Puskesmas Gebang - Purworejo Regency

2.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Puskesmas Gebang

Address :

Krajan I, Bendosari, Gebang, Purworejo Regency, Central Java 54191, Indonesia

Postal code : 54191
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–12PM
Tuesday 8AM–12PM
Wednesday 8AM–12PM
Thursday 8AM–12PM
Friday 8–10AM
Saturday 8–11AM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Krajan I, Bendosari, Gebang, Purworejo Regency, Central Java 54191, Indonesia
Gregy Aprianto on Google

Pelayanan kurang bgtu sigap
Service is not very fast
lukman semedi on Google

Lumayan lah antrinya
Not bad the queue
Imam Setiyawan on Google

Pelayanannya kurang oke...sangat tidak ramah
The service is not okay...very unfriendly
Live score update on Google

Untuk recepsionis nya perlu lebih ramah lagi. Kita berobat bukan meminta2
The receptionist needs to be more friendly. We seek treatment instead of asking
titi prasetyani on Google

Pertama kali mau periksa disini. Dokternya sih oke. Tapi bagian resepsionisnga sangat tidak ramah, seharusnya sebagai pelayanan masyarakat kondisi apapun harus ramah dan sabar. Trims
First want to check here. The doctor is okay. But the receptionist is not very friendly, it should be as a community service any condition must be friendly and patient. Thanks
edi recon on Google

Pelayanan gk terbuka petugas sweb antigen jugaa gk menunjukan hasil sweb nya, dan waktu di tanya lagi malah dicuwekin gk bilang apa apa Pokonya gk mencerminkan pelayanan yg baik, semoga kedepannya ditingkatkan terkait kesopanan dalam melayani masyarakat, karena mungkin bayarnya murah kali ya jadi ngelayaninnya kaya ngelayani orang yg gk bayar tadi kalau minta bayar ngomong kan bisa ku bayar gk gitu juga ngelayanin orang Terimakasih
The service is not open, the antigen sweb officer also doesn't show the results of the sweb, and when asked again, he doesn't say anything The point is that it doesn't reflect good service, hopefully in the future it will be improved regarding politeness in serving the community, because maybe the pay is cheap, so it's like serving people who didn't pay before, if you ask to pay, you can say that I can pay, it's not the same as serving people Thank you
Denita Adi on Google

Puskesmas sini sangat tidak bagus dan sangat mengecewakan, apa lg dokter nya yg cewek sangat2 tdk ada rasa empati nya sma pasien, minta rujukan d susah2 in gak jelas pasien lemah kondisi nya sma sekali tdk maklum,, kan pasti ada alasan kuat knp pasien tdk hadir dan d wakilkan bkn krn kita ngarang2 gx jls, spa yg mau ngarang2 pke antri pnjg kali lebar. dokter RS aj bs maklum kok situ gx ada maklum nya sm sekali.
The health center here is not very good and very disappointing, what's more, the female doctor really doesn't have empathy for the patient, asking for a referral is difficult, it's not clear if the patient is weak, his condition is completely uninformed, right, there must be a strong reason why the patient is not present and not being represented, because we didn't make it up, the spas who want to make things up use long queues. The hospital doctor can understand why there is no understanding at all.
pramitha emsa on Google

harus sabar sesabar"nya nih kalau mau swab disini, yakinn mau swab tapi nunggu petugasnya lamaaaaaaaaa, nunggu dari bagian pelayanan selesai dlu baru swab, gilaaa gilaa.. daftar pagi, sama dftr siang sama aja swabnya bareng jika kurang SDM rekrutlah SDM lagi, masyarakat akan berkesan dan mmberi dmpak positif jika pelayanannya itu tepat waktu dan cekatan Perlu evaluasi bagi petugasnya kalau misal pelayanan pengaduannya rata" seperti ini semua
you have to be patient if you want to swab here, rest assured want to swab but wait for the officer for a long time, wait from the service department to finish before swab, crazy crazy.. register in the morning, register in the afternoon, the swab is the same if there is a shortage of human resources, recruit more human resources, The community will be impressed and have a positive impact if the service is timely and agile An evaluation is needed for the officers if for example the complaint service is average "like this all"

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