Public emergency health care - Kota Jkt Utara

3.6/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Public emergency health care

Address :

Jl. Sungai Landak No.26, RW.8, Cilincing, Kec. Cilincing, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14120, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +8
Postal code : 14120
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Rahmat Saepul on Google

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Sekelas puskesmas kecamatan harus di bedah terutama petugas pendaftaraan yg terkesan so dan ketus..boleh lah ibu tegas..tapi tata cara bahasa & penyampaian nya juga di jaga Apalagi menegur pasien dengan tidak sopan di tempat umum
The class of the sub-district health center must be surgically removed, especially the registration officer who seems so and curt. Moreover, reprimanding patients impolitely in public places
Azka Aqilla on Google

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Untuk pembuatan surat rujukan ke puskemas ini gak banget, untuk anak saya yang autis gak bisa diem gak recomment. Padahal dokter umum sudah menjelaskan tidak usah bawa anak dan TTV anak yang penting sudah ada. Tapi petugas pendaftaran diharuskan bawa anak padahal sudah dijelaskan sama saya, coba petugasnya suruh baca tanda2 anak autis yang gak bisa menunggu, kalo kita orang gak mampu anak terkena autis mau gak mau harus bikin surat rujukan dan harus kesini , coba pelayanan sama petugas entah itu petugas pendaftaran maupun medis nya ditata etikanya. Cara bicaranya tak usah ketus. Apa lagi dimasa pandemi seperti ini kita gak bsa liat senyum orang. Dengan suaranya yang ketus ampun
For making a referral letter to this health center, it's not really, for my child who has autism, I can't stay silent, I don't recommend it. Even though the general practitioner has explained that there is no need to bring children and the important TTV for children is already there. But the registration officer is required to bring the child even though it has been explained to me, try asking the officer to read the signs of an autistic child who can't wait, if we people can't afford a child with autism, inevitably we have to make a referral letter and have to come here, try the service with the officer, whether it's an officer both registration and medical ethics are regulated. There's no need to be rude in his way of speaking. What's more, during a pandemic like this we can't see people's smiles. With his curmudgeonly voice
Nabilah Maharani on Google

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pelayanan petugas nya buruk. dokternya sih baik baik, tapi petugas nya minus attitude. orang belom kelar ngomong udah dipotong aja, jawabnya juga ngegas. yang namanya kerja di pelayanan itu harus ramah, kalo ga sanggup mending dikasih kesempatan nya ke org lain. masih banyak org yang mau kerja. sama yang lansia aja ketus apalagi sama yg muda, hadeh pendidikan tinggi tapi tidak ada adab sama aja bohong. ga yang cewe yang cowo sama aja sama sama ketus. klo emg bpjs tdk bisa dipakai setidaknya kasih opsi lain. dikira saya gabisa bayar pakai uang sendiri segala dibilang "mahal". saya jg ga ngarepin bpjs kepake udah nyiapin uang sendiri kali.
the staff service is bad. the doctor is good, but the staff has a minus attitude. people haven't finished saying it's been cut, the answer is also gassy. The name of working in the service must be friendly, if you can't afford it, it's better to give the opportunity to someone else. there are still many people who want to work. Just like the elderly, especially the young ones, having higher education but no etiquette is just lying. not a girl who is a boy is just the same as curt. If you can't use BPJS, at least give another option. I thought I couldn't pay with my own money, everything was said to be "expensive". I also don't expect bpjs to be used, I've prepared my own money this time.
Ade Sunarya on Google

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Selamat sore , Kemaren mlm jam 19:00 kurang lebih Saya mau berobatin anak saya , tp karna anak saya tdk pakai masker saya di tolak dan harus cari masker dulu,padahal badan anak saya sdh panas tinggi ,dan logikanya anak saya ini anak kecil ,dalam keadaan sehat aja kdg tidak mau utk pakai masker apa lg dlm keadaan sakit, jd saya putuskan utk berobat ke tempat lain, padahal saya pilih rujukan bpjs saya di puske.cilincing tp pelayananya begini. Trima kasih
Good afternoon , Yesterday at 19:00 at approximately 19:00 I wanted to treat my child, but because my child was not wearing a mask I was refused and had to find a mask first, even though my child's body is already hot, and logically my child is a small child, in good health Sometimes I don't want to wear a mask when I'm sick, so I decided to go to another place for treatment, even though I chose my BPJS referral at the puske.cilincing but the service is like this. Thanks
Sa Diah on Google

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Pelayanannya buruk, tadi saya dateng jam setengah 6 kurang antrian vaksin dapet nomer ke 2, tensi dan wawancara nya bener di antrian ke 2. Tapi pas mau masuk ke bagian vaksinnya disitu ada petugas puskesmas tapi ibu-ibu petugas itu belom mintain kertas vaksinnya. Jadi saya naro kertas vaksin saya dimeja barengan dengan urutan ke 1 dan ke 3 jadi satu ditumpuk. Akhirnya ibu peetugas itu ngasih tau KLO kertasnya boleh dikasih ke ibu itu, pas saya mau ambil itu bilang "gak usah nanti saya yang ngatur" akhirnya saya protes saya antrian nomer 2 Bu. Dan pertugas itu bilang "saya yang ngatur sesuai urutan" lah percuma dong saya Dateng pagi KLO gak sesuai urutan. Ibu-ibu petugasnya nyolot banget gak beretika. Tolong ya, diajarin lagi tentang caranya beretika yang baik sama orang lain, jangan mentang-mentang petugas jadi seenaknya sendiri. Saya Dateng pagi itu biar cepet selesai. KLO ujung-ujungnya gak seusai urutan mendingan saya Dateng siang.
The service is bad, I arrived at half past 6 when the vaccine queue got number 2, the tension and the interview were right in the 2nd queue. But when I wanted to go to the vaccine section there was a puskesmas officer but the staff didn't ask for the vaccine paper. So I put my vaccine paper on the table together with the 1st and 3rd order in one stack. Finally, the officer's mother told me that if the paper could be given to the mother, when I wanted to take it she said "no need, I'll take care of it" I finally protested that I was queue number 2, Mrs. And the clerk said "I'll arrange it in the order" it's useless, I'll come in the morning if it's not in the order. The officers' mothers are very unethical. Please, teach me more about how to be ethical with other people, don't just make the officers go their own way. I came that morning to finish quickly. If in the end, it's not after the order, I'd better come in the afternoon.
i The TV on Google

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Muhammad Rizki on Google

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24 jam weekend

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