SAMSAT Outlet Puspanegara - Kabupaten Bogor

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Contact SAMSAT Outlet Puspanegara

Address :

Ruko Grand Square, Blok H, Puspanegara, Kec. Citeureup, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16810, Indonesia

Postal code : 16810
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–12PM
Tuesday 8AM–12PM
Wednesday 8AM–12PM
Thursday 8AM–12PM
Friday 8–11AM
Saturday 8–11AM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Ruko Grand Square, Blok H, Puspanegara, Kec. Citeureup, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16810, Indonesia
ade irawan edot on Google

Petugas pendaptaranya gak ramah yang sekarang ngomongnya sewot mulu kurang beretika dan so tau banget kalau bayar online itu gak d stmpel karna ktpnya gak asli pas sya bayar online d stempel juga dasar so tau..lagi ngomong nyamber mulu nih orang yang giginya ompong tau namnya siapa yang jelas pihak pendaptaran samping daptar online..
The registration officer is not friendly, who is now speaking in a slurred manner, and it's unethical and so you know that paying online is not stamped because the ID card is not original when I pay online and the stamp is also basic, so you know... what is clear is the registration side of the online list..
Oky Budi on Google

Bismillah, Bayar pajak tahunan via online (lewat Tokped). Alhamdulillah dapat diskon 6%. Ada biaya Admin : Rp 5000,- Untuk jaga-jaga, bukti bayarnya di print. Saya bayar Rp 1500,- untuk sekali cetak. Setelah itu, ngacir ke Samsat Citeureup. Sampai disana, langsung ke loket pembayaran online. Posisinya ada diluar samsatnya, tepatnya depan Warung Online. Disitu menyerahkan KTP asli, STNK asli dan Bukti bayar yang sudah dicetak. Lalu diminta nunggu. Sekitar 5 menitan kemudian, "sang petugas" memanggil sambil menyerahkan STNK yang sudah di cap sekaligus minta uang Rp 2000,-. Uangnya untuk apa, Allaahua'lam, saya tidak tahu. Untuk uang parkirnya sendiri, Rp 3000,-. Demikian. Tambahan : Kalau mau bayar langsung di Samsat, bisa juga. Tapi sepertinya, perlu antri agak lama. Untuk biayanya sendiri, saya kurang tahu.
WL, Pay your annual tax online (via Tokped). Thank God I got a 6% discount. There is an admin fee: IDR 5000,- Just in case, the proof of payment is printed. I paid Rp 1500, - for a single print. After that, go to Samsat Citeureup. When you get there, go straight to the online payment counter. His position is outside his samsat, to be exact in front of the online shop. There, submit the original KTP, original STNK and printed proof of payment. Then asked to wait. About 5 minutes later, "the officer" called while handing over the stamped STNK and asking for Rp. 2000,-. What the money is for, Allahua'lam, I don't know. For the parking fee itself, IDR 3000, -. Thus. Additional: If you want to pay directly at Samsat, you can. But it seems, need to queue a bit longer. As for the cost itself, I don't know.
Irwans _ on Google

awalnya ke ITC Cibinong Tapi katanya pindah depan SMA Indocement Jadi sampe lah saya disini Ruko yang bersebalahan dengan Indomaret
initially to ITC Cibinong But he said he moved in front of Indocement High School So I arrived here Shophouse opposite Indomaret
Haerudin on Google

Gak perlu datang pagi banget, santai aja karena antriannya juga gak lama..selama masih dalam jam operasional pasti dilayanin :) yang belum makan atau butuh minuman, disamping samsat juga ada cafe dan indomaret jadi tenggorokan dan perut amanlah
You don't need to come really early in the morning, just relax because the queue is not long ... as long as it's still in operational hours, you will definitely be served :) those who haven't eaten or need a drink, besides Samsat there are also cafes and Indomaret so throat and stomach are safe
Doni Septyan on Google

Tadi saya kesitu ko pelayanany g ramah sih..petugas yg di depan di tny jwabany pelan n g jls ngmongny..mlh nawarin byar pjak mtor lewat online..?‍♂️?‍♂️
I was there, how come the service wasn't friendly.. the officer at the front answered slowly and didn't talk.. just offered to pay for motorbike taxis via online..?‍♂️?‍♂️
Dark Yamada on Google

Barusan saya perpanjang pajak tahunan lewat onlen ama yg di depan.. ngambil jatahnya gde bner.. ngomongnya "cpt mas cuma 5mnt jadi tp ada uang tambahan 15rebu" emg sih cepet 5mntian tp bgitu ngambil stnk yg udh jadi.. jauh dr yg d blgin d depan 30rebu ngambil tambahannya.. SARAN aja mending ngantri aja drpd lewat onlen melalui d tempat.. saya kurang tau kalo onlen dr tokped atau sarana lain.. tp jgn prnah onlen melalui org yg ada d sana.. kalau udh dtg k sana mending antri drpd onlen d tempat..
I just extended my annual tax through online or the one in front.. I took the quota really big.. they said "fast, mas, it's only 5 minutes, but there's an additional 15 thousand dollars." It's really fast 5 minutes, but it's so taking the stnk that has been done.. far from what I was given in front of 30 thousand, take the extra.. SUGGESTION, just wait in line instead of online via d place.. I don't know if it's online from Tokped or other means.. but don't ever go online through people who are there.. if you've arrived there, it's better queue instead of online at the place..
Anjias Yonatan on Google

pelayanan cepat, kalau bayar lewat online (Bukalapak atau Tokopedia), better seperti itu, daripada harus antre di sana, dan kalo bisa ajak temen utk jagain kendaraan di luar sebentar daripada bayar parkir gak sampe 5 menit dimintain 3ribu jg, parah, pdhl cuma sebentar, ckckckck ??‍♂️
fast service, if you pay online (Bukalapak or Tokopedia), it's better like that, rather than having to queue there, and if you can invite a friend to look after the vehicle outside for a while instead of paying for parking it doesn't take up to 5 minutes to ask for 3 thousand too, bad, even if it's only for a moment , ckckckck ️
Andriyani Sofyan on Google

Sedikit berbagi pengalaman hari ini membayar pajak tahunan di Samsat outlet puspanegara, pelayanan cepat,petugasnya ramah2 trmasuk bapak polisi yg berpakaian seragam. memberikan pelayanan yang baik,selalu memberikan arahan dan mengingatkan melalui pengeras suara... Sy ucapkan Trmksh atas pelayanannya..
Sharing a little experience today paying annual tax at the Puspanegara Samsat outlet, fast service, friendly staff including a policeman who is dressed in uniform. provide good service, always give directions and remind through loudspeakers... I say thank you for the service..

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