Puskesmas Windusari - Magelang Regency

2.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Puskesmas Windusari

Address :

Jl. Kyai Arof No.28, Gedegan, Windusari, Magelang Regency, Central Java 56152, Indonesia

Postal code : 56152
Opening hours :
Monday 7AM–2PM
Tuesday 7AM–2PM
Wednesday 7AM–2PM
Thursday 7AM–2PM
Friday 7–11AM
Saturday 7AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Kyai Arof No.28, Gedegan, Windusari, Magelang Regency, Central Java 56152, Indonesia
Aria Satia on Google

Pelayanan jelek, bidannya gabisa, ijazah nembak kali ya.
Bad service, the midwife can't work, the diploma is a shot.
HudaGraphy on Google

Pelayanan kurang memadai dan kurang ramah. Pegawainya kurang memperhatikan pasien. Ambulance nya juga jarang diopresikan. Sering kali pasien yang dirujuk untuk ke rumah sakit harus mencari kendaraan lain untuk kesana.
Inadequate and less friendly service. The employees pay less attention to patients. Ambulance is also rarely oppressed. Often patients referred to hospitals have to find other vehicles to get there.
Win D on Google

Hari ini saya merasa di rugikan waktu dan uang ,, Saya datang ke puskesmas jam 09,00,ngambil nomer antrian udah dapat nomr 77, padahal pas saya dtg baru sampai nomr 30 an, lama nunggu sampai di panggil ke tempat pendaftaran,, tanya mau bersihin karang gigi bisa? Mbknya bilang bisa,, ok di suruh antri lagi di depan poli gigi ,sampai jam 11an, setelah smpai di ruangan poli gigi dsuruh berbaring,, dokter bertanya mau di cabut ,,? Saya bilang mau bershin karang gigi eh gak taunya dokter bilang alatnya rusak ,, Kalo memang alat rusak kenapa pas di pendaftaran gak bilang alat rusak,, jd gak repot repot antri,,
Today I feel disadvantaged in time and money ,, I came to the health center at 09.00, taking the queue number already numbered 77, even though when I arrived at number 30, I waited until I was called to the registration place, asked how to clean the tartar? Might say you can, ok told to queue again in front of the dental poly, until 11 o'clock, after arrived in the poly-dental room, lying down, the doctor asked to be pulled out? I said you wanted tartar, eh, didn't you know, the doctor said the device was broken, If indeed the device is broken, why is it right when it's registered, doesn't say the device is broken, so it doesn't bother to queue ,,
Didi Sunardi on Google

Pelayanan sangan mengecewakan,.saya jatuh dari motor tangan dan kaki robek..dan banyak memar minta dibuati SDR buat ijin kerja,.gk dibuatin.cuman dibuatin surat ijin berobat.trus bayar pakai BPJS gk bisa beralasan karena masuk IGD..gk masuk akal. Tolong pimpinan perbaiki kinerja perawat di puskesmas windusari terutama perihal pelayanan.mereka seakan menyepelekan warga desa yg mau berobat.
The service was very disappointing, I fell off the motorbike, my hands and feet were torn.. and a lot of bruises asked for an SDR to be made for a work permit,. I didn't make it. I only made a medical permit. Then paying using BPJS couldn't be reasoned because it was in the ER.. it doesn't make sense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please the leaders improve the performance of nurses at the Windusari Health Center, especially regarding services. They seem to underestimate the villagers who want to seek treatment.
anshori rosyid on Google

Alhamdulillah puskesmas windusari sekarang sudah lebih baik bagus dari beberapa tahun terakhir dari segi fasilitas dan layanan. Walau masih banyak juga kekurangan a.l. 1. tidak adanya bilik khusus ibu menyusui, 2. permainan/ tempat khusus anak dan 3. bacaan literasi tentang kesehatan (pamflet, brosur, buku) 4. Semoga pelayanannya juga makin baik, ramah dan responsif informatif.
Thank God the windusari health center is now better than the last few years in terms of facilities and services. Although there are still many shortcomings a.l. 1. the absence of special cubicles for breastfeeding mothers, 2. games/special places for children and 3. reading literacy about health (pamphlets, brochures, books) 4. Hopefully the service will also be better, friendly and responsive, informative.
Tri Pujiani on Google

Pelayanan bagian administrasi judess galakk bgt Tolong lebih ramah sedikit kalo melayani
Judess administration service is really fierce Please be a little more friendly when serving
Rahmatika Sari on Google

Pelayanan jelek Bagian administrasi dan pendaftaran ditingkatkan jgn jutek2 masak belum apa2 sudah dijuteki bikin badmood Terimakasih
Bad service The administration and registration sections have been improved. Don't worry about cooking, it's okay to make a bad mood Thank you
Ikhsana Arba on Google

Tempat vaksin gratis untuk masyarakat umum. Pelayanan makin baik. Semoga terus dipertahankan kecepatan dan ketanggapan dari tenaga kesehatannya. Mantabb.
Free vaccines for the general public. Service is getting better. Hopefully the speed and responsiveness of the health workers will continue to be maintained. great.

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