a pen to fill out the form) for the cost: *Rp 30,000 when the queue number is called while giving the form (Direct health check by the doctor. Because the doctor was resting, I had a chat with the doctor. He was very friendly?) *Rp 115,000 after photo, signature, fingerprint (it costs SIM C) *Rp 10,000 laminating SIM front and back (NOT MANDATORY) *Rp 3,000 parking (heheee) #FYI: I just found out, it turns out that there is a Mobile SAMSAT too so I can take care of 2 kinds at once (SIM + Motorcycle Tax)
trithunders go on Google

Rutinitas 5 tahunan. Kali ini coba di simling pamulang square Pendaftaran dibuka jam 7pagi biasanya (nulis di kertas antrian) Formulir dikasih dgn dipanggil nama dr kertas antrian mulai jam 8pagi, diisi ya pas dah dikasih (siapin pulpen dan fc ktp 2lembar). Abis itu di panggil nomor urut di formulir pendaftaran tuk test kesehatan.( siapin 30k/sim) Lanjut formulir diserahkan ke mobil keliling, antri sesuai nomor urut deh tuk foto+tandatangan+rekam sidikjari+pembyran (115k simC/120k simA) Setelah foto tunggu 10-30menit tuk dikasih fisik simnya ya. Saran dtg klo ngk bs pagi bgt (jam 7an mending sekalian menjelang tutup deh) kt yg jualan pulpen jam 14an malah udah ngk terlalu antri lg jd proses bs lebih cepat. Oh iya perpanjangnya pas udah mau abis masa berlakunya aja ya, skrg masa berlaku 5thn sejak fisik sim dicetak, bukan kyk dulu yg sesuai tgl lahir. Semoga bermanfaat Jgn lupa mampir ke trithundershop di toped dll :D
5 year routine. This time, try simling pamulang square Registration opens at 7 am usually (write on the queue paper) The form is given by calling the name from the queue paper starting at 8 am, fill it out when it is given (prepare pens and 2 sheets of fc ID cards). After that, the serial number is called on the registration form for a health test. (prepare 30k/sim) Next, submit the form to the mobile car, queue according to the serial number for photo+signature+fingerprint recording+payment (115k simC/120k simA) After the photo, wait 10-30 minutes to give the physical sim, okay. Suggestions come if you can't do it early in the morning (7's, it's better to close before closing) for those who sell pens at 14 o'clock, there's no longer queues, so the process can be faster. Oh yeah, just extend it when it's about to expire, right now, the validity period is 5 years since the physical sim was printed, not like it used to be according to the date of birth. Hope it is useful Don't forget to stop by trithundershop at toped etc :D
Arif Fai Hadiantoro on Google

As a pamulang citizens, We don't have to drive long to Cilenggang just for extend our driving license.

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