Puskesmas Perumnas 2 - Kota Bks

2.8/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Puskesmas Perumnas 2

Address :

Jl. Belut Raya No.1, RT.01/RW.06, Kayuringin Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17144, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +8899
Postal code : 17144
Opening hours :
Monday 7:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–2PM
Thursday 7:30AM–2PM
Friday 7:30AM–2PM
Saturday 7:30AM–3PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Belut Raya No.1, RT.01/RW.06, Kayuringin Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17144, Indonesia
Jarot Jay on Google

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Pelayanan sangat tidak ramah untuk yg jaga pendaftaran tidak ada senyum sama sekali malah sangat jutek, disini pelayanan publik mohon ditingkatkan lagi
The service is very unfriendly for those who take care of registration, there is no smile at all, in fact it is very dirty, here public services please improve again
Leta Septiyani on Google

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Barusan saya mau daftar ternyata sekarang harus scan barcode petugas didepan bagian cek suhu pelayanan nya sama sekali gak ada sopan2nya gak ada ramah2ny ...bukannya memberikan penjelasan malah main tinggal aja...klw bisa di ganti aja ganti petugasnya yang kerja dr hati yg ramah baik dan sopan.
I just wanted to register, it turns out that now I have to scan the barcode of the officer in front of the service temperature check section, there is absolutely no politeness, there is no friendliness ... instead of giving an explanation, I just play and stay ... if you can replace it, replace the officer who works from a friendly heart nice and polite.
Bunga Theresia on Google

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Mau vaksin aja ribet,saya udh 3 kali bolak balik ke sini,pertama alasannya di hari rabu,saya datang di hari rabu,katanya sudah habis,besok ada lagi kak bisa datang kalau besok untuk astra bisa kok,kebesokkannya saya datang alasannya astra hari rabu kalau hari ini saya buka sayang dong kalau cuma untuk 1 org doang,dari bagian no antri juga udh salah,bisa bisanya saya dapat no antrian padahal vaksin nya sudah habis,tolong lebih diperhatikan lagi ya untuk kerjanya Trimakasih
I just want to get vaccinated, it's complicated, I've been back and forth here 3 times, the first reason is on Wednesday, I came on Wednesday, they said it's finished, tomorrow there's more, Sis, you can come tomorrow, if you can do it tomorrow for Astra, the next day I'll come because Astra is Wednesday If I open it today, I'm sorry, if it's only for 1 person, the no queue section is also wrong, can I usually get a queue number even though the vaccine has run out, please pay more attention to how it works Thanks
Aden Abi on Google

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Menurut aku sih puskesmas perumnas 2 sudah cukup baik ya..memanusiakan manusia sih..secara aku pernah ke puskes lain lbh kacau pelayanannya..vaksin aja lempar sana lempar sini..padahal wilayahnya.. Aku bkn wilayah perumnas 2 tp di terima baik di perumnas.. Klo pun ada yg ngerasa pelayanannya kurang ya wajar lah..namanya manusia pasti ada cape..tp balik lg sih liat ke kitanya apakah kitanya sopan atau nyebelin.. Secara aku pun kerja di pelayanan..
In my opinion, the Perumnas 2 Public Health Center is good enough. I'm not in Perumnas 2 area, but I was well received at Perumnas.. Even if there are those who feel that the service is lacking, it's only natural.. the name of a human being must be tired.. but again, I'll see if we are polite or annoying.. I also work in the service...
Anggun Prawar on Google

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Bersih, pelayanannya sangat baik dan cukup lengkap. Notes: Hanya untuk masyarakat yg tertib, mau antri & effort. Untuk masyarakat yg gak mau effort lebih, gak mau antri, maunya buru2, maunya diprioritaskan, silahkan nabung yg bnyk dan datang ke RS bonafit.
Clean, the service is very good and quite complete. Notes: Only for people who are orderly, willing to queue & effort. For people who don't want more effort, don't want to queue, want to hurry, want to be prioritized, please save a lot and come to a bona fide hospital.
dien pramesti hapsari on Google

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Semua petugasnya judeeesss, galak, ngga ramah, dan kasar.. knp kasar? Ktimbang tangan ank naro diatas meja pas mw disuntik aja di geser kasar + diomelin!! bertahun2 ngga ada perubahan. Jauuuhh bgt bedanya sm puskesmas di kelapa gading, koja yg pernah sy datangin utk berobat. Percuma renov tempatnya tp ngga ada perubahan servicenya.
All the officers are judeeesss, fierce, unfriendly, and rude.. why rude? Weigh Naro's hand on the table when I'm getting an injection, it's rubbed roughly + scolded!! no change in years. It's very different from the puskesmas in Kelapa Gading, Koja, which I have visited for treatment. It's useless to renovate the place but there is no change in the service.
Bima Tri Sakti on Google

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Pelayanan baik menurutku, cepat tanggap, obat yang diberikan juga bagus.. apresiasi buat petugas puskesmas terutama ibu receptionist yang tegas namun sangat membantu.
The service is good in my opinion, responsive, the medicine given is also good.. appreciation for the puskesmas officers, especially the receptionist, who is firm but very helpful.
Yusuf Yanuardi on Google

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FYI sy pasien terkonfirmasi (+) covid 19 dan sedang isoman. Anak istri setelah swab negatif langsung sy pulangkan ke kampung, otomatis sy tinggal sendiri. Awalnya kagum saat sy (+) esok hari nya langsung dihubungi bidan dan ditanyai macam2, padahal belum lapor. Mungkin terintegrasi dengan data PeduliLindungi ya. Sy kemudian dimintai antar fotocopy macam2 (ktp, kk, domisili, hasil test) ke puskesmas, mungkin untuk data dan tebus obat. Oke sy sanggupin krn memang ada stok berkasnya dirumah. Sy jalan2 loh ini ke puskesmas dengan status (+). (Padahal berkas2nya beberapa sudah dikirim soft file ke WA bidan) Sekitar 6 hari kemudian dimintai lagi dong berkas yg sama untuk data PCR bla..bla.. mana yg diminta rangkap banyak. Ini kan berarti sy yg berstatus (+), harus jalan2 ke puskesmas (lagi), ke tukang fotocopy, ke rumah pak RT/ RW untuk bikin domisili.. ga bisa perbanyak kah dari berkas sebelumnya? Saran, ini zaman apa2 sdh digital, itu sistem online sayang ga dimaksimalin. Mobile JKN ada, PeLin ada, atau gampangnya via WA sj kan cukup. Padahal KTP, KK, SIM udah bikin online dan sering bocor pula datanya, ini masih aja dimintain FOTOCOPY nya :( Atau anggarin inventaris printer/fotocopy deh di puskesmas. Ga ada empati banget orang (+) suruh seliweran bolak balik perbanyak dan anter berkas. Kecewa sih, tapi ya Alhamdulillah bersyukur masih bisa pakai BPJS, obat masih dikasih dan berbagai fasilitas lainnya. (walaupun banyak ga kepake krn ribet) Nyari kontrakan deket puskesmas, ekspektasi biar apa2 gampang, taunya RIBET. Semoga ada perbaikan.
FYI, my patient is confirmed (+) covid 19 and is isoman. My wife and children after a negative swab I immediately returned to my village, automatically I lived alone. At first I was amazed when I (+) the next day the midwife was immediately contacted and asked various questions, even though I had not reported it. Maybe it's integrated with PeduliProtect data, yes. I was then asked to send photocopies of various kinds (KTP, KK, domicile, test results) to the puskesmas, maybe for data and to redeem drugs. Okay, I can afford it because there are indeed stock files at home. I went for a walk to the puskesmas with the status (+). (Even though some of the soft files have been sent to the midwife's WA) About 6 days later, they asked again for the same file for PCR data blah..blah.. which one was asked for in many copies. This means that I have (+) status, I have to go to the puskesmas (again), to a photocopier, to the house of Mr. RT/RW to make a domicile.. Can't reproduce it from the previous file? Suggestion, this is a digital era, it's an online system, unfortunately it's not maximized. Mobile JKN is available, PeLin is available, or simply via WA is enough. Even though ID cards, family cards, SIMs have been made online and the data often leaks, it's still asking for a PHOTOCOPY :( Or budget for the printer/photocopy inventory at the puskesmas. There is really no empathy for people (+) telling me to multiply back and forth and send files. I'm disappointed, but thank God, I'm grateful that I can still use BPJS, medicine is still given and various other facilities. (although many don't use it because it's complicated) Looking for a rental near the puskesmas, the expectation is that everything will be easy, you know, RIBET. Hopefully there is an improvement.

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