Puskesmas Badak Putih Kotabatu - Bogor City

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Puskesmas Badak Putih Kotabatu

Address :

Gg. H. Mukarom No.I, RT.03/RW.05, Batu City, Ciomas, Bogor City, West Java 16610, Indonesia

Postal code : 16610
Opening hours :
Monday 7AM–12PM
Tuesday 7AM–12PM
Wednesday 7AM–12PM
Thursday 7AM–12PM
Friday 7AM–12PM
Saturday 7AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Gg. H. Mukarom No.I, RT.03/RW.05, Batu City, Ciomas, Bogor City, West Java 16610, Indonesia
Ruby Vidia Kusumah on Google

Fasilitas kurang lengkap, tidak rawat inap, kemarin kesana dokter yang ingin ditemui tidak Ada di tempat.... Pas Covid begini, pasien Masuk sebagian2... Cuma antrian diluar tidak disediakan fasilitas berteduh... Tidak terbayang orang yg sakit antri di tempat panas
Incomplete facilities, no inpatient care, yesterday the doctor who wanted to be met was not in place .... When Covid was like this, the patient entered some of it ... Only queues outside were not provided shelter facilities ... Can not imagine sick people queuing on the spot hot
Khalil Shaleh on Google

sebagai warga desa kota batu,amat sangat kecewa dengan pelayanan pihak puskesmas kota batu,dalam tata ramah suda tidak seperti orang yg bependidikan,muka asem pada pasien,kami ini bayar anda dengan senang hati untuk berobat bukan untuk di kasi pelayanan yg dengan keburukkan atitude anda,anda sebagai pihak puskesamas diberilah atittude yg baik,ditanya soal jadwal vaksin tidak ada jawaban sama sekali? tolong pihak dinas kesehatan untuk puskemas kota batu dan dinas kesehatan seindonesia tegur para pelayan puskesmas kota batu agar berprilakh baik pada pasien
As a resident of Batu City Village, very very disappointed with the services of the Batu City Health Center, in a friendly manner, it is not like educated people, sour faces on patients, we are happy to pay you for treatment, not to give you services that are bad for your attitude You, as the health center, were given a good attitude, when asked about the vaccine schedule, there was no answer at all? help the health office for the Batu City Health Center and the health service throughout Indonesia reprimand the staff of the Batu City Public Health Center to be kind to the patient
Hery Suko on Google

Bagian pendaftran emng agak jutek "mungkin lelah" tapi selebihnya baik kok seperti pelayanannya dan cepat juga
The registration section is a bit messy "maybe tired" but the rest is good, like the service and fast too
Tika Yulianti Rahmah on Google

Alhamdulillah sejauh ini puas untuk pelayanan dipuskesmas kota batu ramah. Saran nya untuk pelayanan ditingkatkan lagi ?
Alhamdulillah, so far, we are satisfied with the friendly service at the Batu City Health Center. His suggestions for service to be improved again
Naufal Ammar Nurfadilah on Google

Alhamdulillah,vaksinasi di PKM Kotabatu dan pelayanan di KIA nya ramah tamah.tingkatkan lagi pelayanan dengan 5 S..
Alhamdulillah, vaccinations at PKM Kotabatu and services at KIA are friendly. Improve service again with 5 S..
Feren Teresa on Google

Pelayanan buruk , bagian pendaftaran songong songong , puskesmas itu singkatan dari pusat kesehatan masyarakat bukan pusat kesialan masyarakat karna berobat d puskesmas kota batu ini , yuhuuu dinas kesehatan pantau dong jangan didiemin baee
Bad service, songong songong registration section, puskesmas stands for community health center, not community misfortune center because treatment is at this stone city health center, yuhuuu, the health department is monitoring it, don't let it go baee
Siti Rimaya on Google

Saya berumur 20 keatas melihat lansia berbondong2 menunggu giliran berobat ada yg gakuat karna pusing tapi mau gamau menunggu untuk berobat untuk kesembuhan, saya sendiri saja tidak kuat jika sakit menunggu lebih lama apalagi lansia. Pelayanan kurang, antrian udah penuh udah mau jam 9 pagi dokter sebelah belom ada masuk pasien. Ditegur sm yang baru berobat baru berjalan, staf pendaftaran berkata sabar, saya berharap beliau tidak akan mengalami apa yang kita alami di saat beliau sakit nanti nya semoga dia mendapatkan pelayanan baik dari rumah sakit agar penyakitnya segera ditanganin dengan cepat, di saat datang pagi pagi untuk agar tidak terlalu berkerumunan tapi ini malah menyebabkan berkerumunan. Kalo udah yg skarat bgt mah udah meninggal ditempat kali nunggu antrian tp yg ga berjalan malah nunggu numpuk mulu. Mereka layanan masyarakat tapi tidak melayanin masyarakat dengan benar, jika mereka mereka merasakan seperti ini saya yakin kata sabar udah tak lagi cukup, semua nya butuh tindakan cepat. Dari tahun ke tahun masih begini, semoga kedepan nya bakal menjadi lebih baik pelayanan, attitude dan kemajuan puskesmas ini.
I am 20 years old and over, seeing the elderly flocking to wait for their turn for treatment, some are not strong because they are dizzy but don't want to wait for treatment for healing, I myself am not strong enough if I am sick to wait longer, especially the elderly. The service is lacking, the queue is full, it's already 9 in the morning, the doctor next door has not yet entered the patient. Was reprimanded by SM, who had just started treatment, the registration staff said to be patient, I hope he will not experience what we experienced when he was sick, hopefully he will get good service from the hospital so that his illness is treated quickly, when he comes in the morning to not to overcrowd but this causes crowding instead. If you're already dying, I've already died at the time waiting for the queue, but those who don't run are just waiting to pile up. They serve the community but don't serve the community properly, if they feel like this, I'm sure the word patience is no longer enough, everything needs quick action. From year to year it is still like this, hopefully in the future the service, attitude and progress of this puskesmas will be better.
iip halik on Google

Ramah2 gaspoool

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