Rumah Dinas Bupati Pekalongan - Kabupaten Pekalongan

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rumah Dinas Bupati Pekalongan

Address :

Nyamok, Kec. Kajen, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah 51161, Indonesia

Postal code : 51161
Categories :

Nyamok, Kec. Kajen, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah 51161, Indonesia
Hafid Ardiansyah on Google

Kualitas udara masih terasa enak
The air quality still feels good
Rudi Wibowo on Google

Sinergi Membangun Ekonomi bangsa
Synergy to Build the Nation's Economy
Gen Hjr on Google

Kompleks kantor pemerintahan kabupaten yang tertata rapi dan bersih.mungkin salah satu yg terbaik di indonesia
A neat and clean district government office complex. Probably one of the best in Indonesia
Takhori Ar_Rubani on Google

Gedung yg luas belakangnya kayak bonbin & depannya ada taman yg enak buat santai.
The spacious building behind it is like a bonbin and in front there is a garden that is nice for relaxing.
Pras Photographer on Google

Bersih, indah, kultur jawa itulah kesan yang didapat saat berkunjung. Apalagi parkir yang sangat luas bisa menampung kendaraan besar, seperti bis. Adanya taman dan kebun menambah kesejukan dan keindahannya.
Clean, beautiful, Javanese culture is the impression you get when you visit. Moreover, a very large parking area can accommodate large vehicles, such as buses. The existence of parks and gardens adds to the coolness and beauty.
nuzulul arifin on Google

Tempat yg keren dan asyik untuk even2 besar resmi lokal maupun nasional. Sebab pendoponya sangat luas dan bau etnik Jawa nampak di sebagian besar bangunannya. Belum lagi ruang tengahnya yg dindingnya dihiasi kain batik khas Pekalongan. Suasana yg sejuk, sebab di areal dg total luas 4 hektar ini dikelilingi taman dan kebun dg tanaman buah aneka jenis. Bila Anda ke Kajen, luangkan waktu untuk mengeksplorasi tempat ini.
A cool and fun place for major local and national official events. Because the pendoponya is very broad and the smell of Javanese is visible in most of the buildings. Not to mention the living room whose walls are decorated with typical Pekalongan batik cloth. The atmosphere is cool, because in an area with a total area of ​​4 hectares is surrounded by parks and gardens with various types of fruit plants. If you go to Kajen, take time to explore this place.
Izza Kham on Google

Merupakan rumah dinas Bupati Pekalongan yang terletak di Kajen. Di depan pendopo terdapat taman yang sejuk, asri, dan nyaman untuk duduk2 santai. Biasanya di depan pendopo sering diadakan pagelaran musik, budaya, dll. Setiap minggu pagi juga banyak orang2 jogging/olahraga di sini.
Is the official residence of the Pekalongan Regent located in Kajen. In front of the pavilion there is a garden that is cool, beautiful, and comfortable to sit back and relax. Usually in front of the pavilion music, cultural, etc. performances are often held. Every Sunday morning there are also many people jogging / sports here.
faris priadi on Google

Di depan ada taman yang luas dan rindang. Cukup nyaman untuk beristirahat dalam perjalanan sepanjang jalan kajen-karanganyar
In front there is a large and shady garden. Quite comfortable to rest on the way along the road kajen-karanganyar

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