RS PKU Kutowinangun - Kebumen Regency

4.2/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact RS PKU Kutowinangun

Address :

Jl. Pemuda No.12, Kutowinangun, Kebumen Regency, Central Java 54393, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +877
Postal code : 54393
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Jl. Pemuda No.12, Kutowinangun, Kebumen Regency, Central Java 54393, Indonesia
Satrio Aji Pamungkas on Google

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Salah satu pusat kesehatan di kecamatan Kutowinangun, PKU disini terbilang cukup kecil, bukan seperti rumah sakit besar pada umumnya. Tetapi mampu melayani dan memberikan pelayanan kesehatan secara intensif. Sarana prasarana juga terbilang memadai, ketersediaan dokter juga baik. Akses lokasi sangat strategis dan mudah dilihat.. adapun kekurangannya adalah masih kurang tersedia beberapa dokter spesialis..
One of the health centers in Kutowinangun sub-district, PKU here is fairly small, not like a large hospital in general. But able to serve and provide health services intensively. Infrastructure facilities are also fairly adequate, the availability of doctors is also good. Access to the location is very strategic and easy to see ... as for the shortcomings there are still few available specialist doctors ..
Diah Ana on Google

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Pelayanan baik, ramah, karyawan mudaΒ², memakai BPJS tidak dipersulit, tidak dibedaΒ²kan... Terimakasih telah menjadi rumah sakit rujukan faskes saya... Tingkatkan terus agar lebih baik dan profesional... : )
Good service, friendly, young employees, using BPJS is not difficult, it is not differentiated ... Thank you for being my health facility referral hospital ... Continue to improve to make it better and more professional ... :)
Irvan Solehudin on Google

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Pelayamnan kesehatan bagus orangnya ramah ramah istri saya melahirkan di sini..... Tpi untuk pembuatan akte lama sudah 2 bulan belum jadi..... Al hasil di ambil lagi berkasnya.... Dan kata pihak RS suruh ke capil ... Jadi ktemuan di capil... Trnyata berkasnya belom belom di dftarin ke capil... Smoga kdepanya lbih baik lagi....
The health service is good, the people are friendly and friendly, my wife gave birth here..... But for the old certificate, it's been 2 months and it hasn't been done..... Al the results are taken again. So you found the capil... In fact, the file hasn't been registered with the capil... Hopefully the future will be better....
Haris Prisa on Google

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Terima kasih RSU PKU MUHAMMADIYAH KUTOWINANGUN, semoga Alloh SWT membalas kebaikan sodara semua, pelayanannya sangat ramah dan memuaskan???
Thank you PKU MUHAMMADIYAH KUTOWINANGUN RSU, may Allah SWT repay all of your kindness, the service is very friendly and satisfying???
Murtadho Infinite design on Google

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ayah saya sakit stroke & massa pulmo/kanker paru,koma,masuk ICU,IGD lalu meninggal di sini....terima kasih atas pelayanan.nya PKU...
my father had a stroke & pulmonary mass / lung cancer, coma, entered the ICU, ER and died here....thank you for the service.. from PKU...
rakhmat firdaus on Google

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Untuk USG tidak di saran kan di sini klo lagi rame ya, dokter ngk mau sama sekali kasih penjelasan, nunggu 2 jam USG ngk ada 5 menit, cek nya asal, yg USG juga bidan nya bukan dokter nya, hamil 34 week tp foto USG nya sama sekali ngk nampak dede nya, walau rame please di treat pasien dengan baik ya dok
Ultrasound is not recommended here, if it's busy, the doctor doesn't want to give an explanation at all, waiting for 2 hours for ultrasound, not 5 minutes, the check is original, the ultrasound is also the midwife is not the doctor, 34 weeks pregnant but the ultrasound photo I don't see dede at all, even though it's crowded, please treat the patient well, doc
Iroel Anwar on Google

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Rumah sakit terdekat dari domisili & merupakan faskes II serta menerima bpjs, rumah sakitnya kecil tapi cukup membantu untuk penanganan masyarakat bila sedang sakit dan butuh penanganan serius, lokasi agak kedalam dari jl. Raya Kutowinangun, parkir sempit karena keterbatasan lahan, pelayanan baik, fasilitas masih kurang dibeberapa tempat, ruang pendaftaran agak sempit & ruang tunggu kecil untuk beberapa poli, tidak ada jam dinding diruang tunggu untuk memprediksi waktu, bentuk ruang praktek (poli) masih bangunan lama dengan jendela kayu ... walaupun demikian masih tetap berusaha melayani pasien semaksimal mungkin Masukan aja utk jam praktek dokternya tidak selalu tepat ... waktu menunggu dari daftar terlalu lama sampai dokter datang
The closest hospital from the domicile & is a health facility II and accepts bpjs, the hospital is small but quite helpful for handling people when they are sick and need serious treatment, the location is a bit deep from Jl. Raya Kutowinangun, narrow parking due to limited land, good service, the facilities are still lacking in some places, the registration room is a bit cramped & the waiting room is small for some polyclinics, there is no wall clock in the waiting room to predict the time, the shape of the practice room (poly) is still an old building with wooden windows ... even so still trying to serve patients as much as possible Just enter it for the doctor's practice hours, it's not always right... the waiting time from the list is too long until the doctor comes
Deep on Google

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RS PKU yang ini letaknya agak masuk klo dari jalan raya Kutowinangun. Emang kecil sih RSnya, jauh lebih kecil dari PKU Sruweng apalagi Gombong, bahkan skilas dari depan ky puskesmas, tp layanan lumayan maksimal, fasilitas jg lengkap ada radiologi, laborat dsb. Menerima pasien umum maupun BPJS. Kesan pertama diRS ini, ruang pendaftaran sempit. Ruang poli juga bentuknya kamar kamar kecil jendela kayu, mirip ky kamar kos2an ?. Kursi ruang tunggu cukup banyak, tapi klo pasien lg bnyk ya terpaksa berdiri. Untuk pelayanan tiap bagian, termasuk baik ? Alur pendaftaran klo pasien rawat jalan, ke petugas pendaftaran di depan (ada 3 petugas). Habis itu masuk menuju bagian tensi sekaligus nyerahin surat periksa/rujukan. Tunggu sampai giliran dipanggil periksa di poli yg dituju, selesai diperiksa keluar dulu nunggu resep tar dipanggil di bagian tensi td, baru kemudian ke bagian farmasi. *Pendaftaran bisa di hari H dengan resiko dapet nomer antrian banyak. Atau daftar sehari sebelum periksa bisa jg via WA. Jadwal dokter dan info lainnya bisa dilihat di instagram @pkumuhammadiyahkutowinangun Fasilitas parkir buat motor lumayan muat banyak. Buat mobil yang agak susah karena tempatnya kecil, cuma terbatas beberapa mobil
This PKU Hospital is located a bit inside from the Kutowinangun highway. The hospital is really small, much smaller than PKU Sruweng especially Gombong, even a glimpse from the front of the puskesmas, but the service is quite maximum, the facilities are also complete, there are radiology, laboratories, etc. Accepting general patients and BPJS. First impression at this hospital, the registration space is narrow. The poly room is also in the form of a small room with wooden windows, similar to a boarding house . There are plenty of waiting room chairs, but if there are more patients, they have to stand up. For the service of each part, including good ? The registration flow for outpatients goes to the registration officer at the front (there are 3 officers). After that, go to the tension section as well as submit a check/referral letter. Wait until your turn is called to check at the destination poly, after checking out, wait for the tar prescription to be called at the td tension section, then to the pharmacy department. *Registration can be done on the D day with the risk of getting a lot of queue numbers. Or register the day before the check, you can also via WA. Doctor's schedule and other info can be seen on Instagram @pkumuhammadiyahkutowinangun Parking facilities for motorbikes can fit quite a lot. Make a car that is a bit difficult because the place is small, only limited to a few cars

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