PUSKESMAS PLAWAD - Kabupaten Karawang

2.2/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Krajan Rt.010 Rw.02, Plawad, Palawad, Kec. Karawang Tim., Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41314, Indonesia

Postal code : 41314
Categories :

Krajan Rt.010 Rw.02, Plawad, Palawad, Kec. Karawang Tim., Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41314, Indonesia
Dedy Rahmadi on Google

Pelayanan kok lama ya,apa mentang2 gratis?kan situ digaji untuk pekerjaan ini
Why does the service take so long, is it free? Are you paid for this job?
Bee on Google

Pelayanan kurang.. Pegawainya ketus
Service is lacking.. The staff is curt
Kintan Pertiwi on Google

Pelayanan nya tidak baik sudah lama proses nya, orang mya ketus semua
The service is not good, the process has taken a long time, people are all angry
Muhammad Ramdhan on Google

Bagus tidak membeda2kan yg umum atau kis, berobat gratis dan sesuai antrian
It's good not to discriminate between the general ones or kis, free treatment and according to the queue
Elis Rahman on Google

Pelayanan sangattttt burukkk....tempatnya jg enggak bgt dehh
The service is really bad... the place isn't great either
Toyib Eureka on Google

Jangan mau berobat disini,antri lama,pelayananan nya judes semua,tolong pecat semua kalau bisa!
Don't want to get treatment here, long queues, all the service sucks, please fire everyone if you can!
Panji Abdi on Google

pegawai ketus semua udh tidak mementingkan pelayanan publik, jam 12 sudah pd plg,harus nya kan jam 3 sore.. kecewa org2 pd mo vaksin hari sbtu udh ngeluangin/ngorbanin waktu jauh2 di suruh hari senin...tolonglah SDM petugas puskesmas klo emg gx niat bkn dari hati untuk melayani publik masyarakat mending gx jd petugas puskesmas z
The staff are curt, all of them don't care about public services, at 12 o'clock it's already plg, it should be at 3 pm.. disappointed that people at the time of the vaccine on Saturday have spent/sacrificed time away from being told Monday...help the human resources of the puskesmas staff if not the intention is not from the heart to serve the public, it's better not to be a puskesmas officer z
Nursohib M on Google

Sedang dalam perbaikan, sementara dialihkan /pindah sementara lokasinya tidak jauh sekitar 50 meter. Di lokasi Puskesmas Plawad sementara tetap melaksanakan Vaksinasi.
Under construction, temporarily diverted / moved while the location is not far about 50 meters. At the Plawad Health Center, while still carrying out vaccinations.

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