SDN TANJUNGHARJA 03 - Tegal Regency

4.7/5 based on 3 reviews


Address :

Karang Meja Utara, Tanjungharja, Kramat, Tegal Regency, Central Java 52181, Indonesia

Postal code : 52181
Categories :

Karang Meja Utara, Tanjungharja, Kramat, Tegal Regency, Central Java 52181, Indonesia
Lisa Nuriyatul on Google

fudin Tgl8081 on Google

Tempat belajar.masa kecilku.
My little place of study.
Budi Setiawan on Google

Tempat menimba ilmu untuk taraf anak-anak. Lokasi di dekat area persawahan tapi sayangnya akses jalan masih sangat memprihatinkan.
A place to gain knowledge for the level of children. The location is near the paddy field area but unfortunately the access road is still very poor.

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