PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Demak - Demak Regency

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Demak

Address :

Jl. Semarang - Demak No.Km 9, Purworejo, Purwosari, Sayung, Demak Regency, Central Java 59563, Indonesia

Postal code : 59563
Categories :

Jl. Semarang - Demak No.Km 9, Purworejo, Purwosari, Sayung, Demak Regency, Central Java 59563, Indonesia
Muhammad Rio Adityawan on Google

Alangkah baik nya. Di dalam area pabrik di sediakan kantin biar supir-supir bisa makan lebih dekat,gk usah harus jalan sebrang jalan., Sediakan parkir motor dan mobil, klo bisa di beri tempat teduh nya. Biar kendaraan yg kita bawa tidak kepanasan.
It is better. Inside the factory area, a canteen is provided so that the drivers can eat more closely. You don't have to go across the street. Provide motorcycle and car parking, if you can give it a shade. So that the vehicle we carry doesn't overheat.
Aris Emkave on Google

Satpamnya bagus, tegas tapi sangat sopan, ok lah
The security guard is good, firm but very polite, ok lah
FF_R_I_O gaming on Google

Kinerja pekerjy oc oc
The performance of the oc oc workers
Siti Muawaroh on Google

Klau mau jual jagung di pabrik prosesnya gimna ya
If you want to sell corn at the factory, what's the process?
Khabib Alkhabsyi on Google

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb Mohon maaf sebelumnya, apakah Perusahaanya Masih membutuhkan karyawan?
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings Sorry in advance, does the company still need employees?
Ahmad Alfarizi on Google

Tempatku bekerja
My place works
Projek Sop on Google

Kami di tipu orang karyawan Pokphand yg ber nama usiantoro jabatan menyapu di tawarkan bekerjaan mbayar 7 juta ada 3 korban yg di tipu
We were tricked by a Pokphand employee named Agentoro, the position of sweeping, was offered a job that paid 7 million, there were 3 victims who were scammed
aba kifah on Google

Nice place

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