Puskesmas Kranggan Serpong - Kota Tangerang Selatan

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Puskesmas Kranggan Serpong

Address :

Jembatan, Kranggan, Kec. Setu, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15312, Indonesia

Postal code : 15312
Categories :

Jembatan, Kranggan, Kec. Setu, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15312, Indonesia
Ajis Gunawan on Google

Tolong ya bpk ibu yang bekerja di tempat ini ketika jam oprasional sudah mulai ya seharusnya sudah melayani yang berobat, bukan jam oprasional di gunakan untuk brifing, jika mau briping sebaiknya karyawan datang lebih awal. Thanks tolong perbaikannya.
Please, ladies and gentlemen, who work in this place when the operational hours have started, yes, you should have served those who seek treatment, not operational hours are used for briefings, if you want briefing, employees should come early. Thanks please repair.
Khama Mi on Google

tgl 06 agustus 2021,sy sklrga berobat ke Puskesmas kranggan,alhamdulillah pelayanan nya rama,bagus dan sangat membantu?
August 06, 2021, I'm currently getting treatment at the Kranggan Health Center, thank God the service is friendly, good and very helpful?
Zona Memories on Google

Hari rabu 07 juli 2021 jam 08.15 Pertama dan terakhir datang ke lokasi. Tolong pihak puskesmas, untuk di didik atau di bina petugas yang ada di gerbang. Kalau bukan di negara hukum sudah saya keplak tuh orang?
Wednesday 07 July 2021 at 08.15 First and last time coming to the location. Please the puskesmas, to be educated or fostered by the officers at the gate. If it wasn't in a state of law, would I have denied it?
Jakia tunnisa on Google

Tolong ya bpk ibu yang bekerja di tempat ini ketika jam oprasional sudah mulai ya seharusnya sudah melayani yang berobat, bukan jam oprasional di gunakan untuk ngobrol, pasien covid di anggurin dari jam 12 sampe 15. 15 , parah banget .
Please, ladies and gentlemen, who work at this place when operational hours have started, they should have served those who seek treatment, not operational hours used to chat, Covid patients are treated from 12 to 15.15, really bad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
muhammad novian on Google

Pelayanan sangat ramah, sangat membantu dalam keadaan kecelakaan yg darurat. Terimakasih atas kenyamanan yg diberikan
Very friendly service, very helpful in an emergency accident. Thank you for the convenience provided
[email protected] latanza on Google

Anak saya tengah malem berobat katanya gpp..jgn panik kata dokternya pas dibawa balik langsung kambuh lagi hampir aja knpa"..dan sekarang dirawat di RS vitalaya dan kata dokternya harus dirawat..gak habis pikir cara penanganan nya..anak saya tuh 1 THN aja blom gak ada rasa empatinya
My son is taking treatment at night, he says it's okay.. don't panic. Thn, there's no sense of empathy
Sri Mulyani on Google

Sangat membantu jadwal terupdet untuk vaksin wilayah keranggan dan Kademangan, pelayanan sangat Ramah, Petugas sangat Tanggap dokter, Perawat dan para Bidan cantik cantik baik, sangat ramah, Rapih dan Sopan... Terima Kasih PKM keranggan. Terus di tinggalkan?????
Very helpful, the updated schedule for vaccines in the shells and Kademangan areas, the service is very friendly, the staff is very responsive to doctors, nurses and midwives are beautiful and beautiful, very friendly, neat and polite... Thank you PKM keranggan. Keep on leaving
hermawan py on Google

1. Lokasinya di pinggi jalan lingkar selatan serpong.Sebelah kiri jalan , turunan sebelum Jembatan Kali Cisadane. 2. Pada waktu itu skitar bulan Juli 2020 (sudah masuk masa pandemi covid19) mau urus surat keterangan dokter 3. Datang di hari sabtu ke puskesmas ini. Karena pertama kalinya ke puskesmas kranggan,jadi ya lngsung tanya2 aja ke petugas di bagian depan. Kemudian diminta isi beberapa dokumen 4. Bapak2, mas2,dan mbak2nya yg bertugas cukup membantu ketika kita bertanya2 5. Sekitar 15-20menut menunggu akhirnya dipanggil oleh petugas. 6. Menurutt pengalaman saya, overall pelayanan sih oke ya
1. The location is on the south ring road of Serpong. On the left side of the road, the descent is before the Cisadane River Bridge. 2. At that time around July 2020 (it was already the covid19 pandemic period) I wanted to take care of a doctor's certificate 3. Come on Saturday to this health center. Because it's the first time I've been to the Kranggan Public Health Center, so just ask the officers at the front. Then asked to fill in some documents 4. The ladies and gentlemen who are on duty are quite helpful when we ask questions 5. About 15-20 minutes of waiting was finally called by the officer. 6. According to my experience, the overall service is okay

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