Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Brebes - Kabupaten Brebes

2.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Brebes

Address :

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.181, Pangembon, Brebes, Kec. Brebes, Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah 52212, Indonesia

Postal code : 52212
Categories :

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.181, Pangembon, Brebes, Kec. Brebes, Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah 52212, Indonesia
net Kun on Google

Jadwal dokter ngaretnya Masya Allah.. di jadwal jam09.00 setengah 11 aja belum mulai?
The doctor's schedule sucks, Masha Allah.. at the schedule at 09:00 and half past 11 it hasn't started yet
Sunarto Ato on Google

RSUD Brebes sangat nyaman dalam pelayanannya dari dokternya,perawatnya dan karyawannya...ramah dan santun melayani pasien keluarga anda.
RSUD Brebes is very comfortable in its services from the doctors, nurses and employees...friendly and courteous to serve your family's patients.
Rien Putri Utami on Google

Pelayanan lama sekaliii, sekedar antigeen sajaa harus bolak balik ke gedung baru cuma buat bayaaarrr
The service is very long, just antigeen, you have to go back and forth to the new building just to pay
Jiin Soraya on Google

Tanggal 22 Maret 2022 ibu saya mau rawat inap...ibu saya di kovid kan...dan ruang isolasinya sungguh tidak manusiawi...panas pengap
On March 22, 2022 my mother wants to be mother is in Covid right...and the isolation room is really inhumane...stuffy hot

Pengajuan Medical Check Up.. 2 kali saya mendatangi, hasil nihil cuma karena waktu tidak cukup.. Perjalanan dari rumah sangatlah jauh bagi saya, ketika sampe tempat bisa dapet penolakan, supaya besok lagi kesini.. Waktu tenaga biaya sudah saya keluarkan.. Tolonglah rasa kemanusiannya juga dipakai kalopun itu emang pekerjaan kalian melayani masyarakat..
Submission of Medical Check Up.. I visited 2 times, no results just because I didn't have enough time.. The journey from home is very far for me, when I get to the place I can get a rejection, so that tomorrow I will come here again.. I have spent my time and energy.. Please use your humanity too, even if it's your job to serve the community..
Chikmah Risah on Google

Untuk kebeersihanya sangat kurang untuk in nya tolong di tinggkatkan kebeersihanya sangat kurang sekali Dr ruangan dan kamar mandinya sangat kurang bersih sekali
For cleanliness, it is very lacking, please improve the cleanliness, it is very lacking. The room and bathroom are very less clean
Ristiya Ratna on Google

Rumah sakit yang bersih, tertata rapi, pelayanan juga ramah.. sangat membantu sekali bagi masyarakat desa yang ingin berobat.. sukses selalu
A clean, well-organized hospital, friendly service too.. very helpful for village people who want treatment.. success always
Meilin Boru Pandiangan on Google

+++ • Parkiran luas dan ada tukang parkirnya juga • Pekerja ramah2, jadi kalau perlu bantuan/tanya bisa langsung tanya aja ke petugas di sana • Harga terjangkau untuk pendaftaran umum 50k • Dokternya juga ramah dan pengertian --- •• Karcisnya masih beruba tulisan kertas gitu • tempat tunggu di dalam pendaftaran terbatas, dan sisanya ada di luar (walupun ini ada atap jadi nggak panas) Waktu itu saya sempat ke Radiologi pembayaran sekitar 141.000
+++ • Ample parking and there is a parking attendant too • The workers are friendly, so if you need help/questions, you can just ask the officers there • Affordable price for general registration 50k • The doctor is also friendly and understanding --- •• The ticket is still written on paper • the waiting area inside is limited, and the rest is outside (even though it has a roof so it's not hot) At that time I had time to go to Radiology, the payment was around 141,000

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